Is it better to be critically acclaimed or commercially acclaimed?
Is it better to be critically acclaimed or commercially acclaimed?
Commercially if you are playing popular music. Fuck the critics.
depends on your goals in life
Dear Original Poster,
Critically would lead to commercially
Jeremiah Jewenstein
The Den of Jewery
Cringy /pol/tard
The former, you play music for the people or yourself, not for the critics who are all boujie failed musician hipsters, if PEOPLE love your music, not critics, you're doing something right
>Is it better to be critically acclaimed or commercially acclaimed?
On /mu, commercial success in music is frowned upon. And, to a great extent, I get it. There has been so much garbage music that went platinum in sales. The disco wave, for example. Modern day R&B ("club" music). Boy bands. There's been so much music that was contrived, that was created with the sole purpose of maximum sales. All of the aforementioned are great arguments against commercially successful music.
Be that as it may, almost as often as there have been manufactured, shitty hit records, there have also been artists who are truly *artists.* People who make beautiful or moving music. And many of these have their feet in both camps. They are critically acclaimed AND commercially successful. Acts like The Beatles, Elvis, The Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Bruce Springsteen and so on.
So, which is better? I don't know. I think BEST is to be both. Then, next best, if you ARE the artist, is to be commercially successful, because you want to eat and have a nice house. If you're a listener, next best is probably critically acclaimed, but not commercially successful.
Again, here on this online community, you are not going to find much sympathy for commercially successful artists unless they also have a lot of stroke with the leading critics.
>The former
I think you meant the latter.
>On /mu, commercial success in music is frowned upon.
9 years ago maybe
Yeah you're right
Kiss are good awful don't care if a load of Meatheads like them
Cringy libtard
Commercially, fuck critics.
>Kiss are good
>KISS fans are all meatheads
I'm not, but ok, be judgemental and classist. You're what's wrong with critics in the first place.
I meant to say god awful
Freudian slip.
I don't like gimmicks
one means some randos on the internet think your music is good, the other means that you make a fuckton of money
fucking guess
i have principles, i dont want a bunch of retards to like my stuff
It's better to stop worshipping reviewers
I'm sorry you're so wrong.
critical success doesn't always equal quality
just look at all the critics gushing over kemasi washington and all the actual great jazz albums they ignore
Depends, do you want to make good music, or a good music career?
Critics also jerked off riot grrl and tons of mediocre woke black artists like Public Enemy, Tracey Chapman, Macy Gray, etc. Literally nobody but critics likes or cares about that shit.
kemasi Washington is almost universally regarded as a good musician though, no need to be contrarian
Critics also jerked off riot grrl and tons of mediocre woke black artists like Public Enemy, Tracy Chapman, Macy Gray, etc. Literally nobody but critics likes or cares about that shit. The worst was that corny neo-hippie shit like Arrested Development which even blacks thought was a joke.
>kemasi Washington is almost universally regarded as a good musician
yeah, by """"music critics"""" who don't actually listen to jazz enough to notice that he's actually nothing special
everyone well acquainted with jazz will notice that he's neither an outstanding saxophone player nor an outstanding composer and just got hyped because of his involvement with Kendrick
Alright cool it with the jealousy
You know you're allowed to bring up non-progressive political views in your posts on any board as long as it's at least tangentially related to the board you're posting on, right? /pol/ isn't the only place where you can have different views you know.
I'm not even taking the guy you're responding to seriously or talking about this specific case. It's just that you come across as retarded when you tell anyone who mentions something un-PC that they must be from /pol/.
As a general rule, it seems to be rock = poor or lower middle class white people music, rap = poor or lower middle class black music. Music Critics = people who don't like, belong to, and don't understand either group of people, but want to feel in on what they're not a part of so attempt to control it.
shut the fuck up
If you're commercially acclaimed then you are more likely than not critically acclaimed too.
>critics dont get the plight of the common man because they dont lap up prolefeed
I'm not even trying to defend critics but this is a shit argument that implies that lower-class people deserve no better than off-hand commercial prolefeed bullshit
The greatest of artists balance both critical and commercial success. They end up being the most influential and iconic.
Critics -- the professional ones -- are basically paid dick bags. Here's the thing. If I'm a critic, and I say everything I'm listening to is good, or, everything is bad, I'm not going to be employed for long. To be viewed as a good critic, I have to like some stuff and hate some stuff. So, maybe my reviews will be skewed with a view to keeping my job. An album I find to be a 7/10 I might rave about in my review as though it were a 9/10 or 10/10. And the converse is also true. A 4/10 album might become a 1/10 when I write about it.
Now, BESIDE ALL THAT, who the fuck cares about critics? I love my friends and my girlfriend, but SOMETIMES, they all have shitty tastes in music. I can't get my chick into the Beach Boys. She can't get me into Springsteen.
Music is HIGHLY PERSONAL. It's a highly individual pursuit. I honestly, truly, with all sincerity think Indiscreet by Sparks is the greatest album of all time. (Sgt. Pepper is #2.) No one else but the Mael Brothers (Sparks) would agree with me though. And I'm cool with that. Again, what scratches our itch with music varies so much from person to person.
christgau is the antichrist confirmed
>Now, BESIDE ALL THAT, who the fuck cares about critics?
because they have an ear for music which normies don't have. admit it, you wouldn't want your album to be critically panned.
But what if you enjoy making the music that pretentious fuckwits don't like?
>Music is HIGHLY PERSONAL. It's a highly individual pursuit. I honestly, truly, with all sincerity think Indiscreet by Sparks is the greatest album of all time. (Sgt. Pepper is #2.) No one else but the Mael Brothers (Sparks) would agree with me though. And I'm cool with that. Again, what scratches our itch with music varies so much from person to person.
Like why does one person listen to AC/DC and think yeah this rocks and another person is like fuck this redneck beer drinking tasteless trash.
A critic has no special ear for music, he's just a jackass with an opinion like everyone else.
I guess its just me. I place albums with 10/10 or five star ratings with esteem. Like sgt pepper, pet sounds stuff like that. I don't want to go back and listen to something from the 60s which has like 1 or 2 stars.
As for example the Beatles or the Stones or whatever.
>Music Critics = people who don't like, belong to, and don't understand either group of people, but want to feel in on what they're not a part of so attempt to control it
Take for instance hip-hop. They'll give it high marks because the artists are black, but they don't really _like_ hip-hop culture or what it represents and the kind of hip-hop they're actually into are hipster "art" rappers like Frank Ocean.
he made an unfunny reference to DA JEWSH when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. if that's not /pol/ then what is?
Yes we all know how beloved of critics that Journey or Celine Dion were.
Critics all want to LARP as Joe Dirt, but they don't actually like him or his beliefs, values, or music. So in the end they'll wear flannel and drink PBR while just listening to their soft hipster music.
Maybe they're not trying to offend you, maybe they're just being themselves.
Hahahhahaahahha I hate the Jews!!!!!!!!!!
>mfw hating the jews
The fact that you think that just means you're as out of touch as the critics.
We do not and never will care about the concerns, interests, or expressions of hipsters. Why do you think hipsters pretend to be into beer, shop at thrift stores, and do things like constantly appropriate shit like rock and roll, metal, and hip hop? Because they're uninteresting, music is something only the disenfranchised and lower class have ever been good at. Upper middle class, rich, and wealthy people don't have soul, something needed in any good art no matter how complex or basic, happy or sad, just anything....good art comes from those who've faced adversity, not bored people who have everything easy but want to seem cool and hip.
That goes back to the argument that Mozart was inferior to Beethoven because his music was just fluff for court balls instead of the latter's emotional, personal struggles.
I agree, but what happens then is that guys like Cuckgau go and extend this argument to mean that rock and metal are invalid because they're made by white men and white men can't be a downtrodden class by definition.
Like you'd know, fucking pencilneck
cf. Use Your Illusion. This was the music of a bunch of millionaires with access to the best recording facilities and producers. All the drive, grit, and rawness of Appetite For Destruction was lost.
Or worse, think a spoiled upper middle class black woman like Beyonce is a voice for the downtrodden.
>led zeppelin
Yo led zeppelin is garbage
Hipsters are barely even people at all.
>led zeppelin is garbage
get out
>stolen blues licks and raping 14 year old girls
Yeah it's shit.
Disliking a genre of music because white males play/listen to it is not a valid criticism.
Those two things aren't mutually-exclusive, especially when you're a 12-year-old who is le epik trolling. Either way your original point has faded away... it's pretty damn /pol/ behavior.
>they stole a few songs so lets disregard all their amazing original numbers.
also you cant just accuse people of rape lol