Attached: Kurt realizing....jpg (320x240, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is that a fucking bear?

holy shit is that kurt cobain?

my favorite megadeth song

>hated Alice In Chains
>snorted coke with them
This guy is an epitome of contradictions.

He hated the entire band of Alice In Chains?

>I can’t comment on Soundgarden because I know them personally and I really like them a lot, but I have strong feelings towards Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains and bands like that. They’re obviously just corporate puppets that are just trying to jump on the alternative bandwagon - and we are being lumped into that category.



Attached: Kurt-Cobain2.jpg (600x400, 53K)

"I can’t comment on Soundgarden because I know them personally and I really like them a lot, but I have strong feelings towards Pearl Jam and Alice In Chains and bands like that. They’re obviously just corporate puppets that are just trying to jump on the alternative bandwagon - and we are being lumped into that category. Those bands have been in the hairspray / cockrock scene for years and all of a sudden they stop washing their hair and start wearing flannel shirts. It doesn’t make any sense to me. There are bands moving from L.A. and all over to Seattle and then claim they’ve lived there all their life so they can get record deals. It really offends me."

one month later:

Kurt has so many contradictions it's unbelievable. He also gave Layne a ride home once, Layne commented on it saying:
"Kurt [Cobain] and I weren't the closest of friends, but we ran into each other at shows and hung out a lot. I knew him well enough to be devastated by his death. I just don't understand it at all. The last time I saw him, he gave me a ride from QFC on Broadway to a friend's house, the whole way there, which was about a fifteen minute drive, he talked about his daughter. For such a quiet person, he was so excited about having a child, he really loved that little girl. About a month later I saw on the news, that he was dead."

It's funny how Layne could remain calm after he had to bring Sean back to life since he OD'd with Kurt and Courtney who did jackshit and just fucked off.

...after that incident Kurt contradicted himself AGAIN, saying: "I get sick of people saying we are enemies. We don't hate each other. We are friends and we support each others bands. I know I haven't got much of a voice, but Layne has one hell of a voice."


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>just over a year until I'll be the same age as Kurt was when he an heroed

I was supposed to be famous by now

Attached: DxxdVhpX4AANOIe.jpg (761x642, 237K)

He also said he wants to become the biggest rockstar ever. Even made fake interviews with himself. And then he said he hates being famous.

Be careful what you wish for?

Well he is Bipolar
Don't he surprised

It's almost like he was a human being with flaws and shit right?

just go the Layne route
he may not be as well remembered, but the people who remember him genuinely love him. His story's more tragic by far too.

>lose all teeth
>lose 2 of your fingers
>never get over Demri
>pay employees at Toys' R'Us money so you can buy vidya there at night and not scare kids
>go to the same restaurant every day and shoot up
>beg your best friend not to leave you on the same day you die
>your body is discovered when it's already decomposing, with the static TV screen still on 2 weeks later
>nobody would have discovered or checked up on you since you cut ties with everyone if it weren't for your managers who thought it's suspicious that you haven't withdrawn money in 2 weeks and paid them
>be a NEET (with millions, quite frankly) for 6 years

Attached: layneteeth.jpg (259x194, 6K)

"It is early February in 1994 and Kurt Cobain has come to Paris with the rest of Nirvana to perform several European dates. One evening he accepts an invitation from his band members and road crew to join them at a pizzeria close to their hotel just off the Champs-Elysées. But he mistakes the address and stumbles instead into a different pizza parlour where the employees, alarmed by the bedraggled appearance of the rock icon they fail to recognise, demand that he vacate the premises.

Suddenly the diminutive Cobain becomes transfixed with blind rage. He produces a bunch of money from his pockets and tosses it dramatically into the air. Then he pulls out a loaded gun and fires a round into the pizzeria ceiling before dashing out of the restaurant and hightailing it back to his room at the Warwick Hotel, where he remains in a highly agitated frame of mind. He’s still seething the following day. “Paris is a city of discrimination,” he keeps repeating to his new drug buddy, a heroin dealer and guitarist in a Parisian rock band who, to preserve his anonymity, we’ll call Gabriel D. Cobain had overdosed at his apartment the night they met.

When Cobain arrived in France he was dazed, confused, depressed, angry and strung out. His beloved grandmother Iris had just been sent to hospital and - according to at least one biography - “the idea of her death scared him worse than [the idea of] his own”. Although he was insistent about not wanting to tour to promote Nirvana’s latest album In Utero he was under pressure to do so because they were headlining that summer’s Lollapalooza Festival and $9 million, £6 million at the time, was at stake."

Kurt was based

Attached: Kurt BASED.png (719x104, 12K)

When did he lost his fingers?

Sometime 1999, sad thing is Layne was sad about the way he looked in the end so he went into the record studio alone most of the time when he tried to get himself back together again. But we all know how Class of 99 turnede out.

Attached: layne is at it again.jpg (417x706, 131K)

>>lose 2 of your fingers
just a rumor
>>pay employees at Toys' R'Us money so you can buy vidya there at night and not scare kids
never heard that before, sounds based and Michael Jackson-pilled
>>beg your best friend not to leave you on the same day you die
Sounds like bullshit Mike Starr made up for drama on that reality tv show he was on

>he used to look like that

I guess it's true that genetics can be fought against and even the most unlucky guys can become chads

>Calling Layne Staley a poser
kys Kurt
oh wait

>just a rumor
While I don't disagree with you there, the rumor started in Class of 99 which is when other people saw him for the last time (outside of his dealer, Toys' R'Us employees and Mike) so I think there's truth to it.

>pay employees at Toys' R'Us money so you can buy vidya there at night and not scare kids

It's sad when you think about it. Guy had a heart of gold.

>beg your best friend not to leave you on the same day you die
I mean, Jerry and Sean confirmed that Mike visiteed Layne regularly while they couldn't stand Layne anymore at that point in time. So I don't know? If Mike made that up, then his death is even more devastating when you think about it.

Attached: laynee.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>Paris is a city of discrimination
>He’s still seething the following day

Attached: 57644567.jpg (1024x721, 166K)

He was a babe before Demri died and his addiction took over.

Kurt was just so funny.
>hurr durr tummy is ouchie better shoot up

But in all seriousness, his suicide was unironically an incredible achievement.
Think about it. He killed himself at the height of his fame. Young, beloved, forever good-looking and with a (back then) net worth of 150 million USD. He has achieved EVERYTHING an artist would want to achieve. Sure, there were things planned like Do Re Mi and work with R.E.M., but it wouldn't have gone anywhere. He met Burroughs, his favorite author, so even his childhood dream came true months before he killed himself.

He was depressed. Bipolar. Suffered body dysmorphia. Had a trapped nerve. Scolliosis. TMJ. Larynghitis. Bronchitis. Probably brain damage from the OD in Rome. Shit and puked every night. A heroin and coke addiction. He only suffered by the end. He wouldn't be remembered as cool and what not if he ended like Staley (although I prefer his voice over Kurt's by a mile, but the thing is just that Layne's death was so sad it was actually too sad to reach the mainstream. Kurt's was a poetic end to a story.).

Attached: End it for me, Kurt.jpg (1280x854, 95K)

do you have any more rare photos of layne in his later years?

Yeah, the one I'm missing is the one where he got dentures for a day just to kiss his nephew when he was born, then died a few months later. It's impossible to get since his mom won't post it, only talk about it. However,

Attached: layne halloween.jpg (662x494, 33K)

>the rumor started in Class of 99
The teeth rumor started then because of the sound of his voice on that track, which turned out to be true.
Pretty sure the fingers rumor started ~1994/5 when he stopped touring and started wearing gloves all the time.
There was also a short-lived rumor at that time that he lost an entire arm.

I prefer to remember him like pic related. Vocal range of a beast, good looking fella and cool as shit.

Attached: layne1991.jpg (500x561, 70K)

>tfw even if I got rich and famous I'd still be a pathetic depressed recluse in his 20s and it would likely speed up my mental collapse


>The teeth rumor started then
Didn't it start before Unplugged? I don't think anyone could deny it after he showed up to Unplugged without upper teeth.

But thanks for correcting me about the finger part. That seems more accurate.

By the way, glad Layne got to enjoy some Metal Gear before he died. Wish he would have waited at least for Metal Gear 3, though.

Attached: layne.png (330x510, 218K)

are most of the photos you've posted so far from the later years of his life? i dont even recognise the two other dudes in that one

Those are from 1998-1999, yeah. There are no official photos of him after that, only one in 2002 when his nephew was born but his mom thought it's too sad to release it. So you can only imagine how much worse he looked over those years. Poor Layne.

Here's a sketch someone in his family made of it, though.

Attached: laynesketch.png (525x540, 146K)

kinda interested to see it now. he doesnt seem to have that "green" sickly look like eddie vedder described in 1995 (in those later photos).

>to Unplugged without upper teeth.
It never crossed my mind that he didn't have upper teeth at unplugged, I can't find a photo that confirms or disproves that, so maybe it did start earlier.
He wasn't opening his mouth as much at that time so it's harder to see, but I always assumed he had teeth. The absence of teeth is easily audible in class on 99, but I never thought that about unplugged.
You can see it the best when he's performing Would, I already linked the time stamp too.

Goddamn, I feel so bad for Layne. The fact that Demri even prostituted herself when he wasn't there for drugs is just heartbreaking. I wish things would have turned out different for him.

Attached: demri and layne.jpg (285x177, 11K)

Demri was top tier in terms of physical aesthetics

Attached: demri.jpg (1600x1600, 272K)

man, ive listened to this unplugged over and over again and never noticed those lispy sounding parts in would. his voice definitely sounds more subdued in the s/t and in the mad season s/t

pretty sure he had (most of) his upper teeth in unplugged. i remember lookinf a while back and seeming them very breifly, it is hard to tell though because layne always had small teeth.

What did Kurt mean by this?

The Virgin Cobain

Attached: Kurt nude.jpg (750x755, 139K)

The Chad Staley

Attached: layne nude.jpg (1000x667, 223K)

WEW we /kidrock/ now

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