Other urls found in this thread:
There's a difference between banning art and a private business choosing who they want to go into business with. So on another note: The ignorant, harmful, and hate-filled beliefs that Morrissey clearly has no problems either spewing or associating himself with needs to stop being watered down to "different political beliefs". That makes it sound innocuous and civil when it's just straight-up not. Is this one store choosing to not sell Morrissey's albums because of his stance on gun control? Or his stance on taxation? Or his stance on health care? Or his stance on labor laws? Nah. It's because he's consistently been knowingly and willingly associating himself with islamophobes, racists, and sexists for literal decades. Bigotry and attempts to take away rights from other human beings because of their skin color or their religion are not simple "civil disagreements", and going out of your way to just paint that as "banning people's art because they have different beliefs" is downplaying a major issue
Based Moz making paki lovers mad.
Cancel culture is so stupid.
Smart phones and social media (and Obama legalizing propaganda) has caused all this.
>record store
Yeah, it changes absolutely nothing, no one cares about that anymore
t. rural and suburban retard
There's still a lot of small indie record stores in large cities.
I want off this fucking ride
I wonder how this will affect his Spotify plays... 'cause that's all that matters now. Hint: it won't affect them at all
Accept your barbaric islamic death with a smile, gay man
Morrissey is an idiot, right?
Fuck off shitskin
Chill dude. You don't belong here anymore.
rule 3 you fucking moron
Liberals know nothing about Islam, they just think it's exotic. They mistakenly believe that the homophobic ones are just a couple bad eggs and do not realize that all muslims share those extremist beliefs.
Paki here. Morrissey's just butthurt I turned down his advances at the club.
Take your /pol/tard discussions else, cretin. This is a music board.
>There's a difference between banning art and a private business choosing who they want to go into business with
I love when commies turn into libertarians when it comes to justifying censorship.
>share those extremist beliefs.
I grew up in a muslim country, and the current wave of /pol/tards and reactionaries with their obsession against "degeneracy" is a lot more widespread than homophobia was back home. You're also aware that Islam recognizes transgenders, right?
Not what you think it means.
Calm down
Save your anger for the suicide bombing, Achmed.
Let’s just ban everything lmao
>shitskin seethes when he is found out
Yeah, sounds about right
>defends Islam
>complains about taking away rights from other human beings because of their skin color or religion
It'd be cutely naive if it wasn't so pervasive and dangerous. I can't wait until the west is living under a caliphate.
It's a private store. They should have the freedom to choose what they want or don't want to stock.
Libertarian'd, bitch.
Reddit 100% supports, based!
I wanna see Moz getting milkshaked. Would be hilarious.
Did you not see the Muslims in the UK who protested at schools for teaching about homosexuality to the children? They actually took the gay stuff out of the schools too lmao
They're honestly in the right with this one.
Supports the ban?
Why do liberals hate milk products so much?
You should go celebrate with them
>this is messed up
>reddit liberal moron "I mean..."
why do all cucks start thoughts off with "i mean"
go back to r/soiheads
Publicizing it is retarded though.
>Political violence is funny!
They chose not to send their kids to an LGBT lesson. I don't agree with it (being an ex-muslim and all), but it was their choice. The school cancelled the lesson due to low attendance. Conservative outlets are framing it as "those awful muzzies strongarmed the school into cancelling lessons because they wanted to enforce sharia".
Now compare that to Alabama refusing to air an episode of Arthur that featured a same-sex marriage ceremony. That's actual state-level discrimination which people should be outraged about, but most aren't.
Have sex (with a goat)
I literally can't wait until the US becomes a socialist state and completely outlaws capitalism. I also hope they make racism and saying someone's wrong pronouns illegal too. You capitalist pig-dogs don't know what's coming to you. Inshallah.
Alabama is based for that one. I hope this continues until gays are shamed out of society once more.
Moz: "I don't think there's any time anymore to be subtle about anything, you have to get straight to the point. Obviously to get on Top Of The Pops these days, one has to be, by law, black. I think something political has occurred among Michael Hurl and his friends and there has been a hefty pushing of all these black artists and all this discofied nonsense into the Top 40. I think, as a result, that very aware younger groups that speak for now are being gagged."
Interviewer: You seem to be saying that you believe that there is some sort of black pop conspiracy being organised to keep white indie groups down.
Moz: "Yes, I really do."
You went a little too overboard. Nice try though.
There is nothing wrong with socialism. The working class here in Canada are better cared for than the working class in the US. A minor accident could literally be a death sentence if you're working class in the US.
>political post in OP
>people discuss politics
>libtards screeching REEE GO BACK TO POL when people challenge their views
How's that echo chamber working out for you?
When did modern leftists turn into useful idiots for million dollar corporations?
Based Schizo Moz.
So there are people loving muslims on a .... Music board ?
You know you are beheaded if you listen to music in an arab country right ?
Leftist are so stupid
Nothing more hilarious than rich champagne socialists who pretend to care about the working class
Proving my point. Republicans really ought to wind down on their own overt homophobia if they wanna to able to fearmonger about brown people being homophobic.
>pretending to care
Who's pretending? You have access to free healthcare no matter how poor you are here. That's not pretending.
>t. never read the koran
Good kuffar
yeah, Islam loves homos, its just fearmongering that they dont
based and islampilled
You realize most muslim countries have some sort of music scene, right? My family's full of musicians despite being from a muslim country. I played in a fucking post-punk band in middle school.
Nobody's fearmongering about "brown people" (they're called Muslims, cuck) being homophobic, but you're shitting yourself if you don't understand that the tradition of killing gays in Islamic cultures won't be ending soon (or ever). Republicans obviously aren't quite as extreme (for better or worse).
Liberals don't believe in freedom of speech because they don't realize that the government and the media will not be on their side forever.
>Islam loves homos, its just fearmongering that they dont
Strawmanning gets you nowhere user. Republicans are homophobic, and Islamic teachings are homophobic. The difference being that republicans literally pass discriminatory laws that also affect non-homophobes in the US.
Based Morrissey dabbing on Welsh inbreds
You can't cancel Morrissey if he cancels you first
>Every date that Morrissey has ever cancelled
>So far: 299 Cancelled or Postponed Dates or Abbreviated Sets.
>All these people ITT claiming to know about Islam
>The absolute state of Brits
>eveything that distract you from the voice of god is haram
nononono music is not concerned, I am not going to finish like the 3 middle school guys in Saudi Arabia: stoned for being moderate muslim
>Respecting other cultures
Cringe and bluepilled
Enjoy being replaced you naive little cuck.
Enjoy your delusions.
>he thinks muslim respect his culture
>ignorant, harmful, and hate-filled beliefs
>skin color
>islamophobes, racists, sexists
You really hit all the meaningless buzzwords here, Good post.
>the tradition of killing gays in Islamic cultures won't be ending soon
With the way things are progressing, homosexuality is becoming a lot more normalized in muslim communities. I think people like you should be doing more to communicate with muslims about values and acceptance. But seems like the west itself is regressing into whining about "degeneracy" these days and aren't up to the task of actually bringing people together and would rather just attempt to burn bridges. Just my two cents as an ex-muslim.
So we should be like you think they are?
And Muslims in Iran throw gays off roofs for being gay. Christians are just as entitled to believing homosexuality's a sin as any other religion. Republicans are "homophobic" (another word with zero meaning) because of Christianity.
So how many planned out attacks on innocent Europeans have to happen before it's not "delusional"?
Holy shit, life is gonna slap you so hard, unbelivable to still be this naive about the world
Go walk around in the subhurb of Paris, you will see the tolerance of the people you are tolerant with
Anyone can be violent, right? I mean, just look at Brenton Tarrant.
>If you kill your enemies, they win
Would he have done anything without mass immigration?
The reason extremism exists in Islam at all is because of what the doctrine says. You'll always find people (apparently about 30%) who decide to ignore reformation and go with what the text says instead. Because of this, there will always be killing in the Muslim religion. The only thing that would change them is abandoning their own religion, or converting to another.
>And Muslims in Iran throw gays off roofs for being gay
A terrorist group did that. But hey, it's easier to fearmonger about brown people if you claim it was random civilians.
He's not killing innocents. That's the difference. (And the whole NZ attack was a publicity stunt so the government could ban guns)
OH, a random muslim is going to jail for harrasing a trans in Paris
Surely a terrorist !
I'm responding to your post now.
>brown people
I'll never take you leftists seriously, and your obsession with color is the reason. Muslims don't have to be brown, cuck.
A person committed a crime and was jailed for it. The horror! :-O
I use the term "brown people" because Sikhs are often the victims of hatecrimes after being mistaken for being muslim. Hell, it's happened to hispanic people too. Get your shit together, America.
The whole muslim community on Twitter is spitting their hate against LGBT in France everyday(account with 400k followers), but yeah, it's only the terrorrist, not the people you see on the street , don't worry :)
The best thing America could do is go back to the founders' documents that proclaim the country to be primarily for the white man.
>The whole muslim community
One twitter account is the whole community?
Trump's twitter has 60 million followers. Is America pro-pedo and pro-violence?
You're an embarrassment
The best thing America could do is send every Republican/alt-right person to Saudi Arabia to join hands with their homophobic brothers.
It's just skin color!
Resorting to ad-hominem when you can't provide a rebuttal is poor form, lad.
Christian Europeans built the colonies. Homosexuality is on the outs, not "homophobia."
I responded to you, but I'm not the person you were talking to
>"Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book."
Fahrenheit 451
this but also bake the cake
>He initially shared his support for For Britain last year in an interview: “For Britain has received no media support and have even been dismissed with the usual childish ‘racist’ accusation…I don’t think the word ‘racist’ has any meaning any more, other than to say ‘you don’t agree with me, so you’re a racist.’ People can be utterly, utterly stupid.”
He's not wrong. The Conservative and Labour parties are absolutely terrified that they're losing their stranglehold on the British public so they, and their parasitic allies in the media, label any party that criticises them as "Far Right" to spook people into not voting for them. Despite what some people may say being labelled as racist still carries a lot of weight in British culture and people can be forced into obedience at the possibility of being thought of as a racist.
t. A Cuck
>only governments are able to censor things
non whites aren't human
Funny how they have to respect others cultures because the waves of immigrants and refugees can't respect British culture.
>inb4 the west has no culture
6 of the 50 people he killed had known ties to ISIS. Makes you wonder how six people in one mosque had connections to terrorism...
You call us delusional yet you constantly make excuses for these people. There are Muslim countries that force gays to mutilate their genitalia and transition to the opposite sex for being gay thus essentially, in see backwards sense of logic, making them straight. You are also stoned to death or beaten in certain countries for homosexuality, Indonesia included.
I always hear there's a rise in hate crimes yet no one ever has stories to share or sources.
I thought you were tolerant? There's some massive cognitive dissonance going on here. So do Muslims love gays are are they homophobic? Which one is it you inconsistent faggot?
I just don't give a fuck anymore. Call me a racist fascist Nazi bigot. I know my principles, and I know if you resort to those insults you're a drone.
The West has no culture.
Must be why every third worlder wants to move west.
I think you mean APPROPRIATING other cultures. These white devil's do this to undermine our cultures and to pander to our demographic for votes. There is nothing respectful about it. Let me see these politicians act like this without the media present.
>a bloo bloo
You guys literally started it
Shut up, nobody wants to hear you get on a digital soapbox so you can defend a religion that condones child-rape
Moz is a zionist
ok fag
I cannot take anyone who uses the term "cancel" like that seriously.
nice try though op, you almost had me.
This is some good bait
>we are not as bad as /pol/
What country Achmed?
Islamic culture is lit asf YASSSSS
you people are so fucking pathetic. I say this as a brown guy by the way. You're self righteous virtuosity will never be repaid, it is seen as a weakness and nothing more
Honestly I’m surprised that Morrissey supports anything right wing, cause I always thought that he was the most liberal liberal to every liberal. Didn’t help that in both of the concerts I been to he made a point to show the audience police brutality and animal abuse videos on the largest screen possibly
>Obama legalizing propaganda
Man, fox news was created as a shameless, unapologetic propaganda machine for the right.
>muh Fox news
>ignore literally every other mainstream outlet being far left
>let’s just bitch about the one center-right platform in existence
Real compelling stuff here
he's not. he just likes Israel as a country
Eating meat causes actual suffering, saying mean things does not. Why are meatcucks such a bunch of fucking sensitive pussies, despite claiming to be emotionless hardasses to make themselves feel good when they eat a steak, because apparently making another animal suffer is a feat of strength even if you didn’t kill or go through any kind of effort for it.
hi peggy
I love when libertarians turn into commies in order to claim "censorship"
You make morrissey sound like literally hitler where he has actually done nothing wrong
Is Morrissey nazbol?
wtf I love Moz now
Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to demean women with that language by referring to people you don't like as the equivalent of female genitals? Do you even know what the future is? IT'S FUCKING FEMALE. Post your twitter account. I'm going to make sure everyone knows what kind of faux-ally you are. ALLIES ARE ALL LIES.
seething brainlets
can this considered a "core"?
this is what mental illness looks like
Bengali in platforms
He only wants to embrace your culture
And to be your friend forever
Bengali, Bengali
Bengali, Bengali
Oh, shelve your Western plans
And understand
That life is hard enough when you belong here
i'd literally kill you with my bare hands irl, shitskin/tranny
I'm sorry you are an inferior person, but please respect the other users here on the 4channel. Thank you for your cooperation, faggot.
let them in! LET THEM IN!
>that stereogum comment section
why am i always compelled to hate read that shit?
this thread just proves this board has been entirely decimated by the influx of redditors and twitterfags
imagine unironically defending islam and pretending to support corporate interests for the sake of ideological cohesion LMAO
It's not exactly the modern equivalent of book burning, if they choose not to stock the albums then that's their prerogative, doing it on the grounds of whatever the man says in his private life seems trivial. Even if I thought he was a terrible person, terrible people have often been good artists, some artists are just fucked up people. Morrissey is no different, the dude didn't have a relationship until he was 35. That has to fuck you up to a certain degree
I'm going to stream a Morrissey album just to spite this store and you all.
I've been on Yea Forums my whole life and havent once set foot on reddit and while i find corporate virtue signalling to be abhorrent i also dont have an issue with muslims or with immigration.
Also, you ought to know, my stance wouldn't have been controversial 15 years ago.
>reddit spacing
>reddit spacing
This board is filled with amerimutts. They've never left their own country unless it was to go to an all-inclusive Mexican resort. Don't try to reason with them, it's a complete waste of time
Moz is going to be financially struggling now that this random ass store bans him decades after his peak
>political violence
stop being such a fucking beta cuck
England is mine.
so swing back you fucking pussies god damn
>This board is filled with amerimutts
Implying that america is a melting pot with all races, and people from every country in the world, and a vast majority of those being ok with interracial relationships.
>They've never left their own country unless it was to go to an all-inclusive Mexican resort. Don't try to reason with them, it's a complete waste of time
Your logic doesnt follow.
/int/cels are the bane of 4channel in a completely unironic way of speaking
>Implying that america is a melting pot with all races, and people from every country in the world, and a vast majority of those being ok with interracial relationships.
that is literally exactly what america is
I never said it wasnt, but you are saying that
>They've never left their own country unless it was to go to an all-inclusive Mexican resort. Don't try to reason with them, it's a complete waste of time
So again your logic makes no sense.
>DONT reason with the most inclusive and diverse country on earth and has ever existed about inclusion and diversity because they just dont get it.
I guess you are just retarded.
Also, I wonder if this store carries literal murders like chief keef or woman beaters like every other rapper. The left decided to defend literal savages setting back POC for generations and gets mad when anyone points that out. Fuck your God and Fuck your Queen
I'm here forever. You can't make me leave. You can't change my political opinions. I disagree with you, I vote against your interests, and I'm here to stay. I'm well within my rights. Cry about it.
>useful idiots for million dollar corporations
Literally every republican voter since Reagan
Yes, the left was slow to adopt this practice. Took Bill Clinton and Tony Blair to change that, but now all sides serve the masters correctly.
>You're also aware that Islam recognizes transgenders, right?
If by "recognises" you mean "executes" then yes, yes they do.
t. user living in Iran
Stop eating dogs
It was a lesson that taught kids about diversity and it was mandatory for all kids until the religion of peace found out and refused to let their kids learn about tolerance.
You're full of shit.
This, if you're gay and you support Islam you're absolutely fucking retarded.
>believes the media is left
>conflating neoliberalism with the left
trump supporters truly are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests
>I always hear there's a rise in hate crimes yet no one ever has stories to share or sources
They're against whites so naturally they're not reported.
>I love when libertarians turn into commies
This isn't really happening since libertarians are small minority and most of them support this shit
private businesses can suck my fucking dick and should be nationalized
>hey bro, get that cock out of your mouth
>b-but this unwitting person next to me also has a cock in his mouth!
trump supporters are highly uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
republicans are fucking trash
the absolute state of conservatism, turns out western civilization is all about diverse and vibrant sodomites coming into our schools to teach children about buttsex. muh muslims are duh reel homophobes and antisemites! fuck that, this is why we need NS, there is no solution but NS revolution and the immediate and total annihilation of all those who oppose us. Read SIEGE, faggot
it is
based. i hope zoomers will usher the new days of rage.
>needing socialism
That's a big yikes from me dawg
double cringe
I'm not who you are replying to but, okay
Due to the lack of civility in this thread I'm locking it to any more comments, please refer to the rules on the sidebar and take note that we don't allow any bigotry or hateful opinions.
All you have to do is keep it civil, guys.
the left carries water for neoliberals everyfucking time, and wont oppose them in any meaningful way because they are too afraid of being called racist or transphobic. for all intents and purposes leftists are neoliberals, the radical right(and i'm not talking trump) is the one truly revolutionary counterculture and antiestablishment force out there today.
The government caused the problems in the first place. The last thing we fucking need is more of it.
Conservashits are basically fascists worldwide now and all nazis are going to fucking swing. Stalingrad 2.0 is on the horizon
Why do liberals act like fascists, but claim to be anti-fascist? Why do they claim to hate capitalism, but suck off billion dollar corporations? Why do they claim to support women and homosexuals and hate religion, but love Islam? I'm genuinely confused. Do these people actually believe in anything, or do they just copy whatever beliefs major media outlets tell them to copy?
>the right is inherently authoritarian
>the left is becoming authoritarian too
Can't we just kill them all and start over?
cringe af
It's called doublethink. I used to cringe whenever people would reference 1984 but honestly it's all there.
conservahits are corporate bootlickers who would rather give billionaires and multinational corporations tax cut gibs than vote for their own economic class interests
>it's only bad when Conservatives do it
Morrissey needs to get milkshaked hard
If you think Morrissey of all people is a right wing lunatic, you must live a sad, sad life, seeing 90% of the world as nazis
You'd have to be an idiot boomer not to realise that corporate capitalism goes hand in hand with cultural marxism and it always has. the freedom of the free market: the corporations are free to import millions of racial aliens into our countries merely because its profitable, they are free to degrade and debase our culture and censor all right wing opposition while boosting the left. but muh big gubmint, amirite? muslims are the real homophobes and leftists are the real antisemites, democrats the real racists? the truth is a strong state is needed in order to stamp out cultural marxism and secure a future for our people.
There's a reason why Marxists took over the school system.
Conservashits have stupid dogshit politics and they all vote against their own economic interests
>no you
Go suck off CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Disney, Hollywood, silicon valley, the grammys, the oscars, Marvel, DC, loot crate, thinkgeek, etc.
Yeah, they should bring in more scab labor to promote their economic interests
>marxists overrun the schools
t. never went to college
Oh the irony
>a strong state
The only countries with "strong states" are Russia and China because they only care about their own progression and national interests.
>facebook & disney are party of Antifa
stop conflating leftism with neoliberalism you dumb faggot.
Good music on Yea Forums for a change
I was literally forced to study marxist garbage in college. It was part of a mandatory class.
Have some self-awareness
They should be more pro labor. always strikes me odd when i see my conservative family members rail against unions when they are workers themselves
Why is the teaching profession dominated by women when all the research proves that young boys desperately need strong male role models?
>your target is 6 people
>kill 44 others by accident
>I didn't encounter leftism in college
t. went to a bottom tier college
>Trump is literally part of the alt-right
>but Facebook and Disney aren't leftist tho
They both constantly dog-whistle commie antifa garbage.
>both sides of the same coin equivalency
the right is a grift
educated people tend to vote left. thats correct. probably why you encountered leftism in college(if you did go)
all this publicity will only boost his record sales
better than US drone numbers
He must have been inspired by the US military
Because teaching is a woman's job, you little faggot.
>educated people tend to vote left.
>thinks the average university student is educated
kek'd hard, go ahead and tell me about the original bill of rights
>(((educated))) people tend to vote left
He is based
Voting left was fine until the left decided to adopt dumbass Conservative talking points from the 90's like science denial.
are leftists really this dumb?
Like how do you read that sentence and not realize the obvious circular logic
what is wrong about wanting the best for your own people? lay off ayn rand boomer, humans are not individuals, we are tribal, who we are is determined by our heritage, our culture and our genes. I at least respect sjws for recognising that.
all politics are identity politics, marxism is the last refuge of white ''men'' who feel alienated by globohomo but are to cowardly to accept the real identitarian and fascist solution. But make no mistake, the leftists WILL hate you and see you as an enemy regardless of what you do or how much you flaunt your so called working class credentials, and how much you grovel and apologize. unless you are 100% on board with their program, which is a corporate program based on the interests of the managerial class and assorted screeching victim groups you will be seen as an enemy.
Leftists tend to be fucking braindead idiots. What are you talking about? That's why they REFUSE to debate us. They can't make a factually solid argument for their beliefs, so they elect to shut us down and attack us personally instead. They can't debate outside of strawmen and ad-hominems. They're worse than religious people.
the constitution is shit
>center-right 106 iq
>left: 97
This but ironically
iq is racist pseudoscience
>the constitution is shit
Great, go ahead and tell me this basic historical fact and prove you're educated beyond the level of a 13 year old of last century
>surrender the education to women
>wonder why your sons are soft, emasculated and unable to cope when things get tough
>take over the schools
>put diversity quotas and affirmative action in place
>import a bunch of niggers and women
>make college expensive as fuck
>only grant money to said niggers and women
>don't give any grants to white men because they're privileged
>berate the ones who manage to attend your school until they say "I don't have to sit here and take this." and drop out
>you've created your safe space echo chamber for minorites
>hand out diplomas
97 detected
trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
>literally "I hate America."
Why don't you just come out and say that you're a traitor and you want to destroy this country instead of dancing around it and dog whistling?
As a Brit I envy the US Constitution.
I'm probably the most far-right person ITT and my IQ is 126. I scored in the top 2% of the country on my SAT test.
>The ignorant, harmful, and hate-filled beliefs that Morrissey clearly has no problems either spewing or associating himself
Elaborate. People keep saying For Britain is a fascist hate group, I don't consider being anti-immigration to be hateful at all.
>You can’t flick through the pages of the music press or browse a muso website without coming across a pained op-ed by some tragic fortysomething about how The Smiths saved his life when he was a fat, friendless 13-year-old and how distraught he now is to discover that Moz is a massive racist. In their view, that is. But then, in these people’s view everyone who didn’t vote Remain in 2016 and who doesn’t check their privilege on a weekly basis is a massive racist. They despise 21st-century Morrissey because – brace yourselves – he has different opinions to theirs. He likes Brexit (he called it ‘magnificent’), doesn’t like mass immigration (he’s worried about too many Muslims coming to Europe), and isn’t a fan of Diane Abbott. (‘British politics is a moral disaster on every level… even Tesco wouldn’t employ Diane Abbott’, he said recently, which, I’m sorry, is hilarious.)
Somebody already spouted this talking point, you literal NPC.
if you are white working class and support leftism, you are voting against not only your own economic interests, but also against your cultural and existential interests, you are probably also stupid and or brainwashed, as leftists keep telling you they hate you and want you dead and out of work
This. Leftists know it. You know it. I know it.
Why don't they just come out and say it?
the left wants me to have healthcare. the right wants me to go into debt from my eyeballs. who really wants me dead
lmao crying because you read a few words you don't agree with. overly sensitive poof. move on and read something else, its that easy. you screaming like a fuckhead does nothing, besides make you look like a fuckhead. you need to accept the fact that MILLIONS of people hate certain things you don't and that's probably never going to change, the world doesn't revolve around you, you sook cunt. kys
>the left wants me to have healthcare
Looking out for the interests of your country and the electorate who vote you you is "problematic". We need more peolle who take from the system without ever contributing anything, more unemployed to vote Labour and higher taxes to pay for all the free shit Labour want to give away.
>go into debt from my eyeballs
republicans are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
this cannot be overstated enough. speak truth to power
Are you really that dumb, mate?
Leftists do this too though.
tories are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests
The left wants you dependent on the government so you'll continue voting Dems into power. The Right wants you to take care of yourself so the rest of us don't have to, helpless little child.
Please be joking. If you're being serious, I'm not even mad at you. I feel sorry for you. If you genuinely believe this, you're incredibly naive. They've pulled the wool so far over your eyes.
>I want off this fucking ride
That joke isn't funny anymore.
try to disprove my statement. the right uses racial propaganda to get working class whites to vote agaisnt their own material interests like universal healthcare
they don't even want you to have healthcare, not really, the democrats are in the pockets of the pharmaceuticals, who have all embraced the ideology of diversity. in a national socialist people's community, all will be taken care of from cradle to grave there will be no identity politics, political correcteness or division in the people's community. the point is that we would have to end political correctness in order to secure even the most minimal advancement for white workers, the leftist elites are not having none of it since they are reaping the benefits of woke capitalism
the right wants us all to be uneducated corporate bootlikers without any critical thinking skills
No western government is ever going to implement these ideas.
Ignore national socialist retards. The right doesn't want you either.
> democrats
lost me there m8
i'm not taking about blumpf or the neocons(who are loyal to israel and globohomo), im talking about the radical right: fascism and ns. It is undeniable that the left uses identity politics and guilt to get the working class whites to vote against their own material interests.
Fuck off. I'm extremely far-right and I hate you national socialists almost as much as I hate leftists. You're hurting us. You're a fucking tumor on our movement. Aside from being socialist trash, you're somebody the left can point at and say "Look at those nazi retards on the right!"
You make all of us look bad.
you shut the fuck up you fucking nigger, they're protesting in front of the fucking school
you're ex-muslim but still defends these retards
lol cool, write in AOC this election bud
I could understand pulling his records if he touched up some kids or went on a killing spree, but censorship based on differing political beliefs? Terrible idea. Likely to make more people sympathize with him.
keep voting against your own economic interests, cletus
you sure are owning the libs by cutting your own nose
>haha left basedboys can't take a punch lol
>how fucking dare you throw a milkshake on nigel farage, you violent savages!
I'm very far-right, and one of my best friends IRL is very far-left. At first I thought he was just naive, but the more I listen to him talk about his beliefs, the more I think he's actually acutely aware of the let's plans for this country. I don't know how any good person could support that. I'm starting to think that leftists aren't naive or stupid. They're just evil and they're aware of it. They're evil on purpose.
>i'm extremely far right
>white genocide is cool as long as its the corporations doing it!
you are just a self interested materialist only interested in money and probably a jew as well, an enemy of the people is an enemy of the people, regardless of wheter they call themselves communist or capitalists.
How am I voting against my own interests? I get healthcare through my employer, support myself without any gov handouts whatsoever. Why the fuck would I vote for a party that wants to raise my taxes to pay for other peoples expenses?
Murder your boss.
You are a retard posting on Yea Forums during working hours. You have no business voting republican. I doubt you make over 250k or more
You have no grasp of class consciousness
Those sentences are not contradictory
I live in the fourth largest city in the country. Where do you live?
class consciousness is lame, race consciousness is where its at. Notice it is only deluded white people talking about class, while all the other groups know it's all about race and identity.
Brits protected pedo Jimmy Saville for years
>record store
Yikes. Just buy your shit online, you primitive islamist faggot
le doublethink maymay
I live in LA
Things that aren’t true.
Big cities are literally trash pits
what's it like having your mother and father being 1st cousins? I mean, you probably fit in with other pakis, since 70% of marriages are inbred like that, but dont you feel insecure when around normal humans?
>You are a retard posting on Yea Forums during working hours.
>You have no business voting republican.
>I doubt you make over 250k or more
I pay taxes and consume 0 gov welfare, therefore it would be against my interest to vote for anyone aiming to expand gov.
>You have no grasp of class consciousness
I don't really give a fuck about my class or any class, I know whats in my own interest.
based making poltards seeth
He’s right.
No, the BBC did. It was a huge scandal and the public outcry was immense, however as usual the media moved on to something else (just like Rotherham) and people forgot about it.
Orange fans sad
>edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!!
literally nothing wrong with being melanin enriched and going through hrt
I would rather live in Houston than any small town. I fucking hate anytime I have to leave the city and deal with rural country folk. I love my concert venues and night clubs and bright lights.
Islamophobia is not racism at all. It’s against an ideology and practice. Islam is extreme and needs to stay in its containment. It’s more of a religious war at most. No one wants to live in a place where extremist views such as those would be common. Regardless of race, it doesn’t matter.
There's a middle ground between the two
bigmouth strikes again
>I fucking hate anytime I have to leave the city and deal with rural country folk.
and I'm sure they just love your ass
Hold the fuck up
>concert venues
Fuck outta here Ricky
>You're also aware that Islam recognizes transgenders, right?
this is progressive, as there is 0 reason to support that insanity.
But it's to be expected of a cult that deifies a literal mass-murdering pedophile cousin-fucker
trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests
Yes giving up all your money in taxes or redistributing it to your Stalin leader like communists want truly is against their interests. You truly know them
>being an apostate
reporter to the caliphate, expect the executioner to show up within the hour
>IQ declining in west
>university is money making machine made to churn out graduates not educated people
hurry durr us smart people are leftists. Rural suburban retards
the left is too smart to be disgusted by a cult that worships a child molester who married his cousin and personally ordered the murder of hundreds of people
Dude, we have White Oak Music Hall, Smart Financial Center, Toyota Center, Numbers, Warehouse Live, House Of Blues, Revention Center, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion, Heights Theater, etc.
There are probably over a hundred venues here.
ok sure
fuck america, i want to see it destroyed. happy now?
big brained nigga making stalin/hitler comparison
redistributing the wealth of CIA nigger plutocrats like jeff bezos and zucc is 100% in my interests and im willing to stop hating black people and jews just to see it happen. are you ready to make sacrifices, user?
we have a hundred venues tho
He's made it bros
Exposing knee-jerk fag culture
Yeah you just made that up dude
taxing and eventually killing a population that happens to be disproportionately jewish should be appealing to rightwingers. take the nazbol gateway to freedom.
You forgot to include this one you faggot
>(And the whole NZ attack was a publicity stunt so the government could ban guns)
You're the kind of people that get mad when we say "go back to /pol/" but still sound like fucking /pol/
Despite all the rainbows being festooned across the land I still would prefer if fags would just keep their sodomite sex obsession to themselves.
The leftist "intelligentsia" is willfully ignorant of the fact that there are plenty of highly educated "right wingers". They're the ones that didn't get bamboozled by pamphleteers on their university campuses and have jobs. They don't have all this idle time to spend going around protesting or psy-oping on Yea Forums, Twitter, and Reddit.