
Peonies are pretty and I like em a whole lot edition. Do all the things.

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feels torn about his "true" personality between a number of alternative ones he creates for various situations. Tries to keep people away, but secretly longs for a connection

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Yeah, very accurate. Interesting chart, I'm still trying to get into the microphones and I would try to get into yellow swans but I have a thing about artists who's name sounds like another artists'.

cool chart, great taste
check out Bethany Curve, Marching Church and The Body Lovers / Haters

++deathconsciousness, closer, public strain
+swirlies (although I prefer their debut)
check out lowercase - The Going Away Present
some pretty nice picks, check out all the Slowdive 90's EP's if you haven't

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I'm pleb

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Based for best Cocteau Twins album.

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Amon Tobin - Permutation
Pixies - Come On Pilgrim
Lone - Levitate

The Pop Group - Citizen Zombie
Weakling - Dead As Dreams
Mercury Rev - Yerself Is Steam

Fugazi - The Argument
DJ Rashad - Double Cup

NoMeansNo - Wrong
Slint - Spiderland
Scattle - Timelapse

Simon Finn - Pass The Distance
Songs: Ohia - The Magnolia Electric Co.
Mitski - Be The Cowboy

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I keep switching shit up on my chart.

++Nature and Organization
+Global Communication

+The Chameleons

Listen to People Under The Stairs and Throbbing Gristle

++Erik Satie
+Willie Nelson
+Johnny Cash

Pretty good recs
You like The Necks?

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strid - end of life

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I remember these threads, back in the good ol days

is that Ott album any good? check out Noosphere's album if you like Twisted Records.

what you described as a perosnality or whatever could be said to like anybody

+Bitches Brew, Treasure, Night Dreamer

check out Larry Young - Into Somethin, Unity, Paris Tapes, Lawrence Of Newark

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megasoy 900

You've listened to Big Star right?

yeah Big star is good

foxes in fiction - swung from the branches

the klf - chill out

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You honestly have pretty based taste.
Have you listened to industrial and/or neofolk extensively?

not particularly. I'm probably more into neofolk than I am industrial though if you had any recs

Throbbing Gristle, SPK, and Cabaret Voltaire have some essentials.
Coil has a great discography, and some good side projects.
Skinny Puppy and their side projects are also good overall.
This Heat is great and essential.
I personally like Front 242 a lot, although they're more essential for EBM specifically.
Take your time really.

For neofolk, I'd say just listen to the stuff you haven't heard.
I like Rome a whole lot, but Current 93, Death In June, and Sol Invictus are essential.

Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom
Amon Düül II - Yeti
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Bondage Fruit - Bondage Fruit

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there's not enough room

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DJ Sprinkles - Queerifications & Ruins
Herbert - Parts One Two and Three
Joey Kay - The Heart & Soul of Joey Kay

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Helado Negro - This Is How You Smile

Crescent - By the Roads and the Fields

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The Pop Group - Y
Charles Mingus - The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
Iggy Pop - The Idiot
Julie London - About the Blues
Royksopp - Junior
Gil Scott Heron and Brian Jackson - Bridges
Trentemoller - The Last Resort
Rowland S. Howard - Teenage Snuff Film
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot [yeah fuck me I know]
Dadamah - This is not a dream

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ornette coleman - the compete science fiction sessions

dismemberment plan - emergency & i
dismemberment plan - change
^ in that order
the radio dept - clinging to a scheme

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>red army choir


Are these suggestions?


It does sound a bit mellow, what made you suggest it? I like the Helado Negro

I glance at people's charts and recommend them something I think should fit their taste. If it doesn't, it's no biggie, I just try to avoid lazyposting

The Gerogerigegege - Moenai Hai

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Super underground stuff only

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eat shit

Pleb taste coming through...my excuse is that I listen to jungle, techno, dnb and boomer trance most of the time and I'm also getting into house atm, but I thought I should develop my tastes in other areas as well. I included some ambient as well since I don't know shit about it either. Would appreciate some recs

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My most listened to albums this month

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A pensive individual, perhaps somewhat melancholic.

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Fuck you for making this garbage thread with your garbage chart

Yeah, a lot of people would find ott and psybient as a whole pretty corny but I think it's creative with the mixture of dub and synthy textures. I couldn't for the life of me find noosphere anywhere, but I'm sure they're good if they're on that lable. Also u dat nigga for having depressive silence on there.

Here's my best of 2019 so far chart

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Rigor Mortis - s/t
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
Morbid - December Moon
Goatsblood - Drull
Ysigim - Whispers
Unholy - From the Shadows

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