How can one man be so based?


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>watching spectrumcuck

for me its a 0 because tyler the creator is for fags and is pseudo art for retards

Less of a cuck than Melonhead

imagine making this video and them immediately getting exposed for having shit taste by theneedledrop himself

Didn't he give Billie's album the same score?

this nigga is the awkward and retarded version of melonhead

>pseudo art

Hey let’s just throw “pseudo” in front of anything to diminish it and make it seem lesser rather than making a point about the music itself.

No he's not. He's way more articulate than fantano. Just because his video style doesn't cater to children doesn't mean he's inferior to Fantano.

just did
stay mad retard keep liking music for 16 year olds
golf wang xD

This dude's reviews would be so much better if it wasn't in a video format.

Gotta embrace the new media. Blogspots and wordpress blogs are going the way of the dodo.

He's not embracing it though. He's virtually just reading an essay (or having memorized it) with little to nothing to entertain in diction, humor or editing.

That's true though. I wish these reviewers add more to their videos instead of just someone talking to their camera. Fantano adds something to his videos at least.

Shut up fantano drone


>Le intellectual who only listens to MATURE music!

Grow up

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melonhead is the retarded version of melonhead

for once, he's based

He's so genius as a reviewer! You see he uses Spectrum in his username, so you know it's by autists for autists

nice pseudorebuttal dumbass

more like On the Spectrum Pulse

Better than Fantano