I am in love with a sentient candy woman from a cartoon show

>i am in love with a sentient candy woman from a cartoon show
music for this feel?

Attached: bubblegum51.jpg (900x1200, 468K)

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just stop it, man.

unironically See You Again by Tyler the Creator


>being in love with a dyke
My condolences, it must feel bad to get cucked by 2d

she isn't a dyke
everything after season 5 is non canon


t. adam m*tos buttbuddy


Tim heidecker - i am a cuck


sonic youth - bubblegum

there's plenty of lesbian undertones before season 5. she's gay, deal with it


there were none
it was just tumblr retards seeing things that weren't there until jews made it """""canon""""" in the end

slam my shitbox

ITAOTS unironically.

She's been gay ever since Rebecca Sugar my dude. If it makes you feel better she might be bi.

the best thing about canon lesbian ships is that you can still freely beat your cock to either character or both of them and no amount of tumblr autism can ever stop you

>gargling adam mutos' balls this hard

there were dozens retard
including an entire song dedicated to how marceline feels about PB
yeah....take your pills schizo


Attached: 1542110492824.png (750x1000, 351K)

>take your pills schizo
found the kike


Attached: bubbline6.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

>still gargling m*tos balls

she's gay you'll never have a chance with her

she's not gay
shoehorned in t*mblr cancer doesn't count

she's a cartoon and i can do whatever i want

Only faggots are adverse to whacking it to lesbos.

you'll never get the chance how about try talking to a real girl maybe have some sex for the first time :)


Listen to igor

i love sex
& also ur cartoon wife, lady
lmao try and stop me


Do guys really jerk off to this stuff? What about LSP and Slime princess have you ever bust a nut to them?

sure why not