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RYM thread
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fuck bratty's white knights
how do u become rym popular in 2019?
honestly, fuck these threads and the incel pigs sitting in them all the fucking day.
Be a tranny attention whore
karlhalliday 10/01/11 21:22 GMT
On the basis that you question the genre tags I assign?
AntiWarhol 09/22/11 00:49 GMT
you don't have an opinion [∞], you don't even know what you "listen" to / "rate" [∞]
karlhalliday 09/19/11 08:09 GMT
Might use microtonal scales, but I don't think it fits into microtonal, probably because of parent genre [2]
AntiWarhol 09/13/11 06:30 GMT
"i need to get laid" etc
AntiWarhol 09/10/11 03:38 GMT
true, but still. it is indeed "microtonal music". i'd maybe go with arabic traditional music. only voting microtonal up to "prove a point" t b h
AntiWarhol 09/08/11 22:45 GMT
traditional Arabic and Persian music are quite different from each other too. hell, racially and culturally too. ~ignoramus~
karlhalliday 09/06/11 10:45 GMT
how is this microtonal?
Ken, if you are reading this, I just want to tell you that you are an amazing person. I just want you to know you are loved, even if it might not feel like it right now. If you're going through a hard time, I want you to know that it will get better. You're beautiful inside and out, and you have a great, bright future ahead of you. I love you so much. Things will be okay. Just remember that.
Kill yourself Bratty
are these the greatest recordings in the history of music?
you was at blogchat
Can we have one of these threads where no innocent people get bullied and threatened with death for no more other reason than having a rym profile?
absolutely not. die
I hope you get cucked by a ugly fat mtf tranny you piece of shit
do you like pandas
>absolutely not. die
hows therapy
does anyone have the video where sal was harassing some kids at the park and yelling "snordine" at them?
Rich is the man
No one who has an RYM profile is innocent. Except for 50+ year old boomers who rate Rock records all day. God bless their souls
seconding this
lmao 2016
Cute Nigga
Posh Nigga
He's That Nigga
>look mom i posted it again xD
part of the conversation is missing too because the user deleted.
only 30 more of these posts and she'll finally fuck you
why do you care so much about a teenage girl listening to music who doesn't even talk much? even in discord servers with her she never talks, idk what the girl did
can you link one of these discord servers?
Not really. I'm more of a penguin guy.
one is just friends and she left the others forever ago
Die You Fuck!
Do you even know her or are you just trying to impress a random rym girl to try to get internet pussy
How do we save rym?
we let it die.
ban all conversative, liberal and "apolitical" users
only extremists have good taste in music
Ban all females and "females"
thirding this
its funny as fuck
only follow users w/ 10+ years and 10,000+ albums under their belt unless they have 30,000+ ratings - ignore anyone w/ more than that, bc they're fake raters
reminder that the original titans of RYM have elite degrees and prestigious careers
fucking based
Should not be allowed to have vocal cords
Either ban all commies or ban all trannies, they are one and the same.
Do not laugh at intellectually impaired people, please.
i did that shit in 2014 under the name "snordine" and it was proving nothing good for my health. it's attention-whoring. every single post i made in 2014, 2015 and 2016 even that wasn't music-related was for attention-whoring. you're wasting your fucking energy. go do something IRL that scares the living shit out of you. change your fucking lives around. that's all i want to do these days even if i very often fuck up, as my peers can attest to.
any better and balanced person who comes here sees you as a loser. nobody cares about your music tastes, by the way, so close down your last.fms and start using discogs or at least RYM for its superior UI to discogs (although discogs has a superior database)
also if you're going to use RYM, get rid of all social platforms it provides. hide all reviews. work on rebuilding yourself.
Lots of assuming and projecting going on here I'm gonna have to diagnose you as "more mentally deficient than the average communist tranny"
Fascist Tranny Like Sal
this is so weird, looked like a really long post but when i went to read it all it says is "snordine wah wah snordine" anyone else having this?
hows therapy
snordine wah wah snordine
was quite l.y.jterally about to post this
Nigger tier thread
What is Sal's RYM
wah snordine for lunch again? wah
Aw shucks
Finally figured out how to reset your IP?
Rating While Trans
Mentally Stable While Trans
Hands Up, Don't Misgender!
Kill yourself oinopa
she did nothing wrong other than be a pretentious rym-commie
yall gay
stop bumping this retards
telling girls way out of your league to kill themselves on the internet? i would tell you to do the same but i suppose life is already a fitting enough punishment for you, worthless beige toilet.
t. white knight virign
I check the rym thread everyday to see if I can get a fren that has a cool taste in music so we can have nice conversations, but it is always full of hatred towards pretentious women. I j-just wanted t-t-to rate m-my music...
i'll be your friend :)
*precious women
this is a racist dogwhistle, for anyone who isn't aware.
bring back visible sage
great post
what kind of music do you listen to? let me guess, metal?
>the woman hating incel faggot is a racist
kek, now i understand why he bullies antiwarhol so much
No Nazi's, No KKK, No Fascist L "Y" J!
why you want to be banned
these threads are garbage.
just keep saging with mindless spam until it dies or gets deleted ;)
Cute tranny users?
I only hate ugly trannies
confirmed cis girl
what, have you seen her genitals?
you haven't?
what does he listen to?
i'm too white :(
Which RYMer has the best taste in JAVs?
saw someone with a sonemic sticker on their laptop at harvard today
you here?
yeah, add me
Delete these threads
They're full of sick faggots abusing girls for their own amusement
no but i walked thru harvard today
When you're a high-profile RYMer they let you do it
hey j_c what do you think of Grace Chang x Arsenije Jovanović - Southside Groovin (feat. Stan Brakhage) (Acid mix)
>They're full of sick faggots abusing girls for their own amusement
most of the ppl abusing women are cishet males as usual not homosexuals..
this but unironically. these are the most toxic and autistic threads on Yea Forums by far
It's like a magnet. Just friend request. I don't even wait.
You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pfp.
This made me burst out laughing irl thanks
>They're full of sick faggots abusing girls for their own amusement
Pretty sure that describes all of humanity
add me
you too
Any modern fakeraters who could rival Esichio?
L "A" D
looked at your shows list. i was at mount eerie and the laurie anderson talk
ok and im pretty sure i know who you are
my name is Tyler
oh god my shows list
gotta update that shit with some more shit ugh
hmm. guess theres other ppl from somerville interested in EAI stuff other than the small community i know
I just private messaged my dick pics to every female on the site. Fuck it. Ban me, I don't care.
Post proof
Post dick
post your outbox
i didn't get anything, is it because i'm trans? :(
conservatism is extremist. conservatives are fascists and oppressors.
i didnt get one either...
daily reminder there are some actual nazis on this """"mainstream conservative/libertarian""""" list.
>tfw I met my ex through rym
>she left me for another rymer
>haven't logged back in since
"actual nazis" are just conservatives who are self-aware
>mainstream conservative/libertarian
you have to be racist and misogynist to be any kind of conservative or even a liberal imo. capitalism relies on creating underclasses of ppl
Kill all trannies
capitalism pushes for open borders and directly fights nationalism, burger king just came out in support of political violence against brexit party members
everybody is racist, especially non whites
also capitalism pushed women out of the kitchen into into the office space, basically destroying the traditional patriarchal family
based corporation pretending to be human in order to sell more products
yes, hierarchy and inequality is a manmade invention perpetuated by capitalism, as opposed to in nature where there are no food chains and no animal ever eats or takes advantage of other animals
>apitalism pushes for open borders and directly fights nationalism
and also creates a system where a select few can hoard all of the wealth and exploit the labor of the grand majority who get very little of the fruits of their labor
how about anarchism or communism instead which actively fight nationalism and also a system where ppl arent exploited and forced into servitude?
commies did it first
herp derp capitalism is conservative instead of progressive and destructive hurrrrr
>Weyes Blood is still top of 2019
I think it's safe to say at this point that RYM is dead
unironically based
under communism incels wouldn't and historically didn't exist ;)
>ppl arent exploited and forced into servitude
boy are you kids gonna be in for a surprise if you ever get a Communist into power
in tons of cultures throughout the world women did work that their labor directly went to their families, self and direct community. under capitalism they work for someone who profits off of owning their labor
have fun with your fucking dystopia
Go be retarded somewhere else
You are correct about destructive, though
they shouldn't work, period.
under communism food on tables doesn't exist, but at least it OWNS the conservatives
go to bed, sal
tell your mom to stop bringing you dino nuggets then
i could spend an hour spamming the thread with hundreds of examples of banks and mega-corps shilling for social progressivism, feminism, racial justice etc while fighting nationalism, but i'll just direct you here instead
you really think a company thats owners are billionairs while most of its employees make minimum wage-- and simultaneously polutes the world by diluting resourses and creating trash and plastic actually cares about human lives... its shitty fake wokeness it presents to try to appeal to gullible ppl. corporations are not on the side of the ppl...
if you're not a millionaire and are pro capitalist you're the definition of a cuck
>hiring people to work for your business venture that you took the financial risk of starting is theft
>steaking that business owner's property at gunpoint and shooting him in the head isn't theft, and it morally correct
you people are demons on earth
no, they don't care about "human lives," they care about dismantling things that block humans from becoming interchangeable worker cogs who lack identities and convictions. that's why they try to stamp out nationalism
im not sure the point you are trying to make? mega corps present themselves these ways while simultaneously lobbying for legislation that hurts working ppl and benefits corporations and the super rich. they promote feminism and racial equality in ads and parades while simultaneously exploiting the labor of women overseas who they pay pennies for hard work that the fatcats make millions off of...
im not disagreeing that corporations sometimes pretend to present socially progressive ideas in their ads and public appearance. but its clear in their actions they dont give a fuck about working ppl
social progressives are useful idiots for capital
I don't care about what companies say, I care about what they do. They are not progressive.
Fact of the matter is if a corporation can pollute the environment, underpay employees, use slave labor, avoid all taxes, they will. The call for equality is a facade, it's showing you one hand so you don't watch the other.
example: Nike's Colin Kaepernick humanitarian rights campaign when they work their mostly female workers to exhausted in southeast Asia.
Corporations don't care about rights, they care about money.
Don't have an opinion on how they interact with nationalism, though.
Liberals/Moderates/Conservatives are useful idiots. Nike makes the Kaepernick campaign so Conservatives kick and scream burning their shoes and cutting their socks on Twitter which creates a huge campaign of exposure for them so people go buy more shoes because the company is just like me!!!!
Same with Keurig
Same with some fucking cereal I don't remember
Same with Gillette
Same as it ever was
corporations want you to be a cappuccino-colored, low-IQ bug person with no family ties or connection to history. they want you to be trans-national, ready to get up and move anywhere in the world. the ultimate consumer is genderless and raceless.
you're a useful idiot for people who are trying to turn every nation into new york city. they want your community to be a faceless shopping mall.
nationalists oppose capitalism.
do you post on mpc?
hurr durr i watch hbomberguy too
kill yourself
capitalism and communism are both two sides of the same (((Saturn worshipping))) coin.
fascism idealizes a tribal pagan past (Jupiter worship) far outside of that paradigm, which is why fascism's economic policies can be interpreted as both as corporatist (by the left) and socialist (by the right.)
fascism is the only way to guide humanity out of servitude to (((the tribe))).
liberals/conservatives are too busy with, like, providing for their families to LARP about installing a nazi/marxist regime
grow up and get more fresh air
what they do is push for open borders and the mass movement of people, as well as the entry of women into the workforce.
those are the things authentic RW people care about. i have nothing against people who want better pay, just people who want to deconstruct my history and community.
None of what I said is incorrect.
If you have a more "fringe" ideology compared to the climate of U.S. politics, chances are you can look right through what corporations try to sell you.
Normies are the problem and they cannot understand how they are being exploited.
What corporations are pushing for free movement? That's not something I've noticed.
Pushing women into the workface is a given, I guess.
Nice MUSIC DISCUSSION thread you larping neckbeards, go have sex and the nazi/communist shit will leave your head fast.
Looking for disgusting women
ok i understand some of what you are saying. in the end it doesnt matter for corporations if gays, queer ppl, etc have rights as long as they can profit off them?
so we're both anticapitalist right? youre just arguing that capitalists arent inherently racist and misogynist?
koch industries / cato institute is an obvious example
leftists and even anarchists regularly use koch-funded studies to own conservatives on how immigrants commit less crime and add to the economy etc
I'm stroking my rod thinking of porking your goblin face while sal's therapist watches
i'd take it a step further and say that "racism" and "misogyny" actually challenges capitalism.
what's his rym account?
There's actually no chance in hell that any economic system will ever dethrone capitalism. If policies were kaijus capitalism would be Godzilla and all the other ones be the shitty kaijus from the 90s only weeaboo virgins know of
the political horseshoe theory is mostly incorrect; their tactics are similar, but their end goals never really converge together. the further left and the further right you go, the more violent they both get, but at the same time, the further left/right you go, more dissimilar the spiritual impetus behind that violence gets.
but there is a real horseshoe: individualism vs. collectivism. hyperindividualism is ironically what guides angsty young adults to the most collectivist, mindless ideologies in modern history (Marxism and Fascism).
at some point in the arc of individualism-for-its-own-sake, disillusionment sets in as the young adult begin to realize what an empty nihilistic way of living it is, so they adopt a burning convert's zeal wrt to incectoid ultra-collectivism.
I think this is the root of most of the recent political violence, and all sad young people pretending to be nazis/communists on discord that we're seeing now
You know /pol/ exists right? This is the music discussion board.
marx's concept of fully realized communism was actually quite individualistic, though.
>I'd be on that list but have been banned twice and will continue making accounts because I have a compulsion to rate music.
/pol/ is an echo chamber
there are leftists here who will actually respond seriously
Wrong. Actual Nazi's are pretty much all dead, and if you disagree, please feel free to say it to my face.
music is your life and you love rating it
This is interesting to me, it's very rare these days to see people with opposing views willing to actually have a fair debate and hear the other side out.
What would you call those people on 8/pol/?
Yeah. Also getting people to rate MY music is difficult but I'm done shilling. If I want to get people to listen I have to save up a couple thousand and get a music video and promotion done.
I would call them idiots or if you absolutely must, neo nazis. There is a big fucking difference, and if you don't see it, from a bisexual man to who I'm a assuming is a tranny man, go read a book. I would say something more offensive but given the rate of suicide in the transgender community won't jokingly tell you to kill yourself as you're likely to take it seriously. Do NOT kill yourself, read a book and understand.
What do you call this guy?
Remember when you could call someone a faggot and tell them to kill themselves on the net and they wouldn't actually do it? Yeah, Web 2.0 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
I would call him a neo nazi.
capitalism is basically just darwinism manifested politically.
why should people who can manage in an imperfect system allow themselves to be held down by a system that's horrible for everybody (communism)? they won't. communists always eat the bayonet at the end.
hmm? I'm not a tranny or anything close to one, I see appeal in both NatSoc and communism but its sadly impossible to reconcile the fervent to team up against the common enemy.
Kill yourself faggot
an inspiration.
why aren't you in bed, kid?
Well if you ask me, Israel is a parasitic waste of land. They need open borders, and they need to have the same shit coming in as America does.
it's not really dawinism because people are playing by certain rules, like respecting property rights.
if the police stopped enforcing property rights and the culture shifted to stop respecting them, capitalism would fall apart, yet things would be closer to a state of nature.
This is consistently the most trashfire thread on this board, its almost impressive. I can only imagine everyone on rym has this autistic bubbling rage just beneath the surface and this is like their fight club.
I think if the Holocaust had not have happened the world would be much worse off. I think the overpopulation would be far worse, and sadly, people in the west only want people in the west to stop breeding. It's not us who need to stop breeding, it's scum in China, scum in Pakistan, scum in India who need to stop breeding like rats.
the world would be beautiful if the axis won
imagine instead of filipinos and indonesians, you had 10x more japanese people, with dozens of new anime studios filling southeast asia.
unironically the worst post in this thread so far
you post this like every thread lol
R reproduction is a legitimate survival strategy don't be mad cause shitskins and bugmen outnumber mayos just find your niche
lol - I have no real issue with Israel or at least the common people living there (the leadership is a different story), diaspora globalist jews is what I dislike
hows therapy
what music does patrick casey listen to?
no joke, this is the first time ive posted here, but it is so hard to believe that thats a common sentiment?
What an odd disjointed train of thought, if the axis won I can't see global jewry doing half the shit they're doing today.
if anyone here wants to add a cuddly tankie transgirl here's my account
tell me im pretty and stuff
do NOT, absolutely fucking NOT add me if you're a "classical liberal," anti-feminist, TERF, non-vegan, or anywhere on the right
anyone with eyes could see that but it takes a real man to have some self control and just walk away from this multi vehicle car crash without rubbernecking
dont fakepost takeuchi is grill
The Chinese, as someone with an Asian (non Chinese) spouse, I can say with full confidence, are a subhuman race. They abandon their newborn girls, they breed like a fucking disease and they now want to take over the west as they raped their land for all it was worth. They actually have such bad air pollution that some sell fresh air cannisters. They're disgusting. Absolute slime. The sad thing is, if they all disappeared, the world would be better off, but instead the west has to suffer and be blamed for pollution. Listen here you fucking chink bastards, you are the reason the world is going to hell. Fuck you, fuck your class obsession, fuck your footprint on the world, fuck the rich assholes you send here to make it a mini china and have custom plates because to you money replaces personality and character. As for Filipinos, I have a fondness for them. They need to remove that violent retard from presidency and turn the Philippines into a tourist destination.
That was a nice metaphor, and it along with the inevitable comments on the jewish race the parallel argument on israel is sure to produce, i am given reason to continue driving
It really doesn't matter if the holocaust happened or not, because the death toll is probably hugely exaggerated. Not that any independent investigation on it was allowed before the reports were wrapped up.
what ethnicity is your spouse?
the holocaust happened on rym
nah i trust data and evidence provided by the soviet union 100%
yeah no
Can an addcuck add this to RYM for me? Thanks
My spouse is South Korean.
she has the exact taste of a white trash tumblr weeb and i dont trust rym trannies to skinwalk that accurately
~pinokiwo is best rym gril
how do you feel about the inevitable extinction of the korean ethnicity outside of north korea?
reeks of trans
If you want my honest opinion, the more human you are, the closer you are to extinction. That's why Indians, Chinese, Hispanics, and Pakistanis outbreed Whites, the Japanese, and Koreans. The North Koreans are not bad people, they are just brainwashed. Basically the way I see it, we are Human, the people coming to our countries in droves ('refugees' who are conveniently all working age men and not women and children) are not.
Morton Feldman
i dont know what the fuck an ethnicity is i just want some coochie
you are the worst of both worlds lmao, extreme cringe wignat but still racemixing and contributing to the kalergi plan's fruition
Wrong. Kalergi was a bitch. I plan on my children being aware of BOTH of their races and cultures and raising them to respect both sides. I would rather if we are both to cease to exist and become one, we take from two humans instead of breeding with some shitkin Indian/Paki or some worthless Chinese fuck. Enough of both genes exist to not niggerize it.
good luck with that
Yeah because hapas are such great members of society and totally not rootless outcasts violently lashing out at society. Come on man, you're just defending your yellow fever now.
If I get into politics, I'll start by keeping out basically any immigration. We need to focus on those within our walls first. Repair racial relations, and focus on building our own communities. Shitskins, unless born in our country (for reference blacks aren't shitskins to me, shitskin refers to Arabs and Indians/Pakistanis) will frankly not be allowed in, but I'll also block immigration from white countries if possible. I want to isolate us immigration wise but allow trade from all other countries. Also I would go Nazi, not Neo Nazi, on Islam minus the violence. They would renounce Islam or be deported. I drove past a mosque (even the word sounds disgusting) the other week and they had a women only and men only entrance. That shit doesn't fly in the civilized, human world.
Hapas are fine when raised by parents who found common ground and loved each other and not some fetishist faggots. Also, statistically speaking, most are half Chink (Chinese) so they aren't human anyway. Fuck them. If you have caring parents you will grow up fine.
>hardcore anti-Islam
>no mention of the Jews who got us into this mess
i don't care about politics, i don't support right wing ideas I don't care about race, i just hate leftists. they're the most overbearing, mindless, devoid-of-personality people on the planet. think about the average twitter idiot who says stuff like "existential depression is my aesthetic" and "THIS. so much THIS!" and has really serious opinions about GoT. do you imagine that person leans left or right?
left. 10 times out of 10, they lean left.
people make a big joke out of right wingers basing their whole worldview on spiting the left, but that that's literally my politics at this point. I'm NOT right wing, or centrist, or anything. i just fucking hate leftists. i hate their effeminate passive-aggressive speaking cadences, i hate their flavor-of-the-week vegetables ("yucca is less colonialist than cauliflower"), I hate their social media one upsmanship.
this isn't funny haha "i hate bicyclists" hate.
this is HATE. i hate them. they're people without souls.
Hitler loved Islam you historically illiterate larper, there were entire Muslim units of the SS
No, fuck Jews as well. I told you the Holocaust was a good thing earlier. Another one isn't needed nor wanted, but I'm not mad that the first one happened. Fuck the Jews, flat out.
me consuming EAI
>I don't care about race
but it cares about you, whyte boi.
Yeah? Well I'm not Hitler, nor do I approve of him approving of Islam.
i think you just hate reddit
monkey.. easy on the eai
I fucking hate all social media
And I'll just say, despite my hate for Islam, fuck that mosque shooter guy.
Okay, this is epic
onemanarmy is the good moderator and i wish he were my husband in real life and online
~harlou123 on the other hand is a truly autistic old cunt and needs to get a life or kys
if you actually block users fuck you
post handle so i can block ur ass
If you keep hating so much you'll turn into one of them. Leftist are basically big blobs of hate at the end of the day, and it isn't even geuine hate. They just do whatever they're programmed to do. I mean, I get how you feel. I feel the same way except I guess I'm inclined to hate less, since I only want what's best for everyone. If only the world was a better place, these leftists would be programmed to be better people.
i only block ~GrimesCuck so i don't have to see that godawful animated avi
teenage tranny with obvious personality disorder? no thanks. stop self viraling
Incredibly based and redpilled