Babby's first concept album
Babby's first concept album
It's a concept album?
More like any Radiohead album
Every album is a concept album
Aren't concept albums mostly a rock thing?
There have been rap concept albums. Most notably/recently Kendrick Lamar's albums.
Concept albums have existed for as long as there have been albums. Concept albums merely express a theme, which could be emotions like melancholy or anger.
Maybe for coon babby
didn’t his first three projects all follow a narrative?
Yea Forums loving this faggot is proof this board is worthless
They did, but the fucking Yea Forumsdslingers are probably too wetawded to realize it because they never actually listened to his other albums
>they never actually listened to his other albums
sounds like they've got the upper hand over you in terms of time wasted on his albums then
Excuse me you fucking can of string beans, it’s not like I said they were GOOD.
How retarded do you have to be to not see that most of these threads are one person baiting and you whiny bitches spazzing in the replies. There's mostly hate but you faggots convince yourself that everyone loves it because you're always the victims. Grow up, nigger.
What's the concept? The timeline of a fucking relationship? Love? I seriously don't get it, it's just a fun album with a few dud songs.
listen again, front to back with no skips..better with in a dark room and no distractions
I really am not a fan of that dumbass post he made basically explaining how to listen to the album it seems posts like these are buying into it. You should experience albums how YOU like to experience them.
Have sex
I would argue that having shitty relationships and not having sex makes this album better.
wasn’t goblin his first concept album? lol.
dumbass liberal
Fuck off, brainlet
>hurr what is bastard
> reads binging with babish.
okay basedtardo.
that's not what a "concept album" is. there's no storyline or cast of characters, it's just tyler being himself but he's experimenting
every tyler album besides cherry bomb is a concept album r-tard