Press S to spit on Moby's career

Press S to spit on Moby's career

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literally who

mister worldwide

18 is an adult. If you can be sent to die in a war, you can fuck a 30 year old when you're 18.

the guy who got stomped by obie

What career?

This. Her example does not hold for the instance in question.

This lmao

Moby's in the clear. He didnt break the law and he's a chill dude.

Women can't be sent to die in a war

Damn, don’t you just hate when consenting adults choose to date other consenting adults a good bit older than them? I mean, we don’t know what was going through either of their heads, but it’s obvious he was a predator and probably raped her a bunch too

yes they can if they join the military

>And Moby
>You can get stomped by Obie
>You 36 year old bald-headed fag blow me
>You don't know me
>You're too old
>Let go
>It's over, nobody listens to techno

Well duh, but the government can't force them to go i.e the draft

Agreed. 18 year old girls obviously are VERY incapable of giving consent. #AlwaysBelieveWomen #Monsanto

that's beside the point. the point is that an 18 year old woman can CHOOSE to die in a war, just as they can CHOOSE to fuck a 30-something guy.
it doesnt matter if it's a good choice, what matters is that it is THEIR choice.

>age gap = predatory
roasties keep projecting their fantasies. Why can’t older men have loving relationships with younger women?

why are adult women so insistent that adult women are too damn dumb to pick their own romantic partners

I don't get it lol


but they can take dick (at 18)

Its only predatory when the guys creepy

Good puas know this

>Ps I completely respect Natalie’s possible regret in dating me(to be fair, I would regret dating me, too)

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His music is trash but i feel kind of sorry for the guy, maybe it's because he looks so helpless

i liked the song he did with gwen stefani

so what is the official cutoff date for when a woman's brain is finally developed enough that she can make her own independent choices? 30? 40?

moby is baste for fucking that bitch and making the song everloving

she hates him. but she used him

world is full of stories like that

top kek

Redpill me on Obie Trice, why was Em shilling for some no name rando so much?

14 and 18 are far more different than 23 and 30. This tweeter is stupid

he was his boy from detroit

>Moby fucks 18 yr old Natalie Portman
Yeahhh that’s gonna be a based from me

She may regret being in the relationship, but she could just say that instead of being a dick and writing it off completely.

no he didnt

not a relationship, it was her just using him

based moby
he fucked natalie portman and has the trump piss tape supposedly


Eminem got called a homophobic Nazi by Mobey and Eminem launched back

There is talk of the draft being extended to women. I encourage it. These bitches want equality, they can have it. Full force.

they never "dated" it was her using him. he shoulda just said they fucked (if they did). it would have been less offensive for her

This 56 year old bald headed fag FUCKED Natalie Portman and basically, you're fucking stupid.

If you’re a right winger, you’re a faggot. This isn’t the way we should think.

I hate faggots. Stop bumping that shit Clairo thread you dickless piece of faggot nigger shit.

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>dating adults now makes you a pedophile
Jesus christ it never ends does it

maybe. but he said "dated".

dat Wes kek

it doesnt. she called him creepy and predatory.

The Trump curse hits again.


>provides no substantiation
What, are you suggesting to end the draft altogether instead? I’m mainly a lefty but you can fuck off if you think I’m going to gladly die in war and in 50 years have the next shillary tell everyone females were the real victims. Cuck.

Trump curse

Moby was never good, since the second half of 2000s.

Moby? He can get stomped by Obie
Thirty six year old bald headed fag....blow me

I’d avoid it as well because im not dying for israel but a lot of the people on the right play this little whataboutism game and it makes them look like a faggy little leftist when they bitch and moan. It’s unbecoming and shouldn’t be right wing behavior. Women shouldn’t be in wars anyway

>milk fed
>milk fed

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Oh you know very well what the implications were

I bet I could kick his ass. fuck Moby.

hes creepy and predatory but not a pedophile. if she was underage, he would be.

lol 14 and 18 is the difference between legal and illegal dumb bitch

Fucking Buzzfeed is all "He also did not address why he, a man in his mid-thirties at the time, was so keen on dating a teenager."

Oh, gee, what a poser. Will we ever solve the mystery??

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Why even make 18 legal if you're just going to shit on every man that dates an 18 year old? Most of these people probably aren't even old enough to consent in their ideal worlds.

is MILK FED the new ALL DAY?

Moby wrote a book recently iirc, that’s where the trump penis touching thing came from. Is there a passage where he describes fucking young Natalie Portman?

I really love this album

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That cover is hilarious

Still very weird for a middle-age man to go after a teenager

this is neither MILK FED nor ALL DAY

Discount 20/20 experience

do you even ALL DAY?

What's with this push by modern-day pearl clutching faggots to try and redefine 18 as not an adult? Are modern roasties getting mad that no one wants to date a used-up 35 year old hag so they're trying to shame men for dating younger women?

Billy Corgan

My memory has failed me. I meant Futuresex/Lovesounds


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it's literally not weird at all. Women between 16-25 are the most desirable to all men, due to both physical attractiveness and fertility.

Did moby even have a career to kill? It baffles me how popular he used to be considering how hard he vanishec


its a onions bottle in the bottom corner

eww, imagine being american and thinking shit like this is a big deal..

not an argument

he most likely took her being nice to him as them dating. hes clearly a creepy incel who takes a woman hanging out or being friends as a date...

? Just because something is legal doesn't make it gross and shameful. Do you really need big daddy government to make all the rules for you or are you intelligent enough to think for yourself?

I hope all white men get sent to prison. Imagine the entire white male population in jail. Like one big wet dog smelling factory

Honestly this. 100 years ago it was normal for girls to be married off at 15 years old to grown men

Society needs to get over this casuistry

Didn't Moby say something about the masons or the zionists some time ago?


>Women shouldn’t be in wars anyway
This isn't equality

>Natalie complaining about an older guy coming on to her
>literally made this when she was 12

What did she mean by this?

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YAAAAAAAAS QUEEN! Women should be forced to go full hijab whenever they are in public until they are unable to conceive children. 18 year old womens are not rational adults. Let's just lower the male age of reason to birth and hold them responsible for everything and remove age of reason for women entirely because they can never attain it!

Gotta lower the age to 12

He was on his record label. Em shilled for his label just like every other hip-hop artist did for theirs.

>Ps I completely respect Natalie’s possible regret in dating me(to be fair, I would regret dating me, too)

What a passive low self-esteem faggot jesus christ. He deserves everything bad that happens to him.

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>Are you kidding me? I'd push my girl off a bridge for an 18 year old

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He's literally famous for being a vegan. He's the prototypical estrogenized male.

Em and Obie are (were) also good friends and he was basically a 7th member of D12.

half my freshman class seemed to be dating seniors or college guys, if not older. why do they act like it's weird?

It's only weird if the guy isn't attractive

The one thing that all these metoo niggers have in common is that their ugly or onions as fuck

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4 or 5 years is a lot less than 15... when youa re 18 you basically have no experience of life as an adult. if your in your 30s going after teens its clear that them being naive and is why your after them. it is predatory

Moby? he can get stomped by Obie.

It's self-deprecating humor, my autistic friend

>if your in your 30s going after teens its clear that them being naive and is why your after them

Or the fact that they're actually healthy and haven't taken miles and miles of dick you absolute faggot

why is it predatory?
the man wants her for her looks, fertility, and overall attractiveness
the woman wants him for his maturity, having his shit together, and overall attractiveness

no victimization need occur

>14 & 23
>illegal, no doubt negative consequences 90% of the time
>18 & 34
>two consenting adults, rational decisionmakers

usually you fuck people you're dating. i know this is news in incelworld
fuck, you guys are clowns

Jim Rash

>not going on two awkward dates before she loses interest

because of onions and xenoestrogens, humans are going through slower puberties later and later, and the period of people's lives where they're helpless fuckups is extending from teens through to mid 20s. it's also the reason there are more transgender, queer people now. you can thank plastic for that

white men are in a prison. it's like being in a jail with all the kikes, muslims, jews, brown people, trump supporters and other shit we need to deport

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If he actually had dated her back then, he'd just get a little "lol what a creep" like Jerry Seinfeld does for dating a 17 year old. But this "I thought we were dating but she didn't" is just sad and laughable.


When she hit the wall as a single mom. You won’t get ostracized for dating single mom and helping her to raise her son.

Actually it's "just because you think something is gross doesn't make it illegal" you retard

Just because something isn't illegal doesn’t mean it's not gross, fucking retard

What's gross is the ageism and the double standard. You know if the genders were reversed, people would be saying "You Go Girl!"

>literally from detroit

>literally famous for being a vegan.
Thats a lie user

Lmao the autism, we just wanna fuck

it's legal because it's two consenting adults, by definition.
"It's gross" isn't a valid argument when Christian fundies say it about gay couples, and it's not a valid argument when some tranny on Yea Forums says it about a bald guy dating an 18 year old.

so much faggots in this thread (and out of it)

they're gonna solve this shit, guys

women are strong and independent and better than men.
but they also have no agency whatsoever and deserve special protection.

Being an adult man an dating an 18 year old is unironically cringe. An 18 year old girl has about the emotional maturity of a 14-16 year old. And if they're gonna be hooking up with an older dude (Moby was fucking 30) it screams mental issues. Legitimately cringe as fuck for an adult man to be dating a high schooler, it's not based, it means he either wants to keep someone vulnerable under his thumb or he never matured beyond being a teenager. You're not owning le roasties by fucking a teenager, you're making yourself look pathetic to any man with a backbone and moral fiber. Now Leo DiCaprio is based, he devours a steady stream of 21-year old models like a true Chad. But 18? That's like being that one early 20s fucking loser that hangs out at high school parties still.

When did 33 become middle age

But I love Michael Stipe from The Radiohead.

Hurts just a little.

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Why are you infantalizing adult women user? Her body her choice, stop being sexist, women are not children and have their own agency

What about it being the legal age to fuck and the girl is hot as fuck and its also not long term?, That's the issue this dude is getting shit for nothing.

It is. Which makes it strangely work.

Moby is all over the place with shit like that. His a little bit manic which is why his music can be amazing.

this is the main motivator of all the salty women calling Moby creepy right now.
jealousy. not jealousy of moby, but jealousy of women who haven't smashed into that wall.

Checked, i think thats the point, hes trying to be cool but he cant.

I thought middle age was late 40's-60.

lol moby

>admits to abusing children online to virtue signal about Moby, who fucked a legally aged woman.

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They should if they're gonna expect men to pay for their female inadequacies.

he went younger than the cutoff for Chadhood and reached scum gang territory

Bit hes not a chad, and shes not underage.

>feminism tells you you can take a mile of black dick, be 200 lb and never shave your armpits and men just have to deal with it
>realize men have legal romantic options other than you
>get angry
>try to ban those options

>implying that dumb nutsack tugging wigger would know about detroit techno

are you kidding me? white nerds are the ONLY people who care about Detroit techno at this point

nerd ≠ nutsack tugging wigger


Those lucky 23 year olds

>I dated
>It was not dating
Wtf with this retard lmao

>go to make a JUST moby
>tfw realise he lost his hair 10 years prior to this photo

"if you stare into the JUST, the JUST stares straight back at you"

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Now imagine if Moby was a chad.
Ugly and short men are not allowed to even be in the presence of a woman.

Why the fuck do people think they need to give a public statement of everything?, Who the fuck cares?, Natalie lied, thats the fucking weird shit, but somehow this bitch has to twist reality to make him the bad one.

>an 18 year old girl has the emotional maturity of a 14 to 16 year old
if this is universal and based on science, doesnt that mean that they have the standard level of maturity for an 18 year old?

No science is a Jewish trick

The majority of the people who die in war (and this statistic is reflective of the entire human history) are innocent women and children. Additionally, women living in war torn countries get raped far more often (by american soldiers too, let me remind you) than those in peaceful countries. These days taking women with you to war is abnormal, so the wives and daughters of military men aren't usually the victims of war (they've been the victims of peace when their jobs were taken away from them), but it used to be quite normal to take your family if you planned on conquering. For instance, the crusades had massive numbers of peasants, women, and children - all untrained for war - who were part of the reason that women and children are the highest casualties in war. Men kill in war, and all men seem to be killing women and children more often than other men. Isn't that an optimistic thought?

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solid album
although I didn't realise he was not british for a long time due to how popular this album was here

This woman's entire book (if you couldn't tell by the title) is about being pumped and dumped by hundreds of men from a young age, then hitting the wall. I'm sure that has no influence on her opinions

Leonardo has dated tons of 18 year olds you fucking retard. He even started off two of his long-term gfs at 18
>An 18 year old girl has about the emotional maturity of a 14-16 year old.
You're a seething roastie because only a roastie could believe something this stupid


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Porcelain is one of the best songs ever

>mainly a lefty
you're advocating for more people going to war, what kind of leftism is this? you're a numbskull

man, Eminem is truly the lyrical goat

Yes feminism is a plot to take away sex partners for you, specifically.
Fuck off

real name
no gimmicks

just because leo did it doesn't make it any less weird. Only leo has chad armor.
>seething roastie
LMAO how out of touch are you? ask ten people close to you if they think leo dating 18 yo's is weird in any way and note on a scale from 1-10 how seething roastie they are.
You're fucking wierd as fuck for thinking that mate.

The people ITT defending Moby are those creepy 23 yo's dating 15 yo's girls in highschool because "she's more mature than the others"


she was must sexier at 12 anyway

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JESUS man. i'm not into grannies.

>Only leo has chad armor.
OK then try explaining how your idea of 'chad armor' entitles someone to date someone with the 'emotional maturity of a 14 year old' to your friends, they'll think you're weird

This is disgusting, I cannot believe that Moby fucks 17 year olds


wtf moby fucks 12 year olds?

>what is child grooming

How could a 12 year old know this much about popular culture?

when I was 22-23 I dated an 18 year old, it fuckin sucked man, I would not recommend it, not for any moral reasons, as long as she's legal that's fine, but because they're fuckin idiots.

Why would he be raping 7 year olds?

this was a double entendre because not only are they stupid but also they are fornicating with idiots (ie me)

50 or menopause

Every child star in Hollywood gets fucked by older men.
They are okay with it, as those men are not ugly betamales like Moby.
If women ran the world, there would be an incel holocaust.

Not even a moby fan but managed to see him for free once and was unironically the second best live act ive ever seen

Fucking based, the used goods are absolutely SEETHING.

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People is twisting shit to make him ñook bad for fucking a legal adult, because hes ugly lmao, its funny but wrong

Lmao look

Sounds more like they fucked a couple times and Moby thought they were dating

The OP on Twitter is probably a 14 year old girl lying who cares

Holy shit, Moby is so disgusting for fucking 3 year olds. He can't keep getting away with it

Guys, Moby anally raped my 1 week old son. I've had it up to here with him.

it rhymed with Moby

Moby raped my boby

>then hitting the wall.

everything about her twitter screams single girl with bpd.

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no longer being attractive according to internet virgins

>I "dated" 23 year olds when I was 14
what a slut holy shit

It's not like she called him a rapist or anything, she just said he was weird and creepy, which let's be honest anyone not vegan already thought about Moby since forever

She thicc, mommy milk pls

It's part of her job though

Wtf, they are talking about this in the radio and normies are siding with him lmao

So is techno. Go figure.


18-y.o. ""adults"" can't even buy their own beer lmao
fuck off pedoscum

Ok lets us take away their driver licences and other rights

Maybe in America, but not in other Western countries. Why is it okay for an 18 year old to smoke cigarettes but not drink a beer?

Some dude at work asked another why he let his teenager son smoke and he said
>Because i want him to fucking die as soon as posible
Lmao based

Smoking age is 21 in some states.

>"I'll prove I'm not a creep by digging up and taking a picture of an old polaroid of us together where you look visibly uncomfortable that for some reason I've had saved for 20 years"

honestly more damning than anything she said

Nobody cares, Moby.