Oldfags of Yea Forums

oldfags of Yea Forums
how do you feel about paramore's transition over the years?

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they've always sucked and still do, just different flavors of suck

its honestly fine

quality wise I'd say they improved, their older songs have that nostalgia, but strangely their newer songs can evoke that same warm feeling

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What kind of absolute normie faggot listens to Paramore. That's like enjoying imagine dragons, maroon 5 or Coldplay.

This. The only reason we talk about them here is that mu virgins have the delusion that Hayley could maybe drop her standards low enough to date them

She used to be a dude?

has she always been a slut?

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Have sex

get taste

I hear she's addicted to bbc now. Is this true?


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I don't know

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we can only hope

>lets listen to paramore and play adventure quest

Transition from what? Industry plant to... industry plant?

think she does drugs?

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Protect that smile


Have sex

God i wish

I hear she still has the penis and it's big and smelly, it even sneaks out sometimes if she wears a skirt

And I heard that you are a fucking faggot and you deserve to be gased slowly

based lotr poster

just cause he said something mean about your waifu?
wew, this says alot about you

Don't talk shit. Maroon 5's first album is a fucking masterpiece. Everything after was garbage tho lol

Why does this look like the start to some pov porn?

Because you're addicted to porn

she smol

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she looks like a homeless addict


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looking forward to their metal release

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and you wonder why you get told to fuck off on the regular

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hearing the singles that they put out from '07 to '09 gives some nostalgic vibes. The "Ain't it fun" and "still into you" songs were their big hits so you still hear em on the radio.

The newest album is great though.

quite a bit less hot but also a wee bit hotter in other ways, for instance im sure her ass is bigger now than at the start maybe tits a little bit too uwu
oh and music wise yeah they blow now but had some bangers before

a few reasons i think actually. shes hot. theres no volume. the camera angle above her. maybe a few other subtle ways

Anyone that defends the first Maroon 5 album is a retard


their new stuff is ok live but i still prefer riot and brand new eyes to s/t and after laughter when listening to them at home. hayleys voice still sounds great.

Their last good album was Brand New Eyes and even that one a lot of the songs sounded the same.

Not hard ones.


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i'll never understand people browsing the catalog, seeing a thread about a band they hate and then entering that thread just to post that they dont like the band. why bother? is it just for some (you)s?

why not?

wont you have a better time discussing artist you enjoy listening to?

i have a great time shitting on artists i hate it's fun

>how do you feel about paramore's transition over the years?

i still fondly remember the day she posted her tits.

Pretty solid transition. The S/T years are still the golden years got me. I listen The that album a lot still.