leftists ruin music
Leftists ruin music
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Weird kid.
let's be honest, they ruin everything. they just can't help themselves.
Is Power Trip even similar to Burzum. Did the Prof. just want to shove his music down any edgy student’s throat
1. that didn't happen
2. if this ruins music for you OP, then find another hobby
Its a fake story
>Thrash metal
>Listen to black metal
Less stinky shit to smelliest piece of shit
>this is apparently good design according to leftists
what's even the problem with this? i wouldnt want to listen to some white supremacist retard like varg
Ah yes the many leftists who think Putin and Trump are communists
Anything that helps take tr-mp down is alright with me, we need everything we can get
OP took the bait like a sweet faggot lol
Would buy Vlad is BASED
disconnect art from the artist you faglord
>Chapo/Rose Twitter syntax
OUT OUT OUT OUT you're effectively on the same side and liberals because you're agree 100% on cultural issues and will always take their side
Leftists are the ones that make good music, face it.
based and frog pilled
It's still kinda shit. EA, Lord of the depths is a great song though.
What do expect in a world controlled by deceitful leftists?
>imagine actually giving a shit about politics in music
Shut up faggot
90% of artists are lefties lad. The bleeding hearts and artistes.
*signs to major record label*
>tfw the biggest propagandists of left politics are usually emotional artists who probably couldn't make it through Capital because it involves too many graphs
the Manics had god-tier single artwork hot damn
neo nazism is off the table, when you cross that territory i refuse to associate with you or consume your art. that is just too depraved for me to accept. neo nazis and baby rapists are on my no listen list no exceptions.
mate do you think leftists control the world? who do you think has all the money? leftism is sold to the masses like anything else.
You're probably the same guy who supports the movie industry even though it's filled with pedophiles.
Don't let Nazis ruin your scene
nah i hate hollywood i pretty much only watch documentaries or old art movies if i watch movies
Liberals are not leftists
>leftists ruin music
And It's A Good Thing!
>thinking the obvious will stop hypocrites
think again
did your girlfriend's bull decide that for you?
>it's filled with pedophiles.
...from an user posting on Yea Forums...
Libtards have ruined scenes with constant witch hunts and narcissistic drama. Its not the 80s anymore
neo nazis want to murder people that dont look like them or because of their religion, it's some barbaric death cult cavemen shit.
What are you implying? That everyone on here is a childfucker? We're not on Yea Forums or /r9k/ user.
The same band that was so anti-war...until Obama got in office. Then they stopped caring.
Varg isn't even a Nazi, he put out a video condemning national socialism recently and blamed Hitler in part for destroying Germany. Not that I agree with his views, but he's the most armchair white nationalist in existence - he literally says you should just live in the woods until society collapses.
A revolution is not a dinner party, even though both are usually attended by annoying people with bad takes
Its going to be so funny when Trump leaves office in 2024 and all these neo leftists stop caring
Varg is connected to right wing nationalist groups. They tried to break him out of prison; his home got raided because his wife bought rifles even though he knows the authorities are still monitoring him. Hes not a good person at all, there's a reason vice did the hit piece on him. This is real life not a video game he is a horrible fucked up person.
Provide proofs apart from the murder he served his sentence for.
do you need an ambulance?
>doesn’t comprehend the chan syntax
>doesn't comprehend the female anatomy
it's ok you might get laid one day
Nigger frog faggot
What's wrong with Chapo?
Vice does hit pieces because they are deranged drug addicts addicted to outrage clicks
I've been here a while and the only people that post like that are the ones having a psychotic episode or the ones having a stroke. and the first dude just posted a sentence with a normal structure
>saying goodbye to my wizardy
how weak do you think I am?
What did he mean by this?
>Have sex, my sweet summer child
Smug champaign socialist pseuds
Not even remotely.