>lives in the first world
>sings about depression
Lives in the first world
>lives free in the wild
>you can't have a chemical imbalance in your brain if you are geographically located in europe or north america
>implying people in the third world have the luxury of suffering from depression
depression is a first world illness
>on Yea Forums
>lives in depression
>sings about the first world
most parts of the USA aren't first world.
chemical imbalance is a meme, first worlders don't know how easy they have it
lmao why are they so weak?
depression literally doesnt exist anywhere outside of the first world
read kaczynski
You think having to compete for success with hundreds of millions of people wouldn’t make you depressed?
>lives in the second world
>sing about the triumph of socialism
that shit happens way worse in the third world
i can already tell you're brazilian
i guess nobody would notice mental illness down there you're all fucking retards lmao
Cry moar first world faggot
Only the black parts
>lives in south america
>claims to be first world
>chemical imbalance
you faggots will come up with anything to justify your self-diagnosed cool and hip """"depression"""""
lmao why are first worlders so weak? what a bunch of pussy ass faggots
ok virgin
>be an "opressed" nigger
>sing about fucking hoes and being rich
The United States is the most depressing place in the world.
I'm the happiest person on this site desu
doesnt that make more sense
if you live in the third world you dont have time for depression lol
seconded, fuck the US government
well.. people who has those hands are not
based and mccandlesspilled
lol no
>be a dumb shitskin
>get free shit from dumb goyim
>be depressed
I certainly hope not
well that only happens to shitskins who live in first world countries, the rest just live in hell on earth
>chemical imbalance in your brain
More like too much pee in your brain
This. The best cure for depression is doing something, anything, even if it means going for a walk for 15 minutes. It fucking helps.
kys shitskin
Only the nigger parts, but the red states are full of white niggers. The blue states are at least somewhat close to a first world country.
The first world is the triumph of left-of-center social democracy. The shithole that is the United States shows the failure of religious capitalism.
I've been to first world countries, the US, and third world countries. There's a clear jump between the three so I call the US a "second world" country.
>man can live on bread alone.
I can debunk this:
Suicide rates are far higher in happy/well-developed/first world countries. This is reflected in the music as well. Compare Congolese Rumba with Norwegian Black Metal. This is because suicidal depression comes from thinking everything is going well and everyone around you is doing well and you are worthless for having a worse time in this society than nearly anybody else. (e.g. If you're in Zambia and your parents disown you and your girl leaves you, you don't care much because you know 8 people who died of aids last month, but if you're in Norway and this happens, you feel like a hopeless failure and are more likely to off yourself.) Rich kids also have high rates of a variety of mental health issues for similar reasons.