Is music more or less enjoyable if you know music theory?

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the only difference is that you have more ways to appreciate what you listen to

Shouldn't matter. If it does, you definitely have the 'tism.


and criticize

how much time do you spend criticizing music you enjoy?

In what ways are you appreciating music more by knowing theory?

Why don't you go find out?

I know theory. Find out what? Are you too stupid to expand on your comment?

is this a joke?

Show me a key signature for G# major.

It loses some of it's "magic" since it isn't as mysterious if you know what the musician is doing. Like black metal might sound spooky but it's less threatening once you know what they are doing theory wise to get those sounds

It depends how well written the music is. The more theory you learn, the more repetitive derivative bullshit gets exposed for what it is.

Are you retarded?
Care to answer my question instead of side tracking?

music theory is absolutely useless for a listener, it exists solely for purposes of taking the song apart so you can know what and how to steal from it

yeah more or less

You ruin enough threads today? Go fuck your own face.

not me
good example is nmh, i really liked april 8th and after i studied music theory a little to grasp the basics and consulted with a friend who composes i learned that the third chord for each repetition is actually a major/minor mashed together which prevents the song from resolving into either comfortably
buddy i mentioned now likes them too :)
i like seeing what goes on under the surface, helps me to find new stuff that i like and replicate it in my own bedroom experiences
are you asking in good faith or looking for an argument because i dont really want to argue

I used to compete in music competitions in school and one of the pieces of advice that always stuck with me was from one of the judges "If you only listen for mistakes, that's all you'll hear." be a positive listener and enjoy music for what it is not what it could be.

It's not more or less, it's a different way to enjoy it.

No. He's not. He's been shitting up the board all day with his inability to tell the difference between trolling and acting like a faggot.

>reee I hate discussion I just want to state my retarded opinions and shitpost
Fuck off

oh bummer :(

Prove you know theory by meeting my request and I'll give you discourse.


i used to get completely immersed into music, it was like a warm blanket covering over me. now it’s just this thing i HAVE to pick apart and analyze, i can’t turn my brain off. especially after learning audio engineer shit on top of that

ignorance is bliss with music

I understand what you're saying, but that's not really enjoying it more than before. You're still hearing the exact same things from the music that previously brought enjoyment. All theory does is translate what your hearing into a language you're more familiar with, but like I said, unless you have autism that shouldn't really matter as to your enjoyment of what you're hearing.
lol schizo, this is the first Yea Forums thread I've posted in today

>I understand what you're saying, but that's not really enjoying it more than before
nah you're wrong
if i say im enjoying it more its because i am
not gonna bother reading the rest of your post because youre arguing in bad faith
hope you find something more productive to do :)

>I understand what you're saying, but that's not really enjoying it more than before. You're still hearing the exact same things from the music that previously brought enjoyment. All theory does is translate what your hearing into a language you're more familiar with, but like I said, unless you have autism that shouldn't really matter as to your enjoyment of what you're hearing.
>"you think you're enjoying it more because you understand it better and get a kick out of it"
>"but you're wrong"

You may think so, but any difference in your enjoyment of music from knowing theory is superficial.

not gonna argue abt how much i enjoy something w/ an attention starved amateur shitposter lol

Because you're out of arguments. The only other user ITT who has any sense is the dude who said theory is useless for a listener.

gonna stop giving you attention now, bye bye


Knowing a little bit of music theory hasn't really changed my views or anything. When reviewing or analyzing a piece of music, theory is useful and insightful. Lookin' at you Fantano, your reviews suck.