ITT: creativecore

ITT: creativecore

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This album makes me wanna cry because the dude was trying to stick it to the vaporwave sound and it came out as something special instead. Beautiful irony, a triumphant fck you to Vaporwaves pretentiousness at the time. Wouldn't be surprised if it influences other music.

I'll check it out

It's honestly one of the best in the genre, simply because its not playing off some cheap sense of nostalgia like literally any other vaporwave release. It actually does more interesting things with its samples than simply slowing them down.
Pretty decent, got recommended to me by youtube the other day.

Then it's a vaporwave gem. What you're describing is vapormeme

Yeah me too for some reason.
Kind of enjoyed it desu

one of my fav albums ever, it's a shame its looked at as a meme
well put homie

user, the genre is a meme. its fans know and have always known this. what you perceive as pretense is people being ironic 95% of the time

If its suppose to be ironic anyway then why was one of the most well known vaporwave projects made by a girl?

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>It's a trap!
I count at least three levels of irony in what I'm saying here, but like vaporwave, I ain't gonna spell it out for you.

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this album is beautiful im glad people are finally realizing how good it is and posting it here
also pic related is excellent

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as long as we're posting god tier vapor sound collage, have another

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thank you for your gift user

Shilling my own album but the video is pretty neat

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Listening now. It is fine musique concrète, indeed, but to call sampling "creative" is kind of giving me a chuckle user.

you're welcome friend :)
>COME.... SAVE ME.....
>SAVE ME......
>HAHA...... LET IT FLOAT ME......
>SAVE ME......

this shit sucks lol

Reminder that some Vaporwave artist got asshurt by the album's existence and tried mock it by making a fake sequel to Floral Shoppe and failed.

I'm not kidding.

Attached: FloralShoppe2TDF-Cover.png (1000x1000, 886K)

that was HKE, who is the instigator of the majority of the community's drama, from mundane idiocy like running his label (Dream Catalogue) poorly to full blown autistic fits like releasing satire under pseudonyms. this isn't even the cringiest thing he's done; one time he released an album titled Dream Catalogue Is A Vaporwave Label And HKE Is A Bitch and then took it down thirty minutes later, pretending it was someone else

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Can you elaborate on this stuff, or link something to read up on it?
I like some of his stuff a lot but I keep reading about him being an autistic retard.

this album is proof that Yea Forums faggots can force themselves to enjoy anything if the aesthetic matches what they want to be perceived as

Best Vektroid album

This album gave me some type of vibe when I first heard it. Never knew I would like music like this before I listened to it.

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this, the only good thing about the album is the cover

it's mostly on the subreddit. here's a few links, if you want more just search "hke" and "dream catalogue" and look at the older results
there may also be videos on the subject, but I never bothered any further than the already exhausting Reddit drama

cant find any album that fits the vibe of this one but its cool as hell

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the only based post in this thread

pic is better

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yeah hke is really problematic
wosx does a much better job at poking fun at vaporwave and without making lazy shitposts either

ive listened to sitcom (his more recent album) and it’s just as excellent

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absolutely based, still can't make head nor tails of it

This is also fantastic

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>force themselves
just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean no one else does