ITT: Cursed pictures of musicians

ITT: Cursed pictures of musicians

Attached: FqoBb.jpg (500x894, 61K)

OwO what is this

that's actually both blessed and based

This. Probably one of the greatest pictures of one of the greatest musicians ever. You're 10,000% onions, OP.

Attached: albini.jpg (620x400, 73K)

momma and daddy

Attached: bowie jr.jpg (407x443, 84K)

He went balls deep in mommie and made me

Attached: bowie jr 2.jpg (471x299, 46K)

this is an albini thread from this point on

Attached: 1557456217390.jpg (612x542, 77K)

Albini was kind of good looking..

no. you're a fucking weirdo.

Attached: stevoalbino.png (1254x564, 536K)

Attached: 3860E8E4-8357-4E8D-9DC5-2CDD4D51D56C.jpg (490x368, 58K)

Attached: ac527d8d4f8fee74463ebbc9bc819dd3.jpg (480x545, 42K)

he stuffed

Attached: SETH.jpg (557x861, 188K)

Attached: rog scary.jpg (427x747, 42K)

>the guy from Anal Cunt getting a blowjob while injecting heroine
damn, I think that is genuinely the most cursed music-related image possible

he saw a Big Mac in the audience


You just know.

Attached: azhhafq.jpg (600x600, 53K)

is that bowie?

>sock stuffing
>white ppl

Attached: 1426201959019.png (200x200, 64K)

>big schlong bowie with his hot model wife

Attached: 1555929747233.jpg (1920x2120, 551K)

We all saw his schlong in Man Who Fell To Earth

"How big is David Bowie's dick" wasn't something I anticipated googling today thanks user

Attached: Syd.jpg (362x356, 142K)

is the big suit cursed?

Attached: 25cf3f019313546ee498133c046ef3ab.jpg (1020x1668, 432K)

Despacito 2

Attached: 551DAA82-D321-405F-9755-CE507D8B3816.jpg (750x630, 242K)

Fuck no.

Attached: 33317A5D-C0E4-4919-957E-0B82D718FA25.gif (269x206, 433K)


it's worth noting hes using a patch cable for a tourniquet as well

I wood berry

i don't have it, but that one image of michael gira with his cock out is pretty cursed.

Attached: bowie2.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Attached: Horror-New-Theory-Wacko-Developed-Norman-Bates-Style-Multiple-Personality-Disorder…-That-Allowed-H (540x400, 45K)

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Attached: 9's and 11's.jpg (375x500, 37K)

Oh lawd he packin

have sex

Attached: Darcy.jpg (293x473, 21K)

Attached: 1552618760920.jpg (539x960, 58K)

Having a hard time imagining a woman who likes Anal Cunt, let alone enough to suck Seth Putnam's dick on stage as he's injecting heroin

Women love sinking to any depth, it's what they're good at. That and she was paid.