Why is this album so underappreciated? It's hilarious, catchy, and contains some of their best songs (Piss Up A Rope, Mister Richard Smoker, You Were The Fool). I think it's become my second favourite from Ween after The Mollusk.
Why is this album so underappreciated? It's hilarious, catchy, and contains some of their best songs (Piss Up A Rope...
Help Me Scrape The Mucus Off My Brain and Japanese Cowboy are also 10/10. Not a bad song on there.
Definitely agree, OP. Easily one of Ween's best albums up there with The Mollusk, Quebec, Chocolate & Cheese and White Pepper
Solid 8/10
I'm listening to entire Ween discography chronologically rn and I'm on The Oneness rn. Can't wait to listen The mollusk and quebec.
I did the mollusk once, but just in the background, and still liked it
Quebec is overrated, don’t get your hopes up.
I'm sure there'll be some good shit in between
The Pod, Pure Guava... I hope they're all good
I agree OP. It is probably my favorite Ween album. All tracks are good to excellent apart from fluffy which is a good parody but not a great "song".
the pod is a masterpiece
Not even close. Literally only one "weak" song on there (Fucked Jam) and even that is actually kinda cool but doesn't really fit. The rest ranges from great to god-tier Ween work.
The Argus alone is a fucking masterpiece. Quebec is great. And their most mature work. Even the demos for Quebec are great. (Caesar is phenomenal)
This is my favorite Ween album, maybe tied with the Pod.
Was anyone else at the Ryman show in Nashville last year? That was amazing.
If anything I think The Pod is overrated by some weirdos, I dont' get its appeal tbqh, I mean some of the songs are good but some just sound so weirdly sludgey and boring, like they were made by someone on salvia or some shit. It's an okay album but not anything more than that IMO
These are all the same stale arguments for it being good. The fact of the matter is they lost their magic by the time they made that album and you can hear it in like 80% of the songs.
yea I have downloaded pre 1990 demos and Ceseer too. The 1999 ballsack photo album too. And it's great to understand all "memes" from demos that maybe appear later
You didn't skip their demo tapes, did you?
>quebecfag thinks the pod is overrated
It's every Ween fan's girlfriend's favorite album. It's also the album of choice for Johnny come latelys. It's a great album, but it is def overrated.
>imagine being this wrong
The magic if anything is there stronger than most of their work. I don't want to deep dive too deep into this because you frankly, aren't worth the time.
But let's recap:
Zoloft, Transdermal Celebration, Among His Tribe, Tried & True, Happy Colored Marbles, Captain, Chocolate Town, I Don't Want It, Alcan Road, If You Could Save Yourself are all fucking excellent songs.
The psychedelic side of some songs, the somber depressed subdued side of other songs. The whole vibe is so rad. Transdermal Celebration is one of their best ever. That is some peak Ween right there dude.
Fucking Alcan Road, I listened to that on the peak of LSD and it blew my goddamn motherfucking melon.
I Don't Want It, is a masterpiece of music. If You Could Save Yourself is better than Floyd. The list goes on. Quebec is their best, and I will not accept any fucking contrarian argument as to why that's not true. Listen again. And again. Until you get it. Clean your ears.
Not true, I've been a Ween fan for years. I'm a man who enjoys good fucking music. IT's not overrated at all.
The Pod is good but not the best. I don't get that mindset desu, Quebec is another realm of awesomeness. Another dimension of beautiful music.
it’s supposed to simulate the feeling of being in a really shitty apartment with peeling paint and flies buzzing everywhere on a really hot day
Just because you are an exception, doesn't change the what I've heard from fans at the last 20+ Ween shows I've attended.
>quebecfags go to this extent to validate their delusions
Yeah I get it, they made it when they were sick and it's supposed to be like that. And I think Captain Fantasy, Pork Roll Egg & Cheese, Dr Rock, Right To The Ways And The Rules of The World, Can U Taste The Waste are some of their best work. But I also think it has some filler that sounds too sludgy for me to really enjoy it unless I have a fever. I like the album but don't think it's better than their classics (Mollusk, Quebec, White Pepper, C&C, 12GCG)
>children hating on quebec
only you can prevent bad taste!
>Their classics
>Doesn't include The Pod.
The Pod is quintessential Ween. I just don't get it when people talk this way about it.
>thinks quebec is tasteful
Pod and Guava are the two staple Ween albums if you want to know what they’re about.
it's not funny at all
Their humor isn’t inherently funny.
>Staple Ween albums
Staple albums? Is that like staple foods?
Objectively wrong
i cant handle all these fucking quebec fags. ween is the pod and pure guava
ween is that, to YOU.
Never heard that phrase?
This user here
Listening to The Pod rn and I have that excitement tickles, I'm on the 7th track so far but it's so damn good. I feel internal orgasm
Like I said, I've heard other things described as a staple before. I'd like to know what makes something a staple as apposed to a classic. Not trying to look stupid, but I'm not going to lie either.
Mollusk > Shinola > Quebec > C&C > The Pod > White Pepper > GWS > 12 Golden Country Greats
meant to reply to
I used staple in this case because those two albums I named are the best two albums to demonstrate the essence of the band. A classic can be any old good album that stands the test of time. I consider GWS-Mollusk to be classics.
the best ween album and a staple of country music
I guess I can understand that. I don't think many fans differentiate between those two sentiments. Their favorite is a classic to them. May as well be the same since we're mostly just bickering based on personal taste.