Music to listen to to attract a girl like this?

asking for friend.

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Tell me your plan first. How will you use that music to attract her?

or a girl like this.

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girls who dress like that. just like the 1975 and halsey

if u want the Yea Forumscore cumdumpsters dress like pic related

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whatever their last bf listened to

No girl in the world is going to be like "oh wow an user who likes the same music as me my pussy is sooo wet". Girls don't give af if you have the same interests as them, in fact, most of the time that intimidates them because they just want to hear themselves talk about whatever they're into without objection

normalfag-who-wants-to-pretend-to-be-different music

Cigarettes after sex
King gizzard
Snail mail

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idk. most of the ppl ive dated are musicians or i met through my local music scene cause their also interested in music

Most girls have shit taste they just act like their shit is deep because they have 0 personality.

Jc are you a boy or girl? And did the other person like the same styles of music

Having a common music taste is pretty helpful. It's not something I would talk about during a first conversation though.

I just wanna bang an Art Hoe, I dont want to fall in love.

it doesnt matter what you listen to, not even if you have the ((exact)) same taste in everything, only thing that matters is if you are good looking and you're confident enough

or money, having a fuck ton of money helps too

a lot of money? Fuuck, art hoes are some shallow materialistic bitches.

Lil peep
Joy division
Lana del rey

yeah, every bitch is, even art hoes.

It's true though it's a bottomless pit if you are broke these girls will suck every dollar out of you and dip when it runs out, every fucking time. So get rich and maybe talk about Slowdive or MBV and you are golden

Thanks for red pilling me on women pol.

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friend dont mix music and women. when you inevitably break up that music will probably be ruined for you

I don't fall in love anymore, pol red-pilled me on bitches.

Ah but you're such a beautiful wonderful person who deserves to be loved user

Yeah but it's a novelty when it comes to relationships. As are most pop culture interests. I'm not saying "oh all women are stupid shallow whores!1!1" just that, like the song goes, it's a material world and women have to survive in it too.


My sister and her friend look like that they either listen to metal or random shit they find on youtube

is that a girly boy or a boyish girl legit can't tell

im a boy and have dated. men, women, and nonbinary people all i met through the music scene. i grew up in a rural area and had no friends in high school and believed some of the ideas perpetuated here that other ppl are basic and you should dumb yourself down or not discuss weird music at all with ppl. but moved to a city and made friends with people in the music and art scene. and yes i have diverse tastes so i always have common interests in music. most people i meet are interested in music-- its this myth perpetuated here that its weird or rare to find people interested in music. ive met ppl studying art music interested in electro-acoustic, lowercase, classical of all periods, ive met electronic kids into obscure techno and race, ive met indie and punk kids, noise kids, jazz kids... ppl into things of every kind. ppl interested in songwriting, ppl interested in building instruments, ppl interested in playing a specific instrument, ppl interested in writing classical works, ppl interested in text or visual scores and free improvisation, ppl interested in hosting shows. promoting shows, writing about music, having radio shows etc. its not hard to meet ppl who share an interest in music.

this and this.
Although I don't know if the American counterpart differs a lot from the Scandinavian, my own experience says that these types of girls pretend to be "alternative", so you should too; pretend.
Don't reveal your powerlevel, but show her, that you're not one of the run of the mill white boys that listen to Spotify's top 100 chart - I think they're intimidated by those guys, in the same way you might be intimidated from some hot, although basic, girl.
It's always good to remind yourself that this place is poison for your brain, and that women actually generally tend to prefer personality to looks, compared to their male counterparts.
The biggest advice anyone could ever give you, is unironically to be yourself, once you learn part of yourself should shine - having the confidence to rest in your own personality is generally what seperates the wheat from the chaff
It might take a long time, but you will never learn it if you don't even bother trying.
Godspeed user

>this myth perpetuated here that its weird or rare to find people interested in music
When you have to move to a big city and become a part of the local niche art scene just to meet people like that then yea it is kinda hard. I'm speaking generally, as in the entire population in any major country...anyway, you just met those people through the scene. I'm going to assume that they didn't date you or vice versa solely because you shared similar interests lol which was my original point