based britannia
Based britannia
literally the most cucked country on the planet
>Mozart being taught in UK classrooms
he's not even British wtf
>look at comments
>70% genuinely confused bongs
>30% chiding shitskins
Multicultural af
He ĺiterally has only one good song
yeah, I gotta admit, as much as his music sucked "Leck mich im Arsch" was a masterpiece.
Further proof that Mozart is underrated.
both were very important black musicians. how bout switching out the beatles or bach for stormzy instead or someother shitty white folks
>both were very important black musicians.
are ppl in the UK too dumb to think about music existing at different times and places and having different cultural and societal implications? theres plenty to talk about with both but its not like theres any point in learning about singular musicians as though they lived in vacuum.
Piss off mate. Fuck bohf of these jokas. Kids need to know about the real ones.
Not only is there little to talk about, I'm sure if actually thought about it you would understand the point in doing this. Just think about it though. Its not like Bongs are allowed to say it out loud.
This. Not racist, just don't like em. Simple as.
Fuck this bullshit.
Grime is one of the main reasons why this country is so fucked with knife and gang crime... NOW they want to teach grime in fucking school?
Yeah... this is gonna end really well...
I want to make a fake Eric Clapton twitter account and just go around replying racist shit on britbong posts.
Oi m8 ya got a loicense for that music genre?
since mozart is still with us this is bound to bring his wrath upon the eternal anglo
Stop it with this fucking meme, how could I be alive?
>Grime is one of the main reasons why this country is so fucked with knife and gang crime
lololololololol imagine believing what the Tories tell you. hahaha grow up you child.
Who the fuck is Stormzy
I'm sure they'll still be teaching Purcell and Elgar, chauvinist idiots.
what a disgusting fucking nigger
>I don't know you at all because we're all retards over here
That nigger looks like an actual chimp lmao
>grow up
>growing up is accepting nigger music that spreads violence and degeneracy everywhere with the lowest effort possible
Why do leftists always use grow up as an insult? They ALWAYS use it, it's ridiculous
Shut up mane, he looks absolutely british
Nobody wants to grow up with belligerent niggers and rapey muzzies m8. How about you fuckin off yourself you silly cunt
It's because we're infringing on their right to suck dick in a public restroom. You know. Like the grownups on TV do.
read the article before posting you baboons
Man try switch Mozart and Stormzy
Tell my man shut up
Joke's on them, I'm not having any children.
I will follow lord terry's advice and play this videogame that is real life to get the highest score
I'm going to save Anons some time. It makes sourceless claims about studies, saying it will "diversify" the (((entertainment industry))). You're welcome.
based robert
Stale bait
we know, incel
this. these outrage articles are almost always boring and unnotable if you read past the headline or hell, if your not a rage fueled reactionary clutching his pearls at every little progressive idea
>virginity bad
Brainwashing children is the only thing you tranny brained faggots have left to your name. Everything can still be okay if you can just accept that nobody loves or wants you, and fuck off back to your disease ridden flophouse and make as little noise as possible when the AIDS ends your sorry excuse for a life.
Nope you fucking retard it's not that at all. It's about a study conducted in schools with high risk of exclusion by a UK charity named Youth Music (so much for the """""sourceless claims"""""). This study shows that teaching more contemporary music to students at risk of exclusion helps not only to prevent exclusion, but also improves performance in subject like maths. And this makes sense because if you were some ghetto kid whou doesn't give a shit about education, if you began studying music similar to your taste, you would show more interest in school. It's not fucking rocket science, Mr. "Timesaver".
What he said: a bunch of kikey mumbo jumbo.
When the /pol/ack is cornered, it emits a flurry of buzzwords to hide its distress.
You have not read my post, you mouthbreather.
>clutching his pearls
I did that with one hand.
Suck a gas main.
Can you please read the fucking article?
whoa suck a gas main! that's way more creative and snarky than a simple "kys!" this guy is fucking smart!!!!
i just dont understand why its one or the other... ive researched 10000s of artists for fun and spend all my time reading about it. but actuing like any one artist exists in a vacuum seems stupid to me. and promotes this western capitalist ideology of master genius creators rather than cultural shifts and ideas, artworks and philosophies existing within complex networks and histories. talking about mozart outside of the context of society and what existed before and after is stupid as is talking about stormzy wihout context.
lol you realize mozart is also a black artist right? or do you seriously have to white wash all history
>"because they rap about violence and drugs, they MUST be endorsing it, right?"
fuck off, I've lived in London all my life and knife/gang crime is a constant, with or without grime. You're just too stupid to tell the difference between cultural/social reflection and a genuine call-to-arms.
Well it's not a college class, it's more oriented to secondary education. And remember, this is to prevent school exclusions, so baby steps.
I agree with the general sentiment, but the UK really is a joke at this point, and it manifests in seemingly small bullshit like this because everyone's tip-toeing around the real large-scale issues.
It's about working in class with the rubbish that working trash and immigrant children are used to listening. Basically a preventive measure to keep poor children at school. Art music is an acquired taste anyway, it will always be restricted to those who seek it by their own choice.
In other words you can't change proles with high art, they are prone to other things anyway. Just be thankful that they'll likely become workers instead of criminals.
Why do westerners and scandinavians love niggers so much
basically, plebs will always be plebs, school did fuck all to hone my interests anyways.
just for you
popular music has much more importance in public education than western classical does. the idea that it is the pinnacle of culture or artistic expression is just stupid. regardless ppl should be learning about art and music that is relevant to their culture. stormzy is much more important than mozart is today... its just rooted in this western imperialist mindset that somehow everyone should learn about western classical-- while folk musical traditions and popular music (which is the most pressing and says most about current society) are treated as low brow therefor not worthy of the same attention.
Dude, I live in a third world shithole, the browner parts of the city are always the ones that blast the niggest music, in your case is Grime. Don't try to tip toe shit and think that culture isn't related to ethnicity
Well the world is full of try hards what do you expect? I still think classical is boring and so are people who listen to it.
>inb4 pleb
>inb4 racetraitor
6ix9ine is popular, should kids be taught his songs?
Actually kill yourself subhuman
>regardless ppl should be learning about art and music that is relevant to their culture
Yup, that's what I said. Teach them stuff they can relate to and leave out the rest for non-conformist people. Separate the wheat from the chaff.
i think its perfectly reasonable to discuss his musics popularity and how it reflects cultural and societal trends. learning about something doesnt mean it is free from criticism. his music is much more relevant to understanding their current society than mozart
>muh capitalism
>promotes this ideology of master genius creators rather than cultural shifts and ideas, artworks and philosophies existing within complex networks and histories.
Because someone has to make the standard of such music? Some artists are the ones that established these shifts in music architecture? Because music is not "culture class" but just music class?
Why is the need to insert "culture" and "social" garbage to studies in every single field? You'd think if something was purely mathemathics such as music you'd get away from it but no, they have to come up and shill how wyatt man is bad for putting individuals on a higher standards than others and that cultures are just a seamless blobs that are always the fault bad old piggy.
>nigger rapper should be tought in schools
>it's not the fault of the jews though
>it's the fault of the middle class imperialist moneyseekers
Fellate a shotgun, or let a nigger do so when you get killed by your so called "reality" you just made up
Stay scared fag
Well thats a different subject. Learning about mozarts music is not the same as trying to explain kids why 5'2 mexican is screaming about killing niggers and fucking bitches in the mic
Scared of what, niggerlover?
why is mu so racist
Because niggers are subhuman, but the news and tv tell you they're not
this, youre all as bad as facebook old people
>study says
Go back
Why is Reddit so gay?
We need more supertards in this world