Imagine being so starved for sex that you prefer nirvana to Hole
Imagine being so starved for sex that you prefer nirvana to Hole
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>imagine lusting after a wet hole so much that you think Kurt Cobain didn't write most of that album
explains why it's worse than the first one :)
he didn't
He did just like Corgan wrote the "hole" album after that.
Have sex, incel
also not true
Imagine listening to garbage cause she fucked a musician you like.
>no musicianship no problem: just play grunge
>seek out Jewish management and record label
>never overcome desperate gamma-male tendencies and marry first crazy heroin whore who sits in your lap
At least Courtney had the sense to have him murdered
I've also heard rumours of this for many years.
Any truth to it?
I remember people digging into it.
I thought love was a bit weird with her perception on race.
>actually believing courtney did it and not dave
I'm the guy your quoted. Technically there is no proof except that Corgan did infarct write 5 of the songs on that one Hole Album.
The rumors of Kurt writing "Live Though This" were rumors that started immediately after the album was released. Either way there is no way to prove that he did but it's funny to watch people who support Courtney Love cry.
based "i'll stick around" grohl admits to the whole thing his very next album
Wait, who did Shirley suck off?
>alone + easy target
what did dave mean by this
who didn't she suck off
At least Nirvana doesn't have this garbage attached to their name.
Without Kurt and Corgan she clearly couldn't cut it.
imagine being so buttmad over courtney btofing your precious kathleen that you make this thread
I feel like it's the other way around
Hole is the female-centric artist that you pretend to like so that girls will think you're a feminist and they'll fuck you