ITT: An artist you like 100% of the output of, even the albums everyone else says are shit

ITT: An artist you like 100% of the output of, even the albums everyone else says are shit.

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Muse. Even Drones, which is my least favourite album by them is alright.

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I feel like Elliott Smith barely made a bad song, never mind a bad album

Death In June

Definitely Streetlight Manifesto. Anons only ever post about Everything Goes Numb, but pic related is probably my favorite album from them. It probably helps that I've been listening to them since middle school, so I've got plenty of nostalgia for them.

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Wild Nothing, I love everything he does and I wish it were 2012 again.

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lord stroke me down...

I completely fell for all the fad shit and being an indie youngun in the mid-2000s, still follow Julian in everything he does

oops forgot pic

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Killing Joke

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He also puts on a great show, if not short.

For me, it's Ween.

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Literally no bad album

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Titus Andronicus


Crash Test Dummies

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I'd agree if not for Give Yourself A Hand. Had to get through all that cringe to get to "Plaing Dead," which one of my favorites by them.

you could have it so much better and tonight are better than their s/t

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Naked City. A lot of bizarre genre changes throughout their small discography that can definitely turn some people off to them, but I like all their albums (even if it's only like 6 or 7)



LOL feet

Modest Mouse

There's a lot of genre changes within certain Naked City albums.

6 organs of admittance

roger waters, i like all his solo albums and everything he did with pink floyd

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A$AP Rocky

Leonard Cohen

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Agreed, they have some pretty terrible individual songs though

Kate Bush.

Even Lionheart is good.

this and cave

the beatles

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