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Hahahaha that's based


What is his fucking problem?

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what do you expect from an ardent Hilary supporter

>like I mean he wasn't even jewish, why was he talking to me

What did she mean by this

Trump curse claims another victim. Moby, more like Metooby

Liberalism. That ideology has no weapon against the left or the right and therefor relies on shit like this.

more like
>>like I mean he wasn't even chad, why was he talking to me


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back to Facebook boomer

can he ever catch a break?

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none of those posts are directly right wing

wow she even rejected leonardo.... what a goddess

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>white guy

news at eleven

this. wh*te boys always fixing to shoot up a school lmao

Moby can get stomped by Obie

aside from Porcelein which is kind of only good due to nostalgia and it's time in culture what else has Moby even done to deserve merit? most of his stuff is hot fucking trash


Who cares what some old Jewish feminist roastie thinks

His remix of Vault is pretty good

He took techno and turned it into pop, which was kind of balsy for the time


im a communist

And they say the left can't meme


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>steal the right's memes

On a side note, I get Moby had relative success with his music career in the late 90s and early 2000s but......how does he afford the lifestyle he lives? The things he does and buys makes it seem like he was some massive star who sold so many records and shows when really he never had a relative consistency of success nor a large fanbase. People mention him as often as they do an artist like Beck for some reason.

I guess it's because of his loud mouth and support for veganism when it wasn't trendy? That made him into a celebrity I suppose?

he's probably sitting on a mountain of cash from ad and movie money. plus record sales were much more lucrative then

Natalie is a stupid jew who can't act.

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Everything is Wrong is the superior album. Play is arguably ruined by shitty tracks that outnumber the better tracks. But the better tracks are very good regardless.
The marketing strategy was genius though.

wojak was not invented by /pol/

it's funny how the Nazis were so interested in skull shape when they looked fucking goofy themselves. How delusional do you have to be to convince yourself that your race is superior? A lot of mental gymnastics with those ones.

>he thinks it was about appearance

he sold 4 million with play in the late 90s and whored himself out on every advertisement imaginable, it was very lucrative back then

Because on average you have higher iqs than others and you invented a significant proportion of the science and philosophy that built modern society.
Frankly, Germs are inferior to the chad Anglo.

wojak, the polish poster of krautchan who invented the meme, was/is a neonazi



Then what the fuck were the craniometry tests they constantly used? Or the fact you needed a full set of teeth to join the SS?

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not even german but can admit they are a superior version of white people, with asian work ethic and advanced minds. look at all of the great philopshers and classical musicians, a large chunk of them are german. they are capable of beautiful things or abhorrent horrors, the german mind is a dangerous one, but the most interesting

it was more lucrative back then

Everyone is a neonazi if they do not support the PC globalist machine.


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Trips confirm

everything about them makes sense now

So does this mean that he made the whole thing up or that she slept with him once or twice when she was young and stupid, regrets it (as one would), and he thought it was more than it was? I'll take my answer off the air.

Bullshit. Germanic men have top-tier jawlines.

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he doesn't have the jawline
and he needs to lose weight

Sounds like you

is this real? this kid is maximum 14 years old and he's a full blown nazi?

It's like any other gang. Get 'um while they're, stupid, and insecure.

guys I'm not really sure but I think it was more lucrative back then

Alpha as fuck

the ending of heat

hes a compulsive liar


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>adult man 16 years older than adult female
>inappropriate interest
did he try to get her to reprise her role in Leon or something?




>(to be fair, I would probably regret dating me, too)

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Uh oh


Take THAT Drumpf!

>with asian work ethic and advanced minds
that's switzerland tho.

>people on twitter seething (surprising no one) because a 33 year old man hit on an 18 year old girl
are people this stupid

You forgot the most important part.
He's ugly.


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came here to post this

Play [V2, 1999]
I doubt the hyperactive little imp sat down and "composed" here. There are no reports he even strove to unify Ă  la DJ Shadow. And Endtroducing . . . is the reference point nevertheless. It's because Moby still loves song form that he elects to sample Alan Lomax field recordings rather than garage-sale instrumental and spoken-word LPs. But though the blues and gospel and more gospel testify not just for song but for body and spirit, they wouldn't shout anywhere near as loud and clear without the mastermind's ministrations--his grooves, his pacing, his textures, his harmonies, sometimes his tunes, and mostly his grooves, which honor not just dance music but the entire rock tradition it's part of. Although the futurist's dream of Blind Willie Johnson that opens this complete work was some kind of hit in England, here it'll be strictly for aesthetes. We've earned it. A+

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Lol what?

This. Moby is a baldie who looks like an Auschwitz prisoner. If it was someone like Brad Pitt no one would care

Sorry perv but you sleazed my friend (me) too

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Why do m*en think that every woman who talks to them wants to suck their dick?

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holy fuck, moby working hard to take the 'King of Incels' title from Rivers Cuomo

Holy shit just how whiny can you actually be.

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>Although the futurist's dream of Blind Willie Johnson that opens this complete work was some kind of hit in England
EDM is way bigger over there than it is here.

you didn't know /pol/ was and is populated by 13 - 18 year olds?

Fucking creep.

>Good damn, you half-Nabooese girls

most swiss are germans ethnically, german being the most commonly spoken language within switzerland

he should get stomped by obie


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not only that but most of the inner circle were far from the perfect aryan race ubermench.

hitler-short with brown eyes
goebbels-shorter idiot with a gimpy leg
goring - probably the most chad, but he got fat and hooked on drugs
himmler - short wimp who wanted to play soldier man
bohrman - fatty
hess - mentally ill

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She knew what she was doing

>go vegan
>get a high school valedictorian
based moby

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this is funny and all, but the comedy relies on ignorance of the politcal process and the status quo

Aryans were barely white. They moved south from the caucuses to what we now call iran, and east into pakistan and india.

At what point were Iranians and Pakistanis white?

from what it sounds like he is a huge creep incel. and probably took her hanging out with him as them "dating"

bigger question is why did moby write a memoir?

>At what point were Iranians and Pakistanis white?
Ask the UK and Germany.

Literally everyone on the comments is calling him a creep and chastising him for posting that pic. His career is over

Ummm... problematic much?

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Hitler had blue eyes you dumb fuck.

>all this projecting
terrible that these people can vote


King of all the keks.
What was he trying to do here?

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>Literally everyone on the comments is calling him a creep and chastising him for posting that pic
Dude, it's just a bunch of problem glasses feminists and they aren't real people anyway.
>His career is over
Huh? Since when has he been relevant in the past 18 or so years? His relevance ended with the 90s.

This is true, but also so obvious and inevitable that I can't see why anyone would bother seething about it. If you're an attractive man you have more social value with women and gay men because they are more likely to want to fuck you and therefore are more likely to enjoy being around you. If you know you're average or unattractive, you should adjust accordingly, knowing not to take it for granted that they will enjoy your flirtation as they would an attractive man's. Duh. It sucks and some women are far too harsh about it (more a symptom of overall lack of empathy), but as a basic principle it's really the only thing that would make sense in a competitive environment like the social world

Recently he probably got paid for that A$AP rocky song

To ever change this imbalance would require some commie-tier grand-scale social reorganization

you are fucking retarded Iranians(aka the beautiful country of Persia) and caucuses were white until barbaric dirty sand niggers came and shit on everything

Well, at least he can say he banged Natalie Portman. Can you say the same?

>fishmouth with disproportioned features and what looks like a humpback talking about attractiveness

Can he?

>grabbed my her


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The concept of a single German people is a relatively new one. During the Enlightenment, when most of those famous 'Germans' made a name for themselves, they probably had more allegiance to their respective kingdoms in the HRE than to Germany itself. It's frankly bad history to conflate several different linguistic and cultural groups with a retroactive name.

>boomer calls other people boomer cause he can't differentiate between leftists and liberals


36 year old bald headed fag blow me


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iz lucrativ bro

Lana Del Ray:

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Didn’t Lana grow up rich too?
Her living in a trailer park was entirely her decision.

And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie
You thirty six year old bald headed fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let it go its over

That's beside the point

literally the daughter of yuppie execs who live in a 95% white part of ny

They both come off as based in this.

Lana Del Ray sounds like a fucking moron

no chin

Natalie's career must be slipping off the radar again. :(

a hypocritical one at that, I guess the nepotism she benefited form has her acting kikey or something

azaelia was completely right in ripping this dumb broad apart.

She tried to make a joke. It failed.


This is how people make jokes in sitcoms. Or books where they're inventing the dialogue.

>No thanks rich, established musician, I'd rather not sleep with you for a career
>dumb bitch

>Ok, rich, established musician, I'll sleep with you for a career
>dumb bitch

hmm, never change guys

hahaha it's fun annoying angsty braindead teens. :)

holy fuck you are one of the biggest cucks i have ever seen

This is funny and all, but the comedy relies on schadenfreude.

wow, it's almost like you shouldnt attribute things not said to people who didnt say them

Probably the case. Even if he's telling (mostly) the truth the whole thing about his book is that he was fucked up all the time. Doesn't help with memory.


Looks like the truth is out

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Little late boyo

Baldness has always, historically, been the "I'm giving up on my hair maintenance but the rest of me makes up for it" this constitutes either shaved or naturally bald hairstyles. You can only pull off a look like this if you're muscular or incredibly funny or talented in the sack.

I'll make your bodyrock ,girl


im surprised lana would be so anti-capitalist. they both strike me as waspy neoliberals

Wojak got raided by police due to his political views

lol this some /r9k/ shit

and moby you can get stoned by obi

Anti-capitalism in the way only are rich girl can be.

>hey lil donnie!

wheres the difference

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