This album is going to be 30 years old pretty soon...

This album is going to be 30 years old pretty soon, everyone involved in the shoegaze scene at the time are rapidly approaching becoming senior citizens.
How does this make you feel?

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More like slippergaze now, amirite


>How does this make you feel?
Doesn't really make me feel like anything. Loveless was pretty boring but that's what I've come to expect from rock after the 70s. It suffers from a lot of the same issues that all shoegaze suffered from (i.e. horrible lyrics, solos that just can't seem to finish themselves). The verse in When You Sleep is sped up. It's not a horrible song but that was pretty blatant. Loomer was terrible. There were moments where what they do best shined through but unlike all of their other albums, they are few and far between. I feel like if they decided to release one album with the best songs from their 3 albums, it would have been much better. Oh well, 2 for 2 with mediocre at best releases.

>lyric and solos fag

MBV and Slowdive came back to release the 2 greatest albums of all time and Belinda/Rachel have become so milfy so idk desu basedsboyz

Shoegaze ain't dead yet boys

>Loomer was terrible

Are you tonedeaf?

Souvlaki is the best shoegaze album of all time, and You Made Me Realise is the best My Bloody Valentine release. Even then, pretty cool album.

For you


Nope. Trust me, I've listened to a lot.

loomer is great, you are shit

just like grunge, it was the 90s fad. let it go now

based and dadjokepilled


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>first pressing is worth a shitload
>2003 pressing sounds like shit
>2018 pressing sold out instantly and is worth a shitload

>mfw the only good songs are sung by that chick and the subtlety of her voice is what makes this album good and every single shoegaze album, without female vocals that are trying to replicate the style of her singing, is trash.

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people die
the universe winds down
it is inevitable
everything you love will fade
all things dissolve
like rock music concealed
behind the sound of vacuum cleaners

Shoulda preordered you dumb virgin cuck

I got my copy and it sounds fantastic

Loveless is a noisy pop album you absolute zoomer.


Loomer > When You Sleep > To Here Knows When > Touched > Soon > I Only Said > Come In Alone > Sometimes > Blown a Wish > What You Want > Only Shallow

>album that started and inspired all of shoegaze is not shoegaze
damn who woulda thought that boomers are retarded

Loveless was just another "noisy pop" album at that time, shoegaze was all about Ride, not My Bloody Valentine. Just read the music magazines of this era you stupid zoomer.

>Loveless was pretty boring but that's what I've come to expect from rock after the 70s
shut the fuck up, I bet you're a 17 year old le wrong generationer

Loveless was Xer music.

>Just read the music magazines of this era you stupid zoomer.
whatever they were calling it at the time doesn't matter whatsoever literally everyone and their dog knows mbv is shoegaze you're just being a cunt


>mbv is shoegaze
t. stupid zoomer

Yes, Ride.
This "shoegaze" thing was all about Ride.
My Bloody Valentine was just a noisy pop band.
That's how things were back in the days.

NME eulogy for shoegaze from 1992

you're full of shit

Attached: whatever-happened-to-shoegazing-part-2-12th-september-1992.jpg (1715x2361, 891K)


Ride is a bit noisier britpop at most, stop defending your retarded contrarian opinion

Ride before GBA is shoegaze, Loveless is noisy pop, period.
Keep being a deluded zoomer, zoomer.

shoegaze was a much more diverse and commercially sought after sound than your super-obscurant indie mind could handle

shoegaze wasn't a secret club you fucking bellend

>Zoomer zoomer zoomer zoomer

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We get it, you write screenplays for rick and morty.

>shoegaze was
You weren't even born at that time, zoomer.
Shoegaze was a funny term used to mock Ride and a few similar bands.
>super-obscurant indie mind
More zoomer empty buzzwords, lol.

>You weren't even born at that time, zoomer.
were you? if so, the fact you still post here is beyond pathetic

Shoegaze is Xer culture.
Deal with it, zoomer.

That's still not very old, yet old enough to make complete sense. Its been a long time since 2001, and at that point this album was already influential and being celebrated as legendary

Honestly, I know Loveless is better, but I pick listening to Souvlaki over it 9 times out of 10.

>bullying you
>beyond pathetic
It's the sole purpose of the Internet.

Noisy pop is a failed genre, that's why Loveless sucks.

Bullying me?

I don't see any bullying, I just see someone who is incredibly inconsistent with their definition of shoegaze

You should listen to the music of your time, instead of shitting all over Xer territory.
You'll never be teleported back in time.
Just live your life and stop pretending you know better about the life and memories of the Xers.

>Noisy pop is a failed genre
JAMC were charting in their day and are still adored today

whatever your metric is for a failed genre I'd like to know

reminder: chocolate matter is the greatest shoegaze song ever made

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A) I'm fairly certain our age difference isn't as wide as you're pretending it is
B) It doesn't matter, I've clearly read around this subject much more than you have

>I don't see any bullying
Look harder, zoomer.
This "defining" obsession is so zoomey... Shoegaze was just a funny name to mock Ride and some other similar bands...
And you keep whining about "defining" stuff...
How pathetic.
Just listen to Loveless, it's poppy as fuck, and noisy, it's noisy pop, a failed genre.
Now listen to Nowhere... it's different... and the term "shoegaze" was coined.
Also, this:

You read about it, but I lived it, zoomer.
That's why your gibberish don't stick.

is this by any chance the ladytron poster?

his autism is really similar to the guy in this thread

>whatever your metric is for a failed genre I'd like to know
Being rebranded as "shoegaze" decades later is proof enough.

really poor quality and autistic LARPing

failed cope

Annoyed that faggots care about the age of musicians more than the music.

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I looooooooove this band. But the best song by them is Milk.

Considering more recently they've been given much more appreciation by the metal, alternative, rap, hip hop, electronic, indie and even jazz musicians, it's arguably revived as a phoenix compared to being on the fringes in the 90's.

>this thread
this annoying lovelessposter thread

yes where’s your point? boomers are all people born before 96
i didn’t mean a literal baby boomer