Benga is a cute

benga is a cute

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who's that

the faggot who spams his shitty low effort ambient shit everywhere and samefags the thread with different IPs to make it seem like multiple people are replying in the threads


he looks like the less violent but more retarded cousin of Anton Chigurh

caveman lookin ass lmao

>Terrible haircut
>trying to hide balding with terrible haircut
>looks 35 with Justin Bieber haircut
>obvious beta agreeable facial expression
Overall 2/10 in attractiveness

i think he's adorable desu

how is he banging that chick on his covers

he’s paying models to pose for his gay album covers

I thought he was saying this chick

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the anton chigur look kind of suits shit like 9 view schizwave bandcamp drone music i think it works for you desu cunt

You’re the most pathetic musician shill fag on here, bengashit

is the guy really this much of a threat and bog enough to merit dedicated haters like you all, or is this part of the shilling to try to reverse psychology post because he's definitely not bad looking and the music they make isn't mindblowing but it's certainly adequate. they have some 8/10 albums.

Dairy of an Afro Warrior is good

Attached: benga_1.jpg (628x338, 22K)

it's just annoying
less so than racebait and american politics but still annoying

this blonde is his gf or wife and collaborator

The literal endless shilling is intolerable

not bengal, stay seething for no fucking reason at all

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>music is the epitome of generic ambient that has been done a million times already
>get models to go nude in your videos to get the attention of horny dudes
>get models with armpit hair to pose on your cover and give writing credit to a woman so music journalists give your shitty music a "yaas queen slay"/10
say what you want about that ugly talentless faggot, but he's not stupid

Dude stop it, it's insanely obvious it's you from your writing style

dude's a simp

>>get models with armpit hair to pose on your cover

simps don't hire pornstars for their music videos. i think this guy is more calculating and you morons keep getting played by this shit.

Just so everyone is clear the easiest way to spot the shill's posts is he always starts every sentence with a lowercase letter, he overuses Yea Forums language to disguise himself as a regular poster (you'd regularly see him post phrases like "ok i n c e l"), he will attempt to criticise the dude's music by claiming that he pays the models to be on his album covers or that journalists praise him because there is apparently a girl in the group. He will also post threads of girls with armpit hair in an attempt to fool people into thinking that this guy's music is notable enough for people to start memeing it, when nobody actually cares about this guy's shitty low effort music other that apparently him

fuck off

And oh look he's done it again

this is just sad

nice try bengal

it's been a meme, and you're making it grow

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No one likes your music you peice of maggot infested dog shit

>simps don't hire pornstars for their music videos
Only simps would do that actually

>force memeing yourself into relevancy
it's time to quit asshat

mate you've lost the plot

sex tape with miki when

i've waited patiently

mate you've lost your cock

Always report these threads as spamming/flooding

show more of that hairy chest, tiger fuel

This. Mostly the replies are bengalshit him self using a VPN which is a bannable offense with a month or more ban.

If I was his parents id beat the shit out of him too. Fucking faggot making shitty ambient with bullshit tropes and attempts at attention. They should have just killed him/beat him to death.

ok benga

>If I was his parents
Time to up your meds, buddy

Makes you wish more states had open abortion laws doesn't it?

Imagine being a woman who has to carry a child for 9 months, only to shit it out and decades later trying to viral market his shitty ambient on 4 chan acting like hes other people while using a VPN. Imagine the shame, the disappointment, the heartache and the wish you should have walked into that clinic when youbhad the chance. Now youre left with this pathetic,sad, sack of lying shit that has no actual noterity and accomplishments than pissing people off with his shitty music and the bullshit he makes up to being attention to it.

Then imagine your son going public with a fake interview shitting on you and saying you and your husband were nothing but emotionally and physically abusive to him. What fucking scum

holy sperg

did he do that? where?

Nowhere, dude is just sperging

here's him talking but it isn't an interview, i think it's part of a making of an album but in this part he just talks about casting videos and a spiritual experience. nothing about his parents. maybe there's another interview out there. this talk is interesting



I'd fuck him

>dude wanna come over my house and smoke a bowl and listen to some bengalfuel? my parents are away for the weekend

this honestly makes a lot of sense, good perspective on the creative process

you forgot massive eye spacing

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i love her. post more pics

it's not a fake interview lol whatever that might mean. and he says his father abused his mother, not both of them being abusive. learn to read
the site is contemporary talks, it is from 2012. lots of artist interviews

Holy shit mu really has a hardon for this guy

where'd you find this pic? do we even know this is him?

Why does he need to do that? Nobody can see the IPs anyway.

He doesn't do that, user is just schizo

wtf bengalfuel is a genius

I been told you