/prognkraut/ #1

Underrated edition.

Talk about prog and krautrock here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 Avant-Math God argues with everybody again

>prog and krautrock
I remember when I was sixteen

Now all I listen to to folk and classical.

first for CAN

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remember when we used to have /prog/ general? i miss it.

I'm trying to bring it back, brother.

Zeuhl: based or cringe?

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based as all hell

good luck, i'll do my part

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Hopefully this thread will get traction, but I feel like nu/mu/ doesn't have interest in it

What happened to the guy in the /prog/ threads a few months ago who said he was working on an album or something? I was interested in hearing his stuff.

oh yeah i remember that.
if you're here, update us!

pick one

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Going to bed, try to keep the thread up overnight.

i'm looking for fuzzy-sounding prog, something like Spacemen 3 debut with more intrincated rythm sections and less repetitive tho.
any recs?

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probably look more into psych than prog

glass house


Is it worth trying to get into Zeuhl if I couldn't really get into Magma? MDK is alright, but nothing else I've listened to from them has really blown me away.

Not krautrock, but made by krauts youtube.com/watch?v=_Hx0MqRgpy8

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i like prog
here is my collection

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i really like prog

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listen to this

i wouldn't call 10cc prog

Got anything similar to One Size Fits All (that isn't zappa, idiot)?

Me too fren :)

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yeah... some of their stuff can crossover to a degree, its more of lol creme and godley that goes into the realm of art rock. i honestly just like their stuff, and have them in my collection

try pic related

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I did several /krautrock/ generals and the first one was fine, but I progressively got less and less replies. Nu Yea Forums 8s too busy talking about rap and waifus.
Have you listened to Heldon? This one else must be one of the greatest French albums ever recorded.

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I will if you keep that attitude.

It was cool, but then all the knowledgeable users left so people started to post entry-level prog only.

>Is it worth trying to get into Zeuhl if I couldn't really get into Magma?
Try with Koenjihyakkei. They shouldn't even be called the same genre, but oh well.

Tipographica and Congreso fit stuff like Inca Roads.

That's nothing like OSFA, imo.

Bump for prog and krautrock.Who are your favourite keyboard players? For me, it's Florian Fricke and Richard Barbieri.

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Neither (glass house though if I had to pick)

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Anyone here listen to Prog Metal? What are some good bands?
No Tool or Dream Theater shit please.

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Opeth is all you need
there is also agaloch which is more of a folky atmospheric black metal band, but its still progy

anyways, speaking of Opeth
any prog rock fans here listen to Opeth's rock/folk/jass albums? (Heritage, Pale Communion and Sorceress)

here they are if you haven't. Pale Communion is my favorite of them
youtube.com/watch?v=En68sid6DMQ&list=PL2Qt9TtwtjnyAhnrsf432ctJ_1fu1ghTX Could only find a playlist for Sorceress on YT. they are all on spotify of course

Pain of Salvation. Gildenlow is a great vocalist.

Anything Ken Nardi touches is good too.

Between the Buried and Me

that's my favourite album of all time

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Opeth is one of my favourite bands, I equally enjoy both the early albums and the new ones.
Recently I listened to Pale Communion quite a lot, I don't get it why so little appreciation for this one.

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Farewell to kings is the greatest prog rock album
Caress of steel is the greatest prog metal album
2112 is the greatest prog epic of all time


and La Villa Strangiato is the best prog instrumental of all time

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>not a single fucking rush or triumph album
>robin trower
Why you don’t know prog at all
Robin trower isn’t prof, he’s blues rock
10cc is a fucking soft rock band ultimate spinach is a god damn psychedelic band, spooky tooth was hard rock all the way
You might be retarded

Fucking based

Can you rec me some heavier prog rock, something in a spirit of king crimson's 21st century schizoid man?

King Crimson - Pictures of a City

Steven Wilson did some jazzy, quite heavy albums (Grace for Drowning, The Raven That Refused to Sing).
Also try Van der Graaf Generator, if you haven't.

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like half the stuff in this thread

gotta be glass house senpai

*single handedly makes prog relevant again*
What will his next album sound like?

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Trip hop like bleeps and bloops. He said in an interview, but I don't have the link. So something like Index or Song of I. I hope he'll return to the levels of experimentation of Insurgentes.
I'll probably come either next year. AOTY, I'll tell you.

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Nice, I was not a big fan of his poppy direction of To the Bone and Insurgentes is probably my favorite album of his.

Captain Beyond

You mean heavier prog or prog metal?
I'd rec you stuff like Riverside or Fates Warning


So apparently Karnivool have started working on new album and are gonna play some new songs live, I wonder when we finally get the new album

H P Lovecraft

Insurgetes is also my favourite, I can only hope he'll return to that type of musical madness.
I thought To the Bone was great, but it kinda has sentimental value to me. I've waited all that summer for the album, only to wait for about another month to get it. The the Bone tour was the first time I was Steven Wilson and, without a doubt, it was the greatest concert I've ever attended. I also got another copy of To the Bone signed by him.

I saw Steven Wilson live 3 times and it was fantastic every time, he really put a lot of effort to his live performances with all the projections and had lots of funny banter inbetween songs.

Well none of his studio albums were the same, so I am sure he will keep exploring new directions.

I wished he toured in Eastern Europe more often. Maybe on the next tour I'll see more concerts.
Can't hardly wait to see what he'll do next.

He was in my country for the first time so I am happy about that

Where are you from? Last year he was in Romania for the first time. He apologised for taking 30 years to arrive there, but everyone was too happy to see him to care about that.

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That's pretty cool

I wish I could have come to Slovakia or Ukraine, it is quite close, but I didn't have the time.
Now I'm really sorry, but I'll definitely see him on the next tour.
First 30 minutes of the concert. While the quality of the video is quite shitty, I occasionally watch it and remember how great it was.

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do you guys like family?
started in 67, one of the earliest prog bands. kept making good music until their last album which was pretty lukewarm. broke up in the mid 70s.

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Do you have a discord? Some guy I talk to said you have one but he didn't have your name

It's got three good songs (Looking For Someone, Stagnation, The Knife) but the rest is pretty boring and doesn't go anywhere. They were still learning.

>i really like prog
the most contradictory two lines i've ever heard


He's a qt tranny

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what do prog frens think of this album?

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Why is it that everywhere I go on this board, people talk down of ELP? Is there something I'm missing? I know they aren't in the best of light regarding critics, but that surely can't be it

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they suck, aimless 20 minute jerkoffs they call songs

This, talented members tho.

Their short songs are very good though
Wish they would have focused on that

Glass house easily

It's arguably their least wanky album.

t. hasn't actually listened to that album

after gabriel left but before hackett left>before gabriel left>after hackett left

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>after gabriel left but before hackett left>before gabriel left

imagine being this retard


just finished listening Tresspass, Stagnation is a masterpiece.

Check this album out. They deserve much more recognition imo



who /cold soup/ here

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rivers of nihil's last album was a masterpiece
drudkh is good too if you're into black metal

Are you that Tripfag from years ago
I like Gazpacho but thought Soyuz was mediocre

Yeah, just don't trip much anymore.
I really liked it but it did feel like Molok B-sides rather than a new project. My only real problem with it is that every track is its own thing instead of them transitioning as one piece. Fleeting Things should have been the closing track too.

imagine not thinking trick of the tail is the best genesis album

best kc album
redfags are acceptable but larksfags FUCK OFF

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more like poopnkrap

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easily power and glory for me.
glass house is okay but it has that unpolished sound that kinda ruins their earlier albums for me (besides octopus)

no italian prog, fucking shite
most of everything on your lists is more psych than prog too

can you rec some good italian prog?


Not that guy but try

Arti & misteri
Banco del mutuo soccorso
Premiata forneria marconi
Museo rosenbach

It's third best behind Selling England and Foxtrot

Let's talk about why Rush's Limelight is considered good when it was just a ripoff from ELP's Love Beach (which is considered bad). Why is this?

Yeah, send me yours and I will add you.

>not a single fucking rush or triumph album
>Why you don’t know prog at all
Nah, he's alright. Rush are not as important as you make them out to be.

>10cc is a fucking soft rock band ultimate spinach is a god damn psychedelic band, spooky tooth was hard rock all the way
10cc had some "prog-like" songs, while Spooky Tooth had a progressive rock album as a collaboration with Pierre Henry.

You are not only ignorant, but also retarded. Typical Rush fanboy.

>What will his next album sound like?
Probably shit, just like the latest albums he has released.

Karnivool are bad tbqh.

I listened to their Doll's House album but I fail to see why it's progressive rock.


They are great. Only people who don't actually like prog shit on them.

ELP is for prog fans, which you evidently are not.

>no italian prog, fucking shite
Italian prog is so overrated anyways.

you're kind of obnoxious desu

>Trashing this guy for posting approximately 1000 albums for the reason of "no italian prog" (which is false, there were some in there, notably Museo Rosenbach, PFM, and Le Orme), & the reason of "these 3 specific bands on your chart aren't prog!" all the while contributing nothing of actual value

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Kids basically claimed that list its not prog cuz their favorite albums weren’t there

Brand new to the genre, but my girlfriend introduced me to this album recently-ish and I'm absolutely fucking in love with it. Can anyone give me some recs that are even a little similar?

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it's pretty shit honestly

That's like, your opinion, man

The instrumentation is probably pretty different, but if you want similar vocals, try The Mars Volta I guess

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That seems to be what everyone else says too. Haven't had a chance to give them a listen yet, but I intend to soon!

Anyone else you can think of?

>That's like, your opinion, man
That's like, your opinion, man

Is this really the best Can album?

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I personally don't like Coheed and Cambria, but they were recommended to me alongside The Dear Hunter and Thank You Scientist, I think there's some overlap in fanbases there.
Based Fields poster. Did you know they had a second album that stealth came out a few years ago?

I personally prefer Monster Movie but this, Tago Mago and Ege Bamyasi aren't far behind.

bubu is fucking based

Tago Mago is better

Depends on what part about Coheed you like. I love the concept albums they put out, and agree with the guy who suggested The Mars Volta. You might like Bedlam as an intro to them, but I'd argue that De-Loused or Frances are better albums.

The Dear Hunter (even though I never really got into them), Thank You Scientist, and Haken are also other similar bands.

Rec some psych prog from 60s-70s like Captain Beyond, Nirvana, HP Lovecraft.

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Where's the list of contents autist?

From order of most to least accessible it goes Future Days, Ege Bamyasi, Monster Movie, Tago Mago. Also I may be wrong since I very seldomly listen to them
I know! I'm so happy they came out with an album last year that was so good too.
Haven't listened to those bands but some great psych I can think of are Soft Machine's s/t, Os Mutante's s/t, Arzachel's s/t & Kingston Wall's "II"
I'll second The Dear Hunter, that is a fitting recommendation

Thinking of it, if anyone wants more rec's just ask me and I'll do my best. I listen to a lot of music and prog one of my favourite genres

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can anyone recommend me stuff like van der graaf generator

progressive electronic is unrelated to progressive rock

no. they're utterly unique. even pete hammill's solo stuff isn't too similar.

HAHAHAHA Prog nerds we meet again!! It is I the punk rocker, here to tell you ONCE AGAIN that rock in odd times is dumb and gay!!! only like 3 guys can do it without making it sound like ass.. And fusion sucks too just listen to jazz dont be a retard. Do not disgrace the Krautrockers by including them in your thread! anyways Ill talk to you guys later, im going to go listen to music that is fun to listen to hahahahahahahahaha


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add chaos#0069 on discord

76 iq

Glass house, but not by much

When will prog fans realize its not intelligent or difficult to play music in an odd time signature, with 10 different movements, people just dont do it because it sounds like ass

76 iq

My favorite songs on the album are the title track and The Crowing, if that helps. I think what I like about those in particular is that they take you on a long, roller-coaster journey that eventually culminates in a super powerful ending.

Thanks so much for all the recs!

thanks to you guys too

it actually is difficult. whether it sounds good is personal taste.

I've played drums for 13 years, its not much more difficult, i know its more difficult to play with feel, but i can play hella zach hill beats, pretty well, and whether his beats are in 4 or 7 the difficulty is the same.

Progs idea of glorifying technical capabilities is ultimately detrimental to the music itself.

Id have more trouble playing some jojo mayer 4 beats than any beats on a genesis album. And if youre not a rhythm section player, nobody will even notice if youre not playing with feel, so its just as easy for a guitarist to play in 5 or 13 or whatever

upload a drum cover of dancing on a volcano

>I listened to their Doll's House album but I fail to see why it's progressive rock.
It's not. Listen to Family Entertainment and fearless

>detrimental to the music itself
in your opinion. obviously it isn't an issue for all the prog fans out there.

Ultimate Spinach


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I'm a piano player; playing irregular time signatures is easy if I know the song already, but I can't sightread them for shit.

I'd like to hear you attempt La Villa Strangiato.

Just listened to Colosseum's "Valentyne Suite" today. Gotta say, it was a good song.

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Yeah i can agree to this.
its midnight bro i got neighbors, doesnt really sound too hard though, i could figure it out in a few hours probably
I cant play every song in a genre i dont like bro, im just saying theres more difficult things than playing in odd times, and playing 12 minute songs. For example writing a great song is harder.
Actually based desu, Colosseums drummer is insane way better than peart. this bands actually cool ill give you this one prog nerds.
I'm negging prog fans so they listen to jazz and trve rock and roll, I think you guys would enjoy it more if you stopped thinking about technical abilities, and just listened to songs that are easy to enjoy, or experimental shit with a rock and roll attitude. I dunno what im trying to say im gay :)

most prog fans don't give a shit about the technical complexity as the interest of the song. they appreciate the sound of the music, technical complexity is just an ingredient of the sound.

>I cant play every song in a genre i dont like bro
you said it wasn't difficult tho

Yugoslav prog from the 70's anyone?



Igra Staklenih Perli

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You have reading comp problems, im saying theres nothing necessarily difficult impressive or intelligent about playing songs in odd times with 10 movements and weird harmonies

you're implying that's all that prog is.

>Colosseums drummer is insane way better than peart
Yeah the drumming blew me away.


Waterloo Lily's got enough to turn us all on
Got a bra to fit a car
A port upon her back you warm your feet on
A corset keeps her in
So when you pull a string it lets it all out
Lily Waterloo, Piccadilly blue


based caravan

Early mothers. They are also very jazzy and quirky

They are kind of like a hard drug. You get super high the first time you listen to them, but then the effect wears off

Yes if you are stoned af

Peter Hamill's the silent corner and the empty stage. Specially a louse is not a home

Have never seen them mentioned here before... Once, when I was tripping balls, Ultimate Spinach was fucking amazing! They were just okay when I relistened to them sober though.

if you don't like White Mountain, there's no saving you.

this album is fucking criminally underrated among Genesis fans. It's really good though

A rec for the fusion lovers. Once you get into it, it's easily one of the best jazz rock albums out there.

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heavier prog rock

You definitely might like The Mars Volta then. De-loused is exactly as you described: a roller-coaster into a satisfying ending. Frances The Mute is similar, but each song also has high points; the last track is 32 minutes of absolute amazing and closure. Bedlam is more of a solid album than a culmination... but the last track is probably my favorite album closer from any prog band.

Alright By Me

I love ELP. People say they sound boring but to me at least they always sounded beautiful (in the 70's) plenty of other stuff sounds way more inaccessible but gets more praise(from prog fans) than them like Henry Cow. Songs like From the beginning and The Endless Enigma are great. Wish they did more like that but can't deny they are very talented. Carl is still to this a fantastic drummer.
Just wanted to add to someone going off about Kraut well I think that is all part of progressive music along with psychedelic, space etc. think it's kind of a mutual fanbase imo. Also the new Gong album is good.

I've always loved this song:

Ceзoн Дoждeй - Boзвpaщeниe

Yeah I have also found that sometimes it clicks with me and I love them and sometimes I just think they are alright

Yeah that was probably my second favorite on the album. Wasn't too into songs 3-4 though.

yeah. I used to have one of their albums. very noodling jazzy type psych. I think Jeff Baxter from Steely Dan/Doobie Brothers was on it

Hey, I'm this poster My discord is anon1234#9547 (sorry for the name, couldn't think of anything better)

Easily power and the glory. Glass house is probably my least favorite of their albums up till interview

glass house

Shut the fuck up

Do my progbros like Traffic?

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Canterbury scene deserves so much love.

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it gets plenty


I've already heard TLSHHB and I think it's pretty good. The title track, the first one and Rock and Roll Stew are the highlights, but the other ones don't suck either. What album should I go for next?

Soft Machine Third era: based or aimless noodling?


based noodling

based but not as based as debut era soft machine

Eloy is underrated as fuck

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ocean was the first prog album I ever listened to.

I don't think it is, just look at their reviews in progarchives

It has never happened to you that there is an album that you couldn't truly appreciate until you listened to it while being stoned? It happened to me with Foxtrot and a lot of Beatles albums

most jazz fusion

True. I like my Electric Miles while high

I totally agree. You can only get this album on drugs. It has some badass drums.

when you listen to prog, do you guys get high by yours3lces or with others?

Great Prog/Fusion madness, like mostly everything from Minnemann. At least he's not rotting in Dream Shitter like Mangini is doing now. His LMR albums are far better.

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It's their best after Gabriel left. It's leagues behind all of the Gabriel era albums (except maybe from Genesis to Revelation)

I just listened to it again, and when it got to the organ solo I went and bought the CD


Mostly myself


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Imagine unironically thinking A Trick of the Tail is better than Foxtrot, Trespass, Selling, or the Lamb.


Anthony Philips is underrated. Hardly ever see him mentioned.

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listen to fates warning, in the woods, atheist, ved buens ende, and sleepytime gorilla museum


Of course prog posters would be into tranners

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imagine not

this is a 1/10 meme

power and the glory, but not by much.

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forgot the link: youtu.be/qlo1XvJXsr0

What were they thinking with this cover?

"Wet tit? Wet tit."

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Never heard of this before but since the cover is already filled with commie nonsense I'm gonna give this one a pass, thanks a lot

Eloy is mediocre at most

I hope you don't like Can

At least I can listen to Can without Damo singing about being a Jew pawn.




this sounds pretty interesting

Neu! or Neu! '75?

Neu!, but both are great.

It's okay

They managed to piss of prog snobs and prog haters at the same time. They're too wanky for simplistic non-fans and too fun-loving and cheeky for people who think prog should be overly self-serious. The key is that they didn't give a single fuck what anyone thought and did whatever they wanted.

most people's issue with elp was how self-serious they were

I personally like Neu! 86

>too fun-loving and cheeky for people who think prog should be overly self-serious
you cannot be serious

this sounds like turd punk just gave it a listen and im very disapointed

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Is Joanna Newsom prog?

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prog folk kinda

no mention of cheer-accident itt... i’m disappointed in you guys.

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16 and a half

It caught my attention but I haven't listened to it yet.
>This one else must be one of the greatest French albums ever recorded.
Convince me, please.

>Convince me, please.
listen to it

no. fuck off our thread.

>implying tarkus isn't the best prog song of all time

This one is FW on steroids. Released few days ago.

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shame about the rest of the album

and redpilled

I DO agree

No, fuck you, fag!


Bitches Crystal is breddy good though


it's ok

>no italian prog
banco isnt italian?


I can never get into Italian prog as much as I would like. I will listen to a Premiata Forneria Marconi or Banco and think ohh this cool but then I feel like I never find myself listening again or to more albums.

they are

Based but not prog

Fucking watch their live performances. these guys clearly just wanted to have fun whole flexing their musical chops.

Great, it's Hirasawa.
Check this out too: