What does she listen to?

Attached: Screenshot_20190522-110215_MEEFF.jpg (1440x2530, 563K)

i'm kinda aroused desu

death grips


ill treat her like a dog

Attached: Screenshot_20190522-110201_MEEFF.jpg (1440x2960, 2.09M)

>love handles and back rolls bigger than ass
>literally has stretch marks from her fat pudge
Yeah 11766.33km seems like the ideal distance


>damn near folds her spine in half
>still no ass

I would fuck her desu, seems fun

idk the whole sub 'daddy' thing is really fucking cringe imo

This. It's pretty cringe when someone calls me daddy, but calling others daddy is pretty hot.

what app is this???

sounds kinda gay bro

Yep I'm ejecting out of this thread



Good from far, far from good


so thicc...

bruh those are fat rolls not hips

>not liking soft women

Attached: 52800618_2039076129734562_1940780299317312249_n.jpg (929x1161, 69K)

Ass men are wiggers

It's not gay if one of us is acting feminine.

>using weak euphemisms for your fat fetish
not even well distributed fat, her body is a rectangle with love handles

what is it with all these dumb sluts and their daddy issues

I swear the last several chicks I fucked all wanted to get beat and call me daddy. Where are all the normal girls?

to black guys

git gud white boi