ITT: We are living in the 1960s

ITT: We are living in the 1960s.

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What in god's name did I just listen to?

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literally who?

i feel like
these times we are living in right now
...they are a-changing

Fucking negros thinking they deserve rights, rights should only be given to humans, not chimps

hi i have just returned from india where i searched for my soul and actually rights should also be given to literal chimps

Tfw you will never have a qt hippie girlfriend who does acid and pot, is knowledgeable in Indian culture, travels across the country in a van, values all religions, listens to Grateful Dead, and later joins a far-left militant group and bombs a lab.

Anyone who says Donovan doesn’t slap is ungroovy and badacidpilled

bruh those chicks are everywhere and they're easy as fuck

this. literally just knock on a van

he said the 60s, not 2019

guitar music is on the way out

Behold, the next decade of rock right here.

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the future of rock music mark my words

who here /beef/? found out about this guy on zappa's record label. what a character, man!

i really hope this lame-o trend like fades away quick man, fuck zappa

What the fuck is the last song on this album bros? I thought they were a simple pop band.

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The fact that so many of you fags still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells me how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were aren't the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. You fags are still blinded by commercial success.
Also Revolver was a 5.

cooler than you and your lame-o conformist hippie cia psyop bullcrap

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It's coming home

I saw Bernstein's TV show yesterday, and he said Revolver was his favorite pop album of all time. How can a classical musician be so based?

This is the darkest, heaviest shit I've ever heard. Rec me more like it (if there even is anything else like it.)

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it's a simple pop song

KC is Cromagnon for squares

How so?
You look like a non-musician. Are you a non-musician?

sick of all these trannies
wouldn't have any of this degeneracy happening years ago

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whoooo are you
who who
who who

i play in a band called the kinks, you may have heard of us.

You might like Blue Cheer or some Moody Blues. There's nothing quite like it, though. It's excellent. The Stooges are less brainy, but they've also got a pretty heavy sound.

my friend charlie has a bunch of ugly insecure sluts living with him. anyone fancy coming around so drop some acid and listen to the white album?

you guys ever heard of Tame Impala?

Actually, Ray Davies said the following:
>"Tomorrow Never Knows" (by John and Paul)--lead John: "Listen to all those crazy sounds! It'll be popular in discotheques. I can imagine they had George Martin tied to a totem pole when they did this!"

fucking squares, all of you

is dennis going to be there?

hey, you guys watch the newest monkees episode?

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Tame who? We don't like your new age bullshit in here.


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i want to blast a hot load right into grace slicks's mouth
music for this feel?

Far out, man. This has got to be the craziest bulletin board i've ever seen!

Tame Impala, have you ever heard of them?

>he listens to music while sober

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>he’s trying to harsh our mellow
>tfw they call me mellow yellow

I've heard of the wild impala. they also deserve rights.


no, but I guess I can stop by the record store tomorrow and see if they have anything.

all the hot chicks i know hang out with the black panthers getting blacked on the regular
someone should do something about it.

>I like smoke and lightning

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you know blacks ????????????????????????

Groovy baby! Fancy a shag?

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this is just noise
not even music
now elvis, THAT's real music

that's right clever. someone should put that in a song.

anybody know what happened to Earth? I was really looking forward to them releasing an album

Boy, all music in this decade so far has just been absolutely shit.

They Beatles are great for their nuance not technical prowess.
>Were blinded by commercial success
your weaponizing your own argument. Just because the Beatles had great commercial success doesn't mean they aren't the greatest. The Beatles are more highly regarded amongst musicians than critics

i hear there's a sequel in the works

go to japan and see if you can see a group called hadaka no rariizu. you don't know noise until you've seen them.

you're living on it

any news?

This. A lot of bands and genres were started because the musicians either loved or hated the Beatles. You can't deny their influence.
This also means that a lot of bands have shit taste.

wow your posts end in repeating digits! Ain't that the coolest thing!

not really that groovy, it happens like every 11 posts

>all these people seriously talking about the beatles
i didn't know they let WOMEN in these threads

Golden thread

Anyone heard of this cat Hancock? His Empyrean Isles are just groovin!


woah you guys got it too! far out, man!

better than revolver that's for fucking sure

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let's call this "dubs"

Um, no. Beatles' "Aryan" music removed any trace of black music from rock and roll. It replaced syncopated African rhythm with linear Western melody, and lusty negro attitudes with cute white-kid smiles.
Rubber Soul is also a 5.

why? is it a jamaican thing?

Leaving aside the eye-popping racism and unforgivable inanity of this characterisation of ‘black music’, insofar as it tries to describe what the Beatles did with the styles of black music that the band knew, it’s the reverse of the truth. The Beatles married Western harmonies and melodic techniques to rhythmic foundations learned in part from rock & roll and in part from black American pop music — not ‘african rhythm’, of which they, like most of the black American musicians they admired, knew nothing at all. No British pop musicians before the Beatles had such a grounding in black American pop, and not many white bands since have been able to match the Beatles’ groove — e.g., ‘The Word’, ‘Drive My Car’, ‘She’s A Woman’, ‘Got To Get You Into My Life’.
Rubber Soul is a 9.

Anyone see Ginsberg last night? That fucking beatnik changed my life forever man

>caring about racism
are you some kind of hippie nigger-lover? you want blacks living in your neighborhood, boy?

whoa mama. give me some of what this guy's smoking! it's short for doubles

>caring about racism
Not really, i Just pointed it out. It's like 3% of my entire reply.



Did you see Frank Zappa's appearance on the show? That shit was outta sight.

>Beatles are bad because they erased nigger music from western pop
>Hey are you a nigger-lover?????
The dichotomy of a man.

That's rich. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. The Beatles came at the height of the reaction against rock and roll, when the innocuous "teen idols", rigorously white, were replacing the wild black rockers who had shocked the radio stations and the conscience of half of America. Their arrival represented a lifesaver for a white middle class terrorized by the idea that within rock and roll lay a true revolution of customs. The Beatles tranquilized that vast section of the population and conquered the hearts of all those (first and foremost the females) who wanted to rebel, without violating the social status quo. The contorted and lascivious faces of the black rock and rollers were substituted by the innocent smiles of the Beatles; the unleashed rhythms of the first were substituted by the catchy tunes of the latter. Rock and roll could finally be included in the pop charts. The Beatles represented the quintessential reaction to a musical revolution in the making, and for a few years they managed to run its enthusiasm into the ground.

>everyone in this thread is the same person


Once again Scaruffi has it backwards: later rock music picked up on what the Beatles were doing (unusual harmonies, studio experimentation, serious lyrics, emotional intensity) and continued to do it, but no other band did all of what they did. Prog-rock bands extended the musical range, largely at the expense of emotional intensity; hard rock ramped up the intensity, but at the expense of melody and concision. As Joe Carducci put it, the Beatles were simultaneously the biggest pop group in the world, and the world’s first rock band.

why are you guys discussing boy bands lmao

I'm a time traveler
I can't compromise my mission by elaborating, but check out this cool music from the future

who the fuck is scaruffi
fake and gay

it's an Italian pedo

What the fuck is this soft shit?! I thought Bob was going to release another Rock ‘n’ Roll record. I can only hope his next release is a lot more hard hitting.

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How the fuck do you know who I am. Fuck you, dad. You're on another trip, spouting shit about the future. And who the fuck is Carducci.

He's a worthless plebeian, as I pointed out before. Just move it on.

at least give us something cool like the next zappa record or something

What a freak

yeah, as far as i can tell this isn't a real person. who the fuck are you referring to?

>as far as i can tell this isn't a real person
Your life is better this way.

seriously, you're making this person up. they're not real.
what purpose does shitposting about non-existent people have?

what are you his neighbor or something? Why you you think everyone here knows who that is?

He fucked my 7yo daughter so I'm spreading bad news about him on the internet as a revenge.

What the fuck was Lumpy Gravy? Why can't he just make another Freak Out, that dude is crazy

What the fuck is heavy metal thunder?

This thread only proves the beatles are rock n roll devil music that sows discord.
What happened to the good old bbc tunes.

Currently stationed in Germany and a buddy of mine was telling me about some band he was playing in. They're supposed to be like priests or some shit. Anyway, one day I came across the album in a local record shop. All I can say is what the hell kind of music even is this? Whatever it is, it's not going anywhere. This record will probably be worthless in fifty years. If you're reading this, up yours Gary.

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Speaking of BBC, anyone see this new show Doctor Who? Man is that some trippy shit

What is heavy metal even?

I just realised something. BBC = Big Black Cock.

When a sheet of metal falls down it makes a big thundering sound. It's not that difficult you braindead hippies.

Language please
There might be kids reading this and we can't corrupt their minds

jazz and rock n roll will be the downfall of america

it's harder than rock


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Do you fellas think anything good will ever come again from Japan?
I'm having such a freak-out over this!

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What the fuck is In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida?

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satanist code

Anyone take the Kinks pill yet?

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they have a pretty good underground space rock scene emerging from what I hear. Huge focus on live material, though, so I doubt we'll get to hear much of it here in the west, though. Everything above ground is an insufferable Beatles clone, though.

beefheart btfo

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what the hell is this? where did you find this?

>in the garden of eden

it's time to open your third eye man to the groovy sensations and inner vibrations hidden deep inside. peace, love, brotherhood of man, a new age and dawning of the future can be upon us. the end of hate, the end of war, the beginning of love and togetherness. free your mind brothers and sisters from the shackles of oppression and experience the inner state of being submerged in your depth.

lsd is the future man, timothy leary's going to get people turned on to new ways of thinking and everybody's just going to bring forth a new reality, the future will be enlightened

but it is not better than the white album sweetie

wtf is this? like the worst album ever recorded

HOLY SHIT this was actually pretty good. thought the Kinks broke up after they were banned

their second album is even better. i´m liking this noisy stuff so far, guess it will be a new genre

blues? oh no

idk man, it´s pretty unlistenable

Fucking Reagan, trying to take away our acid... I swear to God, if that grinning kiss-up ever becomes president I'll just bug out of this drag of a nation.

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Get the fuck off of this message board you full of it hassle, I bet you voted for Nixon too

Only commiefornie would elect a fucking actor for governer, Jesus. That's silly.

What’s a man gotta do to get some free love around here?

lick balls

any of you heads heard this? great googly moogly

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Hey what the fuck happened to the yard birds
Fucking Keith Relf that retard

I keep play these Blues riffs but really, REALLY slow and much...I'd say heavier? Think I'm going anywhere with this guys?