Dude you wanna come over my house and smoke a bowl and listen to some bengalfuel? my parents are away for the weekend

>dude you wanna come over my house and smoke a bowl and listen to some bengalfuel? my parents are away for the weekend

Attached: 35854a4d226c8380d52dcb1ca155d7dd.jpg (900x678, 89K)

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la goblina

fuck off already retard

What DO women's unshaven axillæ smell like, Yea Forums?

Remember to report these threads as spam and viral marketing that's very against the rules. No one likes his shit here and most of the posts made in these threads are him using a VPN, which also will give someone a months ban or more.

Women shaving their armpits wasn't a thing until like the 1920s. Weird how their natural form has now become so disgusting to men in such a short period of time.

Ancient Egyptians shaved everything

Ita just boring as shit ambient that he uses women and other stupid memes to attract attention to his shitty music that hasnt caught off with pics and videos of women and bullshit conspiracy theories that hasnt brought any positive attention othwr than people calling him bullshit and a try hard. Along with Photoshopped "reviews" from pitchfork,rollingstone and others.

probably some razor brand propaganda, but you have to be a pussy to be repulsed by a but of hair

Attached: LIIIIIIICK.jpg (660x660, 170K)

the pit hair itsself isnt disgusting, the type of girl that refuses to shave them is

on some amazonian jungle tribesman it would be pretty based but in first world countries its always annoying stinky white girls with dreads like in op pic

I actually agree with this. Girls who don't do it to make a political statement or to be trendy like it is now are usually terrible. Women who don't shave because it's not something they do in their culture and they are just following social norms is kind of hot. Like the girls from Don't Deliver Us From Evil which is when I first noticed this.


>not practicing basic modern hygiene to OWN the men
ok, this is epic

being obsessed with tunnel vision identity politics and wearing your "victimhood" like a badge is unattractive to men, and flaunting your armpit hair like girl in OP is a warning sign that that's the kind of person they are.

what's your fave track, bb. mine's this one

>foreign girls with hair make my colonialist incel peepee hard because I'm an exoticist exploitational piece of shit but god forbid an independent, intelligent woman not shave
>feminists threaten your fragile masculinity



idgaf bout pit hair pubes or any form of body hair
Natural unshaven hair is peak performance

>that second attempt at greentext
lurk more


Attached: Unknown.jpg (225x225, 10K)



she's ugly desu

Using condoms when you fuck wasn't a thing until the 1920s either, but I'm not real nostalgic for the clap.

>Using condoms when you fuck
I thought you used them for cooking

>tfw only got laid when weed was still cool
>now everyone is a stoner by default
>tfw no real personality, just a depressed pussy who copes by being a 420 faggot.
>tfw no gf



>falling for the condom jew

Capitalism and advertisement.

>hi, i'm a faggot

someone needs a visit from the razor fairy

oversize grateful dead logo
- check
hairy pits
- check
nutjob haircut
sewing machine in a masculine bedroom setting
- check
doesnt have tits or wearing makeup
- check
- evidently

or dyke. either or

>see capitalism get criticized
>immediate get triggered and jump to the defense
This is what we call a bewt licker

i'll be right over

Attached: blowout-main.jpg (800x402, 109K)

Get this wretched creature tf off my board

i would tear this little bitch up