Who are some intelligent musicians?
Who are some intelligent musicians?
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so based
based and correct
the sky is blue
That’s true though.
That’s not even a homophobic statement
What's bad with being gay? at least I have sex
50 stay based since the start
You have to have a bit of intelligence to fall for retarded shit as trannies not being gay, borders not existing, and white supremacy should be killed by firing every white men from it's work and placing a black female in it.
everyone on this board is a faggot tho.
hello discord tranny
we may be faggots, but at least we're not homosexuals
date a tranny = gay
fuck a tranny = not gay
well said my friend
consistently prefer romantic partners of your same sex = gay
consistently prefer romantic partners of opposite sex = not gay
yes, sexes have opposites.
hes right in some cases but not all. if youre a man and date a trans man yes you are gay. if you are a man and date a trans woman no you are not.
Some negros are intelligent, but it's incredibly rare. Duke Ellington, Michael Jackson and Prince all had the IQ of a white/jewish man.
hi /pol/ idiots, please try to educate yourself
there's just one sex, the human sex
hey discord tranny, please educate yourself
But you can't have children with gay sex, so all your sex is for sin
i'm sorry fofty, i'll have the money by tuesday
that's true unless you live in Europe eat fresh bread and cheese every day, homemade roastbeef maybe once in 4-5 days and fastfood once a month
i love how these memes seem to nearly celebrate the fact /pol/ rejects biology and any scientific nuance
is that guy trying to say it's a false statement or it's so obviously true it's pointless to even say it?
Proof Evrope is superior to the US of A.
It's simple: if you're born with a dick, you're a male. If you have a vulva at birth, you're a female. And if you think I'm wrong, you're just really fucked in the head and in need of euthanasia, but that's fine, as these creatures will eventually end up with their lives sooner than most of us.
hi tranny, please go dilate
Patrick Bartley sounds smarter than Adam Neely:
Wow, you're right. You can really tell when they're talking together.
those are both homo sapiens sapiens.
not that it would change a thing if blacks and whites were "different subspecies". why would that change anything
no matter what gender the trans person is?
dilation time
He's wrong you're actually pansexual in that case not gay.
If yo girl dresses like a man and has facial hair then... you gay
The dude is actually smart tho. And super nice. Weirdly, i can't think of a more wholesome gig than Shellac.
if they are a trans man yes. what if they are a trans woman?
there's only one gender, the human gender
u know we dont like u, stop defending us i will stomp ur head
The nineties is when niggers started to get too niggerlicious, since they no longer had the pressure to contain themselves in a white governated society. The kikes are at fault for this though
Oloff but he's now banned from twitter. So basically no one who's still on there.
Which of these is gay if you're a man? Dating a
>pre-op MTF
>post-op MTF
>pre-op FTM
>post-op FTM
Are any of those situations gay?
> posting armchair commentator
Unironically off yourself you delusional freak
The ones who didn't sign the contract.
Pre-op FTM has a vagina but probably looks like a dude but its the least gay
Post op MTF is just fucking a rotten hole in a dude so its even gayer
>pre-op MTF
>post-op MTF
>pre-op FTM
>post-op FTM
Not gay.
Sex change is biologically impossible.
even if the FTM has a penis?
Impossible. They can have a weird piece of grafted flesh, but that's not a penis.
It's only gay if you're the bottom
Science doesn't even real you libcuck
He's not wrong.
this thread is just a bunch of people with mental handicaps getting angry about society
are you projecting?
50 has only seen ugly trans girls. It would be gay to not fuck this if you had the chance.
I don't want poop on my dick.
That's not a tranny, it's just a femboy.
Wouldn't races be the same as dog breeds then?
>talk fast man
I just made a twitter account purely to follow 50Cent.
solid choice
All are gay
Why is this place so obsessed with trannies now?
Why aren't you?
not obsessed, just nice and not stupidly rude
respect everyone desu
Good post.
Destiny fucking rekt these poltards.
>I wish racist white cunts just left this site already.
>everyone I don't like is my /pol/ boogeyman
Grow up.
>Ad hom, the """debater"""
He shouldnt even platform fascists anyway
Fuck off intolerant maga neckbeard troglodyte.
Because this is the only place where trannies are allowed to spit their 'venom'.
Yea Forums has always been an anarchist site.
If it was still 2007 Pol would be supporting antifa remember anonymous?
Fuck off incel
arguments over biological race are almost all done in poor faith
the way in which race is defined scientifically is mostly arbitrary in the first place, therefore "there is no scientific proof for race" is a red herring
like "homo sapiens sapiens" like we sat down and did some science to differentiate ourselves from ancestors give me a break
what do you have to do to look like that? i mean, exercises, diet, etc? asking for a friend not for me haha that would be so weird haha
you weren't actually here for 2007 Yea Forums
anti-authoritarian was the bent, not simply anarchism. most of Anonymous as a collective was trolling with a thin veneer of justification by way of social justice
more like basedey jay
Maybe you should go back to your Pol safespace if you dont like it nazi snowflake
hormones and not be fat
stop being so disrespectful to transgender people
Pick one
To mentally ill people You mean?
awfully rude
it's simple: if you're born liking Teletubbies, you will always like Teletubbies
trannies in pajammies
No shit what do you thing race is retard?
Yeah doesn't mean a dog isn't a dog though.
Request denied. Be a man and stop being an embarassment.
Only pre-op FtM
Imagine unironically watching a manlet twitch streamer who thinks the solution to Mexico's problems is for America to invade it and force democracy onto it à la what dubya did to Iraq.
>90 replies
>no source for OP's quote
I'm all for people doing whatever they want with their lives. If you want to identify as a woman despite being born a man, go for it. But that does NOT mean that the rest of the world has to pretend you're physically a woman. Dating a tranny is, in fact, gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay or being a tranny. But call it what it is.
is it gay?
Looks kinda gay, yeah...
pick one, dummy
Based. The way I see it, trannies are homosexuals in denial of their own body and mind. Many end up reversing back after changing genders. Well in the end, doesn't matter to me what they want to be as long as I don't have to change my behaviour for their sake
Squawk squawk
'ate trannies
'ove traps
>fucking this
pick one
does it have a dick?
History has proven you can have gay sex with children though. The Catholic church, the Romans, etc.
yes, but it's cute and small barely gets hard
>barely gets hard
lame, she's cute though
who cares if it's gay anyway. it's not like we're getting married
can we talk about m o u t h f e e l
if it has a penis its gay you fucking autist
I bet the tits look really weird uncovered.
no dude youre just a fag
ive seen pics of this dude naked he looks like a freakish man with balloon implants (because thats what he is)
Where would one find these images?
just search sue lightning on google, fag
His tits actually don't look nearly as bad as I was expecting. I'd fuck him
This thread has convinced me to start banging boipucci, it can't be any worse than just masturbating every single night. How do I find good local traps? Good, as in they look like and not like the average AGDQ attendee.
just respect everyone, trans people are people
thank you wholesome gecko poster
m m m musician
as someone who's into trannies I'd say he's right
but I'd still say I'm less gay than guys that are into guys without tits
>small and barely gets hard
that's no fun
Anything that doesn't vehemently support homosexuality and transgenderism is homophobic and transphobic you bigot.
This faggot got so excited he saw child and sex in the same sentence that he immediately thought of fucking children.
they're amongst us
Biology literally doesn't support the claims of there being more than two genders though. The way science recognizes this is through the mental disorder called gender dysphoria. You are literally normalizing mental illness. Shame on you.