Tell me about vaporwave and how do I into it...

Tell me about vaporwave and how do I into it? I've been getting into synth stuff a lot lately and just really loving the nostalgic feel.
What is some essential listening?

Attached: vapor.png (316x316, 110K)

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vaporwave, like punk, has been absorbed into the culture at large. you no longer have to listen to vaporwave, just go about your life.

Vaporwave is a retarded dead meme. You missed it at the time, now just pretend it never existed, it's better for yourself and everyone else.

It's a genre entirely manufactured by pseudo-intellectual journalists, don't bother
Instead read Mark Fisher and listen to the Ghost Box Records catalogue

Chuck person's eccojams. Don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't like OP. If it makes you happy pursue it.

O-oh. What about synthwave?

The genre was inspired by Fisher though

This. Eccojams was a pioneer to and is peak vaporwave

Exactly, vaporwave was just a pale imitation of the music Fisher wrote about when he was discussing the idea of hauntology

sorry rockist, not a real thing.


She used to post here though, even she said it all started out as a meme.

ok so basically it was super good from like 2014-2017ish.
theres still some good stuff every once and a while but theres too many kids who think they can make good shit and its not the same anymore.
heres some of the best:
i can keep going for a while but ill stop now

Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Why was vaporwave such a big deal? Why did literary and critical theorists have so much fun with it?

forget about the philosophy, thats all bullshit and its too unclear. just understand that its music with a focus on narrative and imagery

whitney houston started out as a Yea Forums meme????

The aesthetics reminded us of pre 9/11 childhood dreams through a CRT monitor filter, until the illusion collapsed and the dystopian digital hyperreality fully took over

Hello friend.

I will attempt to ease you into the vaporwave genre. Start with these:

Macintosh Plus - Floral Shoppe
Chuck Person's Eccojams
Blank Banshee 0
Blank Banshee 1
Disconscious - Hologram Plaza
Eco Virtual - Atmospheres 1
Eco Virtual - Atmospheres 2
S U R F I N G - Deep Fantasy

There is alot of vaporwave out there, and even more vaporwave that pretends to be vaporwave like future funk. To be honest, 99% of it is lazy garbage. There seems to be an issue with the genre.

>1. Some tends to be lazy slowed down pop songs with a filter over it.
>2. Some tends to be so far outside of the genre that I would not consider it vaporwave.

The issue is that the genre is stagnant and needs artists to build upon the classics, but doing do creates music that isn't inherently vaporwave. It is suffering being a fan, but there are diamonds in the rough. Every once in awhile a good album will come by. Good luck friendo!

I personally used to really like a million miles away by macross 82-99

Attached: Macross.jpg (975x975, 267K)

Be zoomer npc with fake depression

James Ferraro was a big part of the foundation of vapowave. His early lo-fi tape loop stuff is great and of course Far Side Virtual

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Plastic imitation that misses the point

user from again

yeah is right, those are the 2 main issues and it really has been hard to be a fan of the genre and watch it die over the last few years. there use to be so much creativity but now its all too lazy.
i miss the old days :(
take me back bros
t a k e m e b a c k

The genre lived and died from about 2010 to 2013. There hasn't been anything good since Blank Banshee's first album.

i would honestly say that it only got good AFTER bb0. The eccojam era was trash

>and it really has been hard to be a fan of the genre and watch it die over the last few years.

I agree with these sentiments, but a part of me really thinks the genre deserves this a little bit. Don't get me wrong I love vaporwave, but do you listen to the absolute garbage that comes out every year? Just take a walk on over to vapormemory and go thru the hundreds of albums. Its all garbage.

Like I said before, there are some gems here and there, but its demotivating getting excited to listen to a new album and it turns out it was created by a 12 year old.

based and harshtruthpilled


t. no idea what hauntology is (clue: not invented by fisher)

t. complete zoomer late bloomer neanderthal; see also Newfag et al.

Hauntology was invented by Derrida

oh bro i fully agree, theres so much fucking trash. the reddit use to be the nexus for vaporwave and its absolute fucking garbage now. The sub has 130K fucking subs and there are maybe 5 posts a day and its either some shitty slowed down soundcloud track with 0 edits or some label announcing a vinyl release/merch so they can profit off of shit work. Its crazy, its as if labels only care about money now rather than the actual music.

- telepath stopped.
- HKE went mental.
- Clanton hasent been the same since 200% electronic(at least i find)
- Pad chennington exists.
- everyones always trying to invent new genres(there is literally too many, and there such little differences between them)
the genre is truly dead and although its sad it deserves it.

good google friend

>the reddit use to be the nexus for vaporwave

There it is someone being honest that this was reddit shilling all along

No I just read Retromania ages ago

as bad as reddit is it was really the only place to talk about vaporwave

Also OP should really check that book out, it was written right on the cusp of vaporwave becoming a thing so it talks about eccojams, nobody here etc but never mentions it by name. I wonder what Reynolds thought of it later

you only read it cuz Chris Ott told you to.

I read it because i read rip it up and start again and energy flash before but nice try

This isn’t awful. Not the best though.

Attached: image.jpg (1400x1400, 1.26M)

just listen to eccojams and mac plus everything else is shit

>ok so basically it was super good from like 2014-2017ish.

you mean 2011-2014ish? it's been shit for like 5 years

>t. no idea what hauntology is (clue: not invented by fisher)
lol I wasn't implying he invented it, only discussed in in context of the aesthetic of Burial's records and Ghost Box which is infinitely more interesting than the accelerationist chic of vaporwave

complete opposite

2012-14 was the peak

blank banshee was just slightly modified trap music

I like whyetc and kropn a lot

gonna have to yikes, you probably liked blank banshee and saint pepsi back in the day, utter plebian

but one good thing i'll say about vaporwave is the concept/aesthetic really hit home and came about at the right time. was sort of millenials starting to make their own way i reckon, bit played out and overdone now though, can't enjoy it, but at the time it was good

Why should I trust the guy who thought UK Jungle was the peak of musical evolution?

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never liked banshee too much and fuck saint pepsi so yea i guess we just have diff taste

is there an infographic/chart for this?

yea but they arent very good

skip vaporwave, embrace future funk

This. Vaporwave is meh at best for kids who want to be erratic and faux deep. Future Funk is better and you can dance to it.

i just drew this after listing to the album. it's pretty good.

Attached: remember drawn.png (500x500, 128K)

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I made a vapowave album a few years ago and it's a pretty good entry imo. Features classic vaporwave sampling.

I also made a 100% sample free vaporwave album here

Attached: a2981659745_10.jpg (1200x1200, 377K)

good shit

>A5 부정
Nice sample dickhead.

the jap record companies found out about vaporwave and removed all the city pop samples off youtube


try the sound collage side, they're fun people. I particularly rec the albums:
I'll Try Living Like This
Soft Channel
Liberated from the World

The beginning and peak of vaporwave. All you really need to hear

>mfw Saint Pepsi was one of the biggest examples of this and nobody complained

I'm still surprised that fucker didn't get sued into an oblivion since he was making money off of that shit.

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Turns out he's also an actual jew.

chill out faggot lol wow omg

Somehow I'm not surprised in the slightest and actual Jew would be one of the people to bring about Vaporwave's downfall of vanity and greed. I did two Vaporwave albums years back, as usual they sampled other music and remixed it to the point to the point it sounded smooth and jazzy and the other one sounding like electric funk remixes of other songs but I'd never in my life try to sell the shit because it's trouble just waiting to happen.

The people who tried to sell Vaporwave were the biggest sellouts and part of why the genre started to decay and turn into Reddit tier meme status. Thankfully there's still some good Vapor/Synthwave music that pops up every now and then.

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Yo wtf synthwave is really good to me. Is it the dadrock of electronic music? Cuz I shift from dadrock to synthwave like nothing, I like it