Music with this aesthetic?

Music with this aesthetic?

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Chance the rapper and wizard rock

This image hurts

epic, simply epic


found the soyy chugger


anything by the beatles

I don’t know if Run the Jewels counts, but the RtJ rick & morty t-shirts fit this exactly

No, that would be too sexist since the beatles imply that women belong in the house (A hard day's night)

Fleetwood Mac

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, it actually was hard to open?

no cuz i'm not a soiboi

That would mean I buy SOMA in a bottle.

imagine going to art school and instead of getting a job making a cartoon like you wanted you use your education to draw "so.yboys" for online

what makes you think the guy that drew that went to art school?

only idiots go to art school

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The Beatles
Pink Floyd

you forgot death grips, kendrick lamar, father john misty

for less than the cost of a month's worth of onions you can buy a tub of mass gainer, vitamins, and store brand whole milk which you will enjoy much more

Yea Forums is already the board with this aesthetic.

Led Zeppelin
Kendrick Lamar
Foo Fighters
Chance the Rapper
The entirety of the Punk genre
The entirety of the black metal genre
Sunn 0)))

>Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe

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the way he draws fingers

Animal Collective
Death Grips
Whatever math and noise rock bands are called