Drake vs Kanye thread

Drake vs Kanye thread.

Personally, Drake ( if you are reading this it's too late btfos anything kanye)

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kill yourself

personally, Neither



Go piss up your butt, loser.

Hip-Hop isn't music.

says who

Music = classical
everything else is just noise

Whats your favourite song from IYRTITL? Mine is definitely 6 Man

Kanye because he's Black.

Drake is a lightskin faggot
Fake nigger
Only true dark black people should be allowed to rap



ovo 40 hunched over like he 80

Drake is the most overrated popular music artist of this millenium. Kanye is hit or miss. I have also noticed drake fans seem to be stupid and easily influenced by social media trends

How is he overrated? He’s extremely talented. Kanye’s output has been super spotty since dark fantasy/yeezus. Champagne!

you mean lift

tick tick tick

Drake has never made anything approaching the level of MBDTF, Yeezus or 808s or even Ye

Maybe because you aren’t a social person or you haven’t actually taken a night walk with Take Care or something. Maybe you’re just being manipulated by the Kanye internet fan/stan echo chamber to which Drake doesn’t share the benefit.

Kanye music: incels and NEETS
Drake music: Chads and Stacies

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one's an idiot savant while one's a literal mega-faggot

drake is all image, all spectacle

>Not realizing the direction he took on 808s was a reaction to Drake taking over at the time

>Not realizing the direction he took on 808s was a reaction to Drake taking over at the time
Drake was barely a blip on the map in late '08.

Holy shit that's the worst opinion I've ever heard on this board. Go back to listening to Nav chromosome hoarder

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team FUCK kanye, he doesn't even make ANTHEMS
plus girls relate to me more through drake and wallahi i am SO CLOSE to having sex before 30

>implying ye gave a single fuck about anyone but himself musically

This but unironically. I got laid at a drake concert with a latina

>making fun of Nav
he has shooters all around him bro, stop runnin yo mouth

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He's cute af

Yea Forums will take any bait

Not as bad as /pol/ which is all bait

Kanye has never made a song as good as God’s Plan, never had a substantial acting gig, and does not hold an official position with an NBA franchise as the representative for an entire nation.

The answer is clear to anyone who doesn’t have Kanye’s cock in their mouths.

*know yourself



It was more like he wanted to take the autotune trend and make it his own. Kanye is unironically on the level of The Beatles, no other popular artist is in his tier

the man who made yeezus vs jew

calm down you light skin.

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I fucking hate Drake's voice. It's so boring, and monotone. I'd rather just listen to an instrumental.

Kanye has MBDTF all day tho

>Personally, Drake ( if you are reading this it's too late btfos anything kanye)
dude, do you really think Drake browses Yea Forums and is reading your thread. that's pathetic

Are you a pajeet?

Cause if you let me
Here is what I'll do
I'll take care of you
>I've loved and I've lost

Lol Drake is a gay ass pop star who feels like he needs to be involved with everything. He is a bitch. And uses ghost writers because he does not have bars.

He’s talking about a drake project, retard.



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