ITT: worst song on the album is right after the best song on the album
ITT: worst song on the album is right after the best song on the album
this is all i got atm
agreed, Vicar in a Tutu is worst
TilI I Die isn't all that bad.
But the best song on this album is the last track
Boy With a Thorn is really great but i still gotta hand it to There is a Light that Never Goes Out
oh wow
i love Disney Girls tho
and Student Demonstration Theme is clearly the worst on the album
you don't actually have this opinion
Long Promised Road is far from the worst on the album.
Surf’s Up isn’t the worst song you retard
That album is basically just Hit, miss, hit, miss, hit miss all the way through
how can you have a worst song when every song is shit
Having Empire Ants go to Glitter Freeze should've put Damon in jail
my choice exactly
till i die isn't the worst song you fucking student demonstration time apologist
ok compyer
Right. I Know It's Over is the best track and Never Had No One Ever is the worst track.
true lmfao
the queen is dead
i know its over
cemetary gates
the boy with the thorn in his side
there is a light that never goes out
are ALL better than
frankly mr shankly
never had no one ever
bigmouth strikes again (the only questionable one but still)
vicar in a tutu
some girls are bigger than others
>frankly mr shankly
>never had no one ever
>vicar in a tutu
All good, fuck you.
never said they were bad, just not at the same level by any means
Imagine being this pleb
Pavement sucks
no one cares about post-Desire Dylan
Queen sucks
there's only one good song on this album
>The Game in 2015
i always forget there is a light is on this album. i always associate it with one of their earlier songs, i always felt like it was their breakout hit or something. but really their discography's hits were spread out pretty evenly.
man who sold the world-> pennyroyal tea