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holy fucking based


the only wrong scores are mbv and untrue

i dont understand his taste at all lmao

You will not be disappointed if you listen all the way through


what is this

who is this asshole calling in

He’s the drummer for the mountain goats
Just listen to it

why does he have such an ugly website

you're right, they should be much lower

Most of those are bands that he gave good reviews to on other albums. Listening to an entire discography start to finish will usually give you a different opinion than just listening to what's most popular.

He wanted a website that would always technically work, no matter what you use to access it. His old color scheme was even worse, total eye cancer.

Attached: 1.png (659x715, 109K)

glow part 2 sucks



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he's completely right to place those 3 albums over the rest listed, i don't know how that's debatable
the scores for nearly all of them are off though

that was very nice thanks

All of this is agreeable except Darkness on the Edge of Town.

Those Caravan ratings are surprising considering how much he wanks Soft Machine and Wyatt. Would have expected their debut to be an 8.

I thought he would hate them for sounding really similar to The Beatles

The show is live rn at thebestshow.net
It’s not all like that but it’s still good. Call in and rep Yea Forums

>Do yourself a favor and get some slipknot, okay?


Thanks for wasting my time

youre wrong they should be higher

he gave The River 8.5/10

>heterosexual music, above seven
>gay music, below seven
I don't see the issue

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Which is correct but Darkness should be a 7 at least.

Some people used the internet before you were even sperm, cumguzzler

all of these are correct except Darkness on the Edge of Town, but he rates that low because he thinks The River surpasses it


Korn being highly rated isn’t a surprise because scaruffi has a bias for innovation and nobody sounded like Korn in 1994


There wasn't anywhere to go with that sound after Soft Machine

Caravan was released before any Soft Machine album.

sorry, i was thinking caravan band, not self titled

Sepultura - Roots , 8/10

Roots (Roadrunner, 1996) completes the assimilation of Brazilian rhythms, including a ritual with a tribe of Mato Groso ( Itsari ). The result is sometimes comical (if it were faster, the catchy ramalama of Roots Bloody Roots might seem like a Ramones classic), but in the end Ratamahatta (with his surreal polyrhythm coupled with the singer's scat) and Breed Apart (a tribal orgy interspersed with granite riffs) they create a new type of fusion. Experiments do not end with ethnic promiscuity. Lookaway's horror extravaganzait revolves around distorted samples, singing in the manner of the monks and grunts from the stone age, while the rhythm changes register to indulge in a morbid exorcism. The structure of Endangered Species collapses under the weight of a psychedelic solo and drunken percussion.
On the other hand, the drummer and guitarist maelstrom of Attitude , the chaotic fury of Straighthate (which hovers towards the end in one of their most hammering guitar riffs ever) and Dusted's epileptic couplings maintain the usual degree of ferocity that characterizes the band.
Rootsit is not simply the album produced by a mature ensemble. It is also an avant-garde work whose compositions have been carefully packaged.

scaruffi doesn't get the fall

Unironically based as fucking balls,its actually amazing

Wow, the guy's taste is kinda trash huh.

I'm not ready bros...

Attached: IMG_20190521_234701.jpg (720x142, 43K)

now THIS is epic

me neither bro, he's actually one of my favorite persons of this planet after my family and close friends

Imagine being a Scaruffi poster

imagine getting triggered by scaruffi posters LMAO sad

Nah, Caravan are pretty shitty, he's right.

Somehow, based as fuck.

Caravan are a knock-off Soft Machine. They use all the tropes to produce long, polished, nice-sounding songs. Conceptually and creatively, Soft Machine are far superior.

>after my family and close friends

Korn's s/t was probably the most musically influential rock album of the '90s.

How many toolbars are you rockin'?

>Korn s/t
>more influential than Loveless or Spiderland

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He’s 100% right

>nu metal bad

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You're mistaking quality with influence. Common mistake. Korn may have influenced 100,000 shitty bands, but they still influenced 100,000 bands.

no, it's more significant to influence good bands that go on to make masterpieces than to influence a bunch of shitty irrelevant bands

>your post, but in green

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Maybe. We'll see.

LMAO, this guy is so based and annoyingly pretentious. I want to punch him in the face and hug him at the same time.

>Quantity > Quality

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That's what genuine taste looks like.

>no, it's more significant to influence good bands that go on to make masterpieces than to influence a bunch of shitty irrelevant bands

This is very true but they are still more influential.

Cringe literal pseud tier stop posting this boomer