Why is modern rap culture so cringy?

Why is modern rap culture so cringy?

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no dads to tell them how to act

it isn't you're just pretentious

Every faggot wants to wear a bullet proof vest nowadays.

depends where you are looking user

White people absolutely ruined rap, I swear to god. It used to be this flow-centric, gritty, funk/soul, authentically black thing. It was ephemeral too, you never knew when Tipper Gore was gonna make rap illegal. Then Eminem happened and opened the door for every dyel white suburban nerd to rap about “privilege” and video games. How I wish I lived in the mid 90’s and away from non self-aware hipsters.

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Self awareness desu. They see how ridiculous it all is and try to push it further because why not.

*Why is LA so cringey
Ftfy, no jumper just attracts the most insufferable people. Adam has recently been interviewing random coked up thots he pulled off the street just so he could probably have a foursome later, or pornstars that his camwhore gf is friends with. His best interviews are funnily enough the ones where he isn't interviewing a rapper, like his Drake bell, burger planet, or milo yiannopoulos interview.

What about us?

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People who say that are the same people who always have to name drop De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Nas or MF Doom.

so you wanted to be 17 years old in 1995 then? guess what, you’d be around 40 to 42 years old right now young brother. I don’t think you’d like that m8

Fuck off. Unless you’re Cypress Hill, you’re not allowed to rap without being black. Shit, there’s some blacks that shouldn’t even be rapping, what does that tell you?

Admittedly, I'm subbed to him but just for the reviews. Everything outside of that is like yikes territory. What's with all the camwhores and shit he finds.

everyone ages what's the difference

is that Despot on the right of Ace Rock or who??? is it Aesop’s friend

That's El-P

>unironically talking shit about the nelk boys
OP is a half sender

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I’m 26, same age as you, moron.

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jeez wow good photo he looks skinnier....
It must have been his rock n’ roll starving artist diet

>Shit, there’s some blacks that shouldn’t even be rapping

heh nice pic... i’m from 1991 though; so i can safely say that i can drink even moar beer than you

Good thing I'm biracial!

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killer Mike, cunnilynguists, Quavo and Nelly

Does that include the white guy in the group?

nuh-uh lillian.

this clout shit is funny

also: Knucklehead from Luniz, the one dude B-Real in Cypress hill and the black guy from ummmmmm, what is it again?? I think i’m thinking of Rich Gang the dude who does the Flex song i forgot his MC name not Young Thug but the other one

indubitably yes m8
he sucks too
i hate MadChild from Swollen Members too

>Swollen Members
Who even listens to those fucks besides people who only know them from that one song they had in SSX 3?

my nigga RICH Homie Quan my nigga


You’re ignoring a whole country lol
Ignorant murrican
Canada is where Swollen Members is from so obviously some Canadians like and listen to Swollen Members i mean duhhhh man

I know no Canadians who listen to them.

He's right, you know

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consider yourself in the midst of a person who has listened to three Swollen Members album front to back already and didn’t like more than 2 songs after the whole experience

le spears man


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i bet theres no plate in that vest

There was one song from the 2005 era by Swollen Members where MadChild actually rapped something nice, it was mad nice Son lemme tell ya Hwat

killed by clout demons by the next fortnight lol

SoundCloud rappers used to look normal though.


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and Death comes ripping....

reminder that Lindybeige claims:

>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>British naval guns on Malta could launch projectiles into space
>brodie helmets were superior
>English accents are superior
>English is the best language
>Normans weren't French
>imperial system is better
>dunkirk was a british victory
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
>the French are German

Shut up aunt Kathy

Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.

As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...

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Rap has never been good you fucking cuck

lol he definitely in hell

Even if they weren't refugee camps, the Boers totally got what they deserved.

like a fat boy harley Davidson motorcycle out of the very depths of Hell

because emo white kids took it over

their emotions are usually cringe

you don’t like Public Enemy then? or Sugarhill Gang? or even Rob Sonic and SoulSonic Force?? Fuck you m8

God forgives all sins if one repents.

>Vikings weren't real
Now that's a wild one

I actually like Matty B Raps, he’s fire for a 10 year old

I know you think these posts make you look intelligent but it just shows you don't understand basic concepts

no. he's fucking terrible

nelk are the most insufferable dumbasses. legit just frat boy humor and anyone who likes it has the brain of a thirteen-year-old

he didn't lol

Why was he making huge efforts to change in the last months of his life?

when have you ever in your pathetic life ever had a full send m8???? i’ll wait while you think about it. i will wait as long as it takes

wtf how is this related to the vest

>it used to be flow-centric

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Look good in the public eye and get ahead of pending litigation

He was going to win the case regardless because Geneva came out and admitted to lying. The charges were going to be dropped so why would Jah need to put on a good face?

Didn't all that happen after he died

or didn't get bullied at school like you, you fucking loser

still to look good in the public eye
he in hell and he burning

No. She demanded the charges be dropped as early as 2017.

So I suppose she just slammed her face into a wall or something?


What does it mean that adam22 is still around despite multiple attempts?

It went from flow-centric to flow-tantric

it's post modernist like nu metal

it finally reached peak autism and I hope they all commit suicide

lil ugly mane is the only good white rapper

She was beaten up by a group of girls but blamed X because she wanted to clout chase. She even exploited X financially since X loved her and wanted to care for her. That's why she stayed with him.


It's only a matter of time that something might happen. Celebrities need tekashi 69 levels of security now. There are too many crazy people and losers.

wow that makes so much more sense than X beating her up I'm sure she didn't get hush money


tbf eminem was legitimately talented when he first came out. more so than many black artists at the time and definitely more than many of today's black artists

>next fortnight lol

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denzel is the only modern rapper that i really like.
are there any others like him that i should look into?

when these rainbow haired face tatted freaks took over the scene
it stopped becoming about lyrcism and it become all about the clout
all you need is a bucket of hairdye, a few thousand instagram followers, and bravo, you have a rap career

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The difference is, Curry went to an elite magnet high school where he was classically trained in the high arts, which is why even the mixtapes he made as a teenager sound very good in terms of flow and lyricism. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure most of these other SoundClowns are functionally illiterate.

Nice projecting.

thats what i figured.
everything ive heard from him has been very high quality. i wish more black people would embrace learning instead of considering it "corny" or "white man bullshit". its a cultural issue that i genuinely wish could be changed.

Pro tip: rap culture has always been cringy you were just younger so you never noticed.

fuck I wish more white people would embrace learning as well, it's white people that cut the public education budget year after year after year, clearly isn't valued too highly in white American culture either

i agree and i actually deleted a sentence about "not wanting to come off as racist" but I figured it would make me sound like an even faggot than i already do.
but tell me honestly that black culture values education instead of calling it "white man lies" and mocks those who become nerds way more so than other races?

i don't appreciate the hostility. i dont pay for your schools homie, im a poorfag NEET.
you shouldnt blame all wypipo for all the worlds problems. do you think every school official/government official/taxpayer are white? its just a very narrowminded way of thinking about things. like it or not the US is pretty damn diverse already.

in a crowded fieldbyou have to be different to stand out. and when people have tried every shade of cool, there's nothing really left except looking and sounding like a retard


This is bretty gud, quite exceptional for a 16-year old.

Harsh noise Curry = best Curry

No. He didn't die for money or clout. He was murdered by his inner circle.

It's almost like the liquidation of the ethnic component of an ethnoculture renders the resulting substrate devoid of soul

nerds giving their opinions.

lil peep was more popular on yt more than sc tho

Rap was always cringy and it's the most disposable genre of them all

>dressing like a moron is now considered hip

my time is now.

>SoundCloud rappers used to look normal though.

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holy shit does adam have cancer or something?

Nope, he's just Quebecois.

tryna be like 50

Kid Trunks (Asian kid in the front) is the real father of Gekyume.

Commodification of black culture by white Amerika.

Eh the SoundCloud rap/ majority white audience will probably die down by a few years from now