What headphones does Yea Forums use for their computer music (closed back and bass friendly)

What headphones does Yea Forums use for their computer music (closed back and bass friendly)

Attached: 81Hajq6vPiL._SY679_.jpg (413x679, 44K)

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Poorfag so only got Superlux HD-660
Closed construction and really good quality of sound especially for the price
I'm listening to many genres and got no complaints except for when you sit all day (8-12 hours) in them, ears can hurt
Will look for nice open/half-open setup in the future

I am a superior open back headphone user

Doesnt that lose bass ?

These beauties. They are what practically every headphone should work to try and match, I can't think of a single dynamic/normal type driver headphone that can match them. People who disagree haven't tried the S version, guaranteed.
Only shitty treble-rape headphones have that issue

Attached: sennheiser hd800s.jpg (350x350, 21K)

I should hope a 1.6k headphone sounds good....

The sad thing about the audio business is that most really don't. It's really bad. Headphones are safe for the most part if you know what you're looking for but if you're looking for shit like vinyls, DAC/AMPS and headphones that aren't dynamic then you're basically taking a shot in the dark with most products. It's quite sad. I don't even have a balanced setup because there's no way I'll know if it's even better than my current reliable Chord Mojo DAC/AMP. Someone save me from this hell.

Attached: 1550431079825.jpg (210x220, 20K)

M50x's have had them for years. One of the only things I've bought from internet recommendations that hasn't been shit.

HyperX Cloud II, use them everywhere. Thankfully you can remove the mic so you don't look like a wannabe MLG gamer retard.

grado sr60e

pretty good recreating natural sounds and bass

Grado hurt my ears

Attached: sony-wh-1000xm2-4.jpg (2976x1984, 255K)

M50xs are so good for mixing. I've had mine since 2015 and still work like the day I got them. They're so beat up but they're so nice.

Sennheiser HD 569. They're my first actual headphones so I don't have much to compare them to.

this. those bastards are actually so comfortable and they sound great to my ears

I ended up getting a rash around my ears tho so I have to put a folded tissue where it touches my skin. The pad material also rubs off easily. Besides that I like them. Certainly better than earbuds lol.

Attached: 71GibkZotiL._SY879_.jpg (449x879, 29K)


Same, I think I've had mine for about 7/8 years now and I still use them every single day. The cushioning on the ears is a bit cracked and the leather finish is a bit worn but other than that they still work perfectly.

This is mine, got a problem?

Attached: mdr zx110.jpg (850x995, 51K)

My ears hurt just looking at these.

at least shitpost about them being bluetooth

still use my 598s. sad they don't make em no more. Good $40 spent.

I use the headphones in the Op pic, they have yet to do me wrong

use full stops m8. It’s like you’ve only been on Yea Forums for 1 week dude

I use audio technica ath-m40x and for speakers i just have the Sony gtk-xb7, as shown in pic. I like it set at flat response with the bass boost off.

Attached: Speaker.jpg (2500x2500, 680K)

So does half of Yea Forums. They're the perfect balance between price, quality, and reliability.

Haven't seen mention of Sony's 5706 yet, so I'll just put that out here.

7506s and probably because there are so many fake cans out here

You also use 7506s, friend?

How do I know if mine are fake, I got them straight off Amazon

Got an MDR-V6 as a hand-me-down years ago, and the only part I've had to replace on them has been the earpads. Still working amazingly well even 30 years down the line


I use V6s.

Ah shit I just noticed my misspelling, oops

Same here, looking at my own box and the ones posted on Amazon I would say those are at least legit (which I would hope they are if they're sourced from Sony officially); a lot of the counterfeit complaints are from chink sellers on ebay.

Fuck those they gave me hearing damage

you did something wrong, then

>not using the superior audio technica ATH-M40X

based. Do you use the usb thingy?

what are full stops?

I think you have to use it if you want to use headphones and mic at the same time, so I leave it in when at my desk for convenience. the headphone cable alone doesn't reach around my desk to the back audio port.

you mojo is pretty middle of the pack


Is it good sound?

f your babby closed back shit

Attached: phseerpx100iiw-f242766.jpg (1000x1000, 57K)

I have some edifier R1280T speakers and use my gaming headphones late night

bow are those better?

Never cared much about it and used shitty earphones for a long time. Then I decided to upgrade even if a bit, went with that cheap chink sheet from /g/ and got pic related.

Attached: in-Stock-Edifier-H840-Super-Deep-Bass-Bests-Sound-Studio-Monitor-HIFI-DJ-Music-Stereo-Computer.jpg (800x800, 207K)

a 'period'

literally those
they're fine

air pods

this thread comes up every fucking day.

i shove these in my earholes. slice it down for increased bass boost

Attached: Broccoli_earphones.jpg (1600x1067, 492K)

only if you're a povtard with a $100 budget.
otherwise they are meh

They sound like complete fucking shit though

Attached: 52EA55C6-B80B-46F4-B520-1F46FB5D9D10.png (600x800, 57K)

For me it's DT 770s. 80 ohms, of course.

Attached: file.png (576x600, 317K)

>(closed back and bass friendly)
ath a900x

HD58X + E10K


hate to break it to you but if you wear cloud II's in public you defo look like an MLG gamer retard even if you remove the mic.

literally those ones, the M50x's



is E10K better than K3?


HD58X + Liquid Spark + Modi 3 at my desktop.
KSC75 with Yaxi pads and Kramer mod for traveling with laptop (using my Walkman as a USB DAC/amp with that when I can be assed to)

I bought the one with the gray accents which makes it a bit less of an eyesore, if that placates your autism

comfy, good sounding, inexpensive... what's not to love?
they may not be super portable, but then again; that's not what they're made for.