/buttrock/ General

Sharethread for post rock, post grunge, nu-metal, late 90’s early, 2000’s rock and alt bands.

Any: underground, new, local, or even your assbands are very welcome

It sounds good to somebody!

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How is Post Rock buttrock on the level of the other stuff you mentioned?
Do you know what Post Rock is?

>post grunge
This is the dumbest label
>it can't be called grunge (which was already a bad label) anymore because Kurt Cobain died!
Come the fuck on

Nickelback are unironically good.


To be fair, second/third-wave post-rock is the first genre I got into after stopping listening to buttrock


Matthews surprised himself with the dirty opening riff while playing around on the electric one morning in the studio. "Boy, I loved playing that," he recalled to Rolling Stone. "I was like, 'Goddamn it, I did it. That's nasty.' It was almost a joke when I first did it. It's so ugly and so beautiful at the same time. It's so middle-finger-lifted 'F--k you.'"

This seems like a troll thread about shitty taste but I really admire how dmb gets it of his chest. Alt-nofucks!

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is Tool buttrock

>tfw sucked a trucker off 4 coors deep in a honey bucket at Daytona while Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company blared through the speakers

If that ain't America...

honestly, 2nd and 3rd wave post-rock is such shit-stained sludge that i would have no problem lumping it together with creed
like it just screams cringe to me that some of these bands pretend they play some form of 'high art' music and its just factory tier, run-of-the-mill uninspired greyfood

Any EA Sports NHL, Madden, or NASCAR Thunder soundtrack in the 00s was peak buttrock




And i thought i was the fattest string pusher. When your slack gets front loaded all you have to do is reel. Put u in the screen cap. Thanks bb

they’re for buttrockers who think they’re above buttrocking as they rock their butts

what the fuck do these sentences mean

I really hate the term buttrock
You'll never see "buttrap" despite most of it being trash

idk if this is buttrock but more like this?
looking specifically for alternative/grudge stuff with poppy female vocals

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buttrap is redundant.


I mean yea, I’d def put post EITS and all the copy cat shit in there, but shit like Spiderland, SFTB, LYSF, Laughing Stock, Flood, DIGP, and all of the other shit before that or that follow in that same vein def aren’t buttrock

That’s because phrases like Mumble Rap and are the hip hop equivalent

Check out Michelle Branch


yeah but most of these also aren't purely post-rock, they draw elements from multiple other genres. i mean i agree, but if we take "pure" post-rock then it would fit more.
also i hate LYSF so ill call it buttrock any day

holy shit thank you this is exactly what i'm looking for

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Good points.

who else /skillet/?

No prob bro, I love that shit too
There's just something about that 00's disney original teen rock that hits me a certain way, takes you a different place
Used to think it was stupid, now it's a guilty pleasure of mine

progressive buttrock

Staind - So Far Away



what the fuck is buttrock

They get too much hate. They're not the epitome of shit, but they're still bad.

It’s when you play instruments with your ass


does this count?

DMB is unironically filled with virtuosos. The drummer alone is fucking insane. Listen to his songs, and then listen to how complicated the drum patterns are.

The fans are gay as fuck, but the music is pretty tits.


I saw them in concert back in 2010
They were pretty great
Collide is probably my favorite album by them, but I really enjoy their debut album as well.

You mean that's not Disturbed?

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My guilty pleasure

I'd take buttrock over imagine dragons, billie eilish and 21 pilots any day. That's what my local buttrock station is playing now.

well half true. their latest stuff is complete trash but All The Right Reasons was a fantastic rock album. i mean i want to say it was pop rock but really when i say that i think of imagine dragons not nickelback since nickelback were pretty rock-n-roll. the 2008 album had a few good tracks and their early stuff had good songs too but anything after 2008 was just terrible imo


god tier


Surely this song doesn't actually count as buttrock, right?



I know that not everything that has been on post-Clearchannel radio is trash but most of the music in this thread is still something with zero appeal outside being entry level gateways. I know Yea Forums hasn't been a sekrit club for over a decade but holy shit, how do you end up here without at least acknowledging that most of the music in this thread is bad on an objective level?

its literally called buttrock you moron

>bad on an objective level
how can you prove that?

The musicianship sucks with a few exceptions like Miles Davis, and even then his music is stale as fuck. Alter Bridge is like the Steely Dan of buttrock

>second/third-wave post-rock
There is no such thing as "waves" when it comes to post-rock. That's a bullshit meaninglesss term.

spiderland is buttrock af lol

irony has gone too far

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Still the best album

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I prefer cock rock

I prefer COCK

inb4 someone posts nevermind

Hey niggers listen to three days grace

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I ain't like that shit bruhs
I'm just gonna stick to my Interpol

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shes a female and she rocks harder than the boys
ohhh im getting moist

fuck this corny ass song

Too clean and maudlin. Their debut is better imo. The second half of that album legitimately bangs.

It has a nice mix of edge and melodies

I've always wondered, what classifies a band as 'post grunge' other than them forming in the mid to late 90's?

post-grunge just means grunge after kurt cobain died
don't let anyone fool you into believing it's any deeper than that


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I'd rather listen to the stuff in this thread than the shit that gets posted all over the rest of the board all the time.

I listen to this and other more experimental "hipstery" albums, it makes me appreciate the butt rocky fun albums more and vice versa
For example after listening to Soundtrack For The Blind I have an urge to listen to Three Days Grace, not sure why

>post rock, post grunge, nu-metal, late 90’s early, 2000’s rock and alt bands
does Oasis qualify?

Reminder to listen to Alter Bridge
They are nearly the same band but actually good and without Stapp's cringeworthy lyricism and vocals

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Alter Bridge is as buttrock as it gets. They're shit. They're just as cringeworthy.

I like Halestorm, are they considered buttrock?

In the highest degree, Sir

Shit taste bro, have you listened to Blackbird's title track?

Yeah. Used to be a fan back in high school. Eventually, I realized that they're bascially just Nickleback 2

Chevelle are the peak of buttrock

Their first album even got produced by Steve Albini

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How are they similar to Nickelback, they have much worse and more shallow lyrics and worse musicianship

More like this? I love the angst

r u me

Naruto AMV core

AMV core has pretty fun music t b h


This thread is cancer.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

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AMV core is fucking good.

>mid 90s

Come on Scott, be real, Mark and the Boys are having more fun in Alter Bridge than they were having in Creed

You see, the problem with that era is that so many shit mainstream bands drowned out the good shit. And that's why the Strokes happened. It did to that thing what grunge did to late 80's hair metal and synthpop.

Synthpop is based

Boring as fuck.
I don't like how many synthpop artists do not touch guitars.

Then listen to industrial rock

I mean the first 2 albums

That sucks. I listened to all of Definitely Maybe and no other album has blown me away as hard as this so far, though maybe that's my inexperience with Yea Forumscore related shit talking.

I prefer sludge metal. The mid/late 90's had great shit, but it was drowned out by garbage.

i agree 100%, if it wasn't for this thread we could've had another radiohead or my bloody valentine thread in the catalog!

>implying this is a bad thing

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Are they considered buttrock?

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oh hell yes

I can't imagine anyone keep listening to that kind of music either, I need some time off too. Butt rock has its place it fills up well

Silver side up and All the right reasons are great albums.

They're diet-Undertow era Tool. But they do have some good songs and some dope riffs.

I thought it was music for people who listen with their ass.

They will forever be remembered as poor man's AiC

I find it funny that none of the bands mentioned have had their "creative peak". They were simple popular for couple year and then just faded into irrelevancy, only leaving behind mediocre music.

Read this and started to prepare myself for some generic heavy-ass Grunge riff. I am sorely disappointed. Not a horrible riff, but imagine thinking that writing a mid-tempo rock riff and thinking it's some sort of special moment.

I was talking about them with someone at work recently and they compared them to Nirvana. I then had to point out to them that they sounded way more like Alice in Chains and they looked as though their mind was blown. Like "Oh yeah! Wow, they totally do don't they!" It's weird sometimes what other people will hear in the same music

I'm pretty sure that some people just hear the word Grunge or Post-Grunge and go straight to Nirvana comparisons.