Why is this guy relevant, again?

Why is this guy relevant, again?

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he's always been relevant.

he's cute

the white tweens who hopped on his dick in 2011 are still listening to him


t. former white tween with father issues


He has a persona that's funny/relatable to zoomers.

incorrect, flower boy and unironically his homosexuality exposed him to a whole new fanbase, and his previous fanbase majorly stuck around too, he is also funny and cute and talented and nice and kind and cool. I said it back in like 2015, this nigga is like the next kanye, he will only continue to go up. 100k first week on flowerboy and is now projected 150k+ on a less accessible album.


He's always been this way

rap demarco

His fans are mostly Millennial. He is a Boomer himself


Tyler create nothing I see why you call yourself a faggot bitch it's not just cause you lack attention it's because you worship D12's balls you're sack-religious

cause Yea Forums bit the bait

>next kanye
>brings nothing new to the table, nothing that hasn't been done by Frankie Ocean
>speaking of Frank, he ain't even the first gay nigga in music
I liked Tyler when he told me that he wants to stab Bruno Mars in his gotdamn esophagus, nowadays
why bother


>Mmm... Look at that little boy

wtf did he mean by that?


damn jasper looks skinny as fuck in that


How many times does this nigga has to say that he still likes girls along with guys for people to call him bisexual? Dude even did a lame pun about seeing both sides like Chanel.

people really want to believe and push that he is gay and add some meaning to his lyrics that was never intended but i cant understand why, just leave the nigga alone

I haven't listened to any Igor. Which song should I listen to first?

If you're just looking to listen to a couple songs, Earfquake and A Boy Is a Gun would be my go tos.