

bye bye whitey

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Totally not offensive and in poor taste.

I agree. He should leave France and go back to Africa.


As a cockless cuckold, this is right up my alley.

Epic win for us black guys. Take that, frenchy!

based and cringepilled

>and then one day, for no reason at all, people elected Hitler

All of /pol/ right now

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>killing millions of (mainly white) people is better than some rapper making a vaguely anti-white music video
never change, /pol/

Politically-charged, off-topic outrage-bait is against the rules.

Women have no understanding of race, its too nuanced for their tiny brains, all they understand is the biggest pair of hands around their neck

Strangling a white person to death and advocating killing white babies is not vaguely anti-white. He's a full blown black supremacist.

>I fuck France
>I burn France

>why am I on fire?
>why is my ass sore?

Niggers are so stupid.

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>destroying the source of aid to Africa

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The average white women is far more racist then the average white man.
Only the ugliest ones would dare date a black man, while nearly all modern white men are wiggers or weeaboos.

>Paul Joseph Watson
As bad as it probably is, I'm willing to bet that there are at least two blatant lies in this screencap

Racism is a bullshit concept and needs to be destroyed.

What is it with media and portraying black man choking white women? The same thing happened at the end of Get Out.


Okay, how are you going to convince Chinese people to stop hating the Japanese, or Serbians to stop hating Bosnians?

>what are psyops
Who do you think pays for this crap?
They're trying to terrify dead demons though... not gonna work.

Came here to post this

That's what happens when you give white women any type of voice in media

Shut up nigger

I don’t know, user. Who do you think is behind this?

But it was a film directed by a black man.

do me a favor and google the director's wife

>when you’re convinced the only people telling the truth still must be lying somehow

You think Chelsea Peretti is controlling the media?

Racism will never end because it's printed in our dna.

s-sorry user I'm just not stupid enough

You're giving me the old Reddit switcheroo right now, I can't imagine how you possibly interpreted that from my post in good faith.

Pick one and only one

>only Jews died in WW2
Are you SURE you're from /pol/?

Anyone who will put their name and face to racist rhetoric should be summarily executed

"Fuck whitey"? Shot dead.
"All niggers must hang"? You first.

See where their own belief system gets them

>racists are less intelligent on average
>racists commit more crime on average
>racists are poorer on average
>racists are less likely to complete high school
>racists are less likely to go on to college
>racists have lower testosterone levels and smaller penises than liberals
Heh heh heh

She seems like the kind of girl who would turn out to be controlling the media.

>not stupid enough to think people proudly destroying other countries is bad

It's funny because all those greentexts are true

And then it's not funny again when you realize most black people are racist

Most people with any sort of racial identity are racist, its these no-culture mutts that act like it makes absolutely no sense in any cultural context.

Can we actually talk about this? Even the few leftists on Yea Forums must agree this is counterproductive at best.

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Racist in the context of the west means race supremacists who preach the superiority of some races and the inferiority of others

Look at the author, can't talk about it until we know its not 100% fabricated

What's going to stop your anti-racist hate brigade from turning on your speech once the soapbox supremacists are all dead or silenced?

Yea Forums cheers on Moonman, but gets triggered by this. It's the height of hyckpocrisy.

ayo dat moonman slaps tho mane

What a great, music related thread guys!

This song isnt very interesting but his single "Hang the whites" was real fire though, its hard to find now.

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it's a song you fucking retards

it's more musically related than waifu threads

if you pay any kind of attention to this obvious race baiting bullshit news (both from the guy who made the original song and pjw's article) you're not living life correctly

This is the best thing since "Let the White Kid say Nigga"

nogs are throwing fuel on a fire they really don't want to start

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Why are whitecels such pussies?

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based retard

You wanna put that in writing?

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Who wins, hip hop or classical music?

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>shooting unarmed kids
>not a pussy move

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>shoots a bunch of random niggers
wow youre so strong, you killed some of your society's lowest class basically while they were taking a shit

you are such a huge faggot it's incredible

dvorak loved african american music at the time but it's more supposed to be "the negro" then the nigger

Based Dvorak


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You can talk about the song also

fuck content farms
fuck astroturfing
fuck you for engaging with it


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Your grandkids are gonna be brown, and there's nothing you can do about it.


The trick is to mock these people and they'll fuck off. Or just whistleblow something illegal the parent company is doing. Seemed to work with Tyler the extremely obvious Paedophile who has released songs about wanting to fuck children

Your kids also are going to be less brown but will speak European language retard

Implying there's anything wrong with that. They'll speak multiple languages, be able to handle spicy food, and attract every white girl in a 10 mile radius looking to trigger their racist dads.

You can hit us
You can kill us
You can hate us

but at the end of the day

We are white

and you will forever be a nigger

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Meant to say grandkids but whatever, even speaking of 2nd generation immigrants, not a single faggot in this category cares about preserving your sandnigger culture, so you'll most likely be in the same position as the racist white dads but actually even a bit worse since there's more sense for some poorfag browney girl to go for relatively rich white incel than for a white girl to go for a sandnigger

>Not wanting to have Mozambiquen gangbang orgies on the congolese river with the chicago bulls

I am sad for you my friend

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do you even read any of this shit before you post it?
shut up

Yeah, none of that is remotely true. Maybe try going outside and interacting with actual people rather than taking advice from reactionaries on youtube. Just my two cents.

Cope. I live in fucking Europe and go outside as much as any average person so I obviously know what's up better than some basement dweller from Turkey or whatever country you're from, sorry for tearing down your fantasy world though

Pfft bahahahahaha. I'm SURE you're not projecting.

your whole life is in poor taste

with every post, you say nothing of substance and just keep making yourself look like a retard

Cope. I'm not even right winger, it's just funny how /pol/'s image of present day Europe is more popular among some third worlders than the actual whites

meant for