Okay now that the dust has settled, we’re all clear on the fact that IGOR is Tyler’s best work of all time, right?
Ignore obvious contrarians and YONKERS hypebeasts ITT
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>IGOR is Tyler’s best work of all time, right?
Sure. It's pretty easy to improve upon shit, right?
finally an igor thread
Production is on par with FB, but not a fan of the vocals
The BROCKHAMPTON influences are very obvious, but it feels like a compilation or melody album of all his stuff. It's basically what I wanted out of Flower Boy. On my second listen right now and it still gives me some chills.
Tyler still fucking sucks at singing though. Following in the footsteps of Byrne's "If it's good then it's inauthentic" I guess.
This is like saying the sky is red
It’s just not
This man has grown so much since flower boy
He’s taken notes from Kanye too
I don't know whether its his voice, the way he's written some of the hooks or how his voice has been mixed but it just sounds lacklustre. I get he's going for a more personal approach but it just feels a bit weak
>taken notes from kanye
Kanye hasn't produced anything near to the quality of his other albums as of recent
Yonkers tho
4th Dimension on Kids See Ghost is one of Kanye's greatest tracks though
Regardless I wouldnt say taking notes from kanye is going to make your music better. Find your place artistically and I'll respect you much more for that.
For me it's wolf>igor=bastard>flower boy>cherry bomb>goblin
I respect your opinion but you're wrong
cherry bomb>wolf>bastard>flower boy>igor>goblin
name a song where every verse is this on point
I think legitimately sounds like a Kanye song.
igor is definitely kanye-esque
I'm glad Tyler got to do an album he wanted to do, but out of the two cherry bomb is more listenable. Not to say IGOR is bad at all, but cherry bomb has multiple tracks that I think "man I want to hear that song again" and IGOR is an all the way through album for when you're in that specific mood. No specific track stands out much more than the others due to it being a ton of (albeit dope) synths. I really like this album the more and more I listen through it, but to me cherry bomb is staying his goat
Now for his actual rap shit I think wolf>goblin(barely)>flower boy>bastard
But no one agrees with that part ever and that's not to say that flower boy or bastard are bad by any means.
im fucking loving it.
as with all tyler albums for me, a song or two are a hard miss, but that's okay.
i'm loving how its not quite hip hop, not quite rnb, not quite electronic. it's a creative blend, emphasis on the creative. there's a lot of sonically pleasing creativity and design on here.
it's cool as fuck.
fuck, just to add on, there's some decent BMSR/tobacco influence on here too. it's pulling from a lot of great hip hop, rnb, and electronic sounds.
it's not your generic music.
damn this is lit
I envy you if that was your first listen. It's good shit.
who the fuck hasn't listened to pablo
Nope, it's Cherry Bomb
idk i just skipped it some other shit was going on
This track is godly.
Was wondering how long it would take for a autism to show up
Confirmed does not eat their vegetables
Almost all of Cherry Bomb is godly, when I first heard it, I thought he was going to earn a grammy. I don't understand the hate for this damn album
That whole sequence from 1:50 onwards is one of his greatest musical pieces.
underage AND autism this is epic
Good point I'm retarded thanks
why would Tyler have to do an album that he didnt want to
they have a fucking gun to his head or something
I fucking love it. Puppet and Are We Still Friends got me teared up. Motherfucking Tyler the Creator got me emotional for a song and I really dont find this decade's hip hop appealing
Everyone hated Cherry Bomb and he thought everyone was going to love it and he was really proud of it so he had to go back to the rap formula that everyone could tolerate and made Flower Boy. Since that was super successful he's now gone back to his Cherry Bomb methods which makes him happiest.
damn lame, i loved cherry bomb
i like the shit he likes to make i guess
Look at all this spaghetti bullshit trying to defend Tyler
That's just how I know the situation to be. I might not even be right. I'm just some rando on the internet so obviously I don't know shit bud
>chimpanzee thinks
>is so happy he makes a song about it
painfully obvious you haven't even listened to it once so why bother posting in a thread that isn't pointed to your interests
lighten up a bit nigger
Go to sleep kidd
This has N.E.R.D and Kanye influence all over it. It's such a shame that the first eight songs are amazing and the last three fucking suck. They sound like leftovers from Flower Boy. When he sings and doesn't do anything to his vocals, he sounds terrible.
>and the last three fucking suck
They COMPLETELY lose that energy. It's arguable that gone, gone / thank you has some of that energy, but personally, it really drops off.
its winding down of a relationship, the theme of the album
and the winding down of the sound on an album
its totally coherent
Coherent or not, it sounds like shit and it's fucking BORING.
It's OK to have a bad opinion once in a while.
completely false best part of the album pleb
>arguing FOR Tyler's unedited/unaltered singing voice
They're arguing for the whole of the tracks and the general climactic feel. But go ahead and be a stone wall about it. You'll definitely get them to change their minds that way guy
he has a great voice
he was a great voice need help moving the goal post?
I mean most of it is his singing voice, that's why I personally cannot enjoy it. It's less consistent with the thematic tone set by the earlier tracks with the sudden cuts to deep shit said by his friends and the little breaks for beat switches or just for pause. The last three tracks feel like Tyler's sound, which I'm sure most of you faggots really enjoyed considering everybody considers Flower Boy to be the holy grail or some shit. And I like that album, but when so much of it revolves around his sub-par singing voice, it's really hard for me to appreciate the lyricism, the tone, the story, or the good production amongst other things. That's what I get from the last three tracks, the boring shit from Flower Boy. I just think if you're just going to be nonstop fun energy in your first eight songs, you should probably finish with similar strength. Maybe people find strength in these songs due to the emotional weight and maybe some of you like or don't even mind his singing voice, but that shit does not do it for me. I'm gonna pretend that shit doesn't exist.
still holding onto Tyler's old image, I see
I wholeheartedly disagree with that one, folks. Listen to 0:33 to 0:47 on ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? and tell me that guy has anything but an average singing voice.
my brother said I'm on the spectrum
Literally this.
You are describing the YOU album/ME album phenomenon.
>Whenever Tyler needs money, he makes a YOU album == appeal to the masses tastes\
>Whenever Tyler has the money, he makes a ME album == appeal to his own tastes.
Those last three tracks are IGOR's only weakness
...Or maybe I'm just not smart enough to get it...
That's why I will do nothing but support this album even if it's a bit of a drop in my personal opinion from cherry bomb. I want this guy to continue to make good shit that he likes to make and I in turn like to listen to. None of his shit is bad, but I like when an artist is making good shit for themselves and I just happen to like it. The point of art is self expression through whatever medium. We only matter as far as allowing him to continue to express himself through our cash.
amen to that
>retard thinks
>is so retarded he makes a post about it
>n-no you
what Tyler albums should I give a listen to if I want more stuff like New Magic Wand, A Boy Is a Gun and What's Good?
Just cherry bomb really
I'd argue that wolf was the start of his doing some elements just because he liked it. Not purely like it is with cherry bomb and IGOR, but the workings are there.
Ngl even hearing him hit that mediocre note was pretty magical
Yeah, even at the time, songs like Treehome were getting him flak from the casual OF fans who wanted edgy, dark raps. I remember going to his shows around the time Wolf came out, and how pissed people were that he wasn't playing anything from Bastard or Goblin besides Yonkers.
Cherry Bomb was the nail in the coffin. Flower Boy essentially earned him an entirely new fanbase, who I think are a lot more open minded about "personal projects", which is why I think Igor's reception is a lot more positive than Cherry Bomb's was at the time.
What the hell is even this
I THINK is so fucking good
>I notice that you're there but I'm always in your hair~
I fucking love that part so much. It's so good.
have you listened to goblin recently lmao.
there's maybe 3 songs on there that are good. i dont know how you could put it above any of his other albums. fuck even that grinch ep is better lol.
It literally sounds like Flower Boy outtakes.
This is false
You like igor the best but loathe cherry bomb?? Boy what kind of crack you smoke
Literally one minute into November he worries his music is too weird for the masses
Shit is sad truly
>Tyler thread
Holy shit look at the faggotry in this chump thread.
And frankly, it is lol. I really like the majority of Tyler's music, but it's pretty much a lane only he can exist in. He originally gave the instrumental of Glitter to Justin Bieber. I sincerely don't know how he thought that would be a good match. Needless to say he rejected it. I think at some point he tried to give Zayn a Flower Boy instrumental, too. Same story.
All of his beats are so off-kilter and DIY-sounding. I can't think of a single song he's produced that legitimately sounds like something that would fit on the radio, even when he says that's his intention. I legitimately don't think he has the ability to. There's a reason why he doesn't have placements in other rapper's albums, unless he's also rapping on the track.
I think 911/ Mr lonely is the closest he's gotten to radio friendly lol. But really what I was getting at was that he thought his fans would be stoked on the shit he liked and liked to make and that was resoundingly not the case. I can't imagine how brutal that had to feel from the people he expected to support him.
There's an interview he did where he broke down cherry bomb and how he was super happy with it but it started with death camp which is like a rock song and then 5 songs later the guy still wasn't dropping vulgar verses like they wanted and they were out at find your wings.
He makes good music when he's doing what he enjoys. That's all I care about. I'm just glad he's financially secure enough to make that happen. IGOR seems like it's definitely a bigger success over cherry bomb.
am i the only one who thinks it was all downhill after the yonkers video (before goblin)? bastard was his best album, it's turning 10 this year, fuck me
this is correct
still holding onto good music
you don't know shit, only the production sounds reminiscent of Cherry Bomb but the singing is new. Songs like Find Your Wings and Treehome has Tyler singing but is very different to IGOR which is a soulless and lazy project. Sure he might be happy with the album but the music itself is lackluster and will be forgotten in months.
it isnt a fuckiing concept album stop shilling
>you don't know shit, only the production sounds reminiscent of Cherry Bomb
you don't know shit if you can't understand the comparison. In Tyler's focus, the production is like the most important part. Either way, the singing is only one aspect of the songs, and it doesn't suddenly make it unconnected. Especially when you admit Tyler has already sung before, "just in a different way" lmao. He already established the Igor blueprint on Fucking Young. Please describe what makes Igor specifically soulless in comparison to Cherry Bomb or hell, any of his albums.
>triple double has spoken
>This man has grown so much since flower boy
The album sounds very, very similar to flower boy.
Love the album, my AOTYSF and I think it will stick for the rest of the year
this album for my tastes is too all over the place. can't get over that. it sounds like it doesn't really know what it wants to be. props to tyler as always though
I literally can't stop listening to it.
why do people hate tyler so much? Sure it's not the best album ever but it's not bad and it's cool to see people experiment.
Same, everything else released this year has been ridiculously boring. I challenge anyone to name a single album released this year that actually brings something new to the table.
Does the Tyler album bring something new to the table?
Maybe some of the more melodic songs off of flower boy as well. Boredom, 911, See You Again etc
TLOP is his masterpiece
CB is not above FB though...
What but FB felt like a more polished CB...
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS is what makes the album.
it's fantastic how Tyler, Earl and Frank grew up creatively
can't wait to see how Frank's next album will be
I bet you only like songs in G lol
>sub-par singing voice
Yes. I actually think it might end up being one of my favorites of the decade.
Also I'm no tyler stan. I thought Bastard-Wolf were just OKAY.
I appreciate how successfully he honed his sound here.
This album really reminds of blonde in some ways. Tyler managed to make these songs very dense and full of movements while sounding cohesive and focused, all while taking a lot of creative risks. Blonde succeeded in that way too.
It's a very exciting record.
I don't love you anymore almost made me cry, no other Tyler album really clicked with me, but this actually one did. Very good
Some of the synths on "Running out of time" are stupidly gorgeous.
I produce a little myself and some of the synths here really make me envious. What he lacks in technical ability he makes up for with a really really good ear. I think he's always had a good ear but he's finally figuring out how to consistently use it to his advantage.
I didn't like earl's latest album am I a pleb?
>not a concept album