Rap/hip-hop music is in no way incessantly repetitive nor musically lazy. In fact, the most important and most interesting elements of MUSIC are its lyrical content and its rhythm. Also, rhythm is better when it stays perfectly and invariably consistent for 3 to 4 minutes.
Furthermore, classical music is a dated and irrelevant artform and represents everything that is wrong with "music". Classical music emphasizes musical education and training, which are bourgeoise systems to oppress the lower classes and to ensure the (erroneous) idea that people who have thoroughly studied an art form are the best representatives of the art form.
In fact, if you like or study classical music, then you actually don't know what music is all about. Music is primarily a form of expression, like painting, literature, photography, architecture, or giving oral sex, and it makes NO DIFFERENCE how good you are at it. All that matters is that nobody questions it.
you are right but wrong all music is including classical and rap and all other types
Daniel Ortiz
>lyrical content this is literally the least important part of any song in fact its so unimportant that 90% of the time the singing is what ruins the song. vocals suck
Jacob Kelly
Sounds like a big cope to me
Leo Long
>everything bad is good and everything good is bad >men are women and women are men >up is down, and left is right
Ethan Gonzalez
lol this is what communism does to your brain
Cameron Davis
This is 100% the case with A7X's A Little Piece of Heaven, I found out
Henry Richardson
Go back to r*ddit if you can’t understand sarcasm without a “/s”
Evan Scott
Why is it that I'm able to connect far more emotionally with music that has singing and actual melody than rap? I enjoy listening to hip hop sometimes, but nothing in it is able to impact me on an emotional level that much
Jace Hughes
Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive and yet monotone lyrics, set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.
Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst* for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.
There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practicing until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat? Don't you KNOW this?
*The most humorous thing about this post is, an overwhelming majority of those that DO defend hip-hop and rap, would have to head to Google or a dictionary to know what the word, "catalyst" means.
Because you need to be handheld like a baby to understand what's happening and what the music is trying to say via lyrics.
Austin Nelson
If it's all about the lyrics, then why muddy the message with shitty fucking music? Rappers should write books then, because they sure as hell dont write music.
Jaxson Thompson
why do Marxists and Nazis hate jazz so much? the Frankfurt School slammed it and Hoxha called it “screaming jungle music”. Is it just an autism thing?
Eli Hill
>If it's all about the lyrics Imagine that it's not, brainlet.
Angel Turner
I think the Frankfurt School hates pop music in general and jazz was just a popular thing back then in Adorno's time.
Chase Watson
The amount of replies that took OP seriously or replied with unrelated shit just shows how "(c)rap" people are dumb as much as the people who listen to mumble rap
White people process empathy with a delay and suck shit at "grooving" with a group. However, they are on average very intelligent. This is why they pursue solo music and play in ensembles with swells instead of attacks or so much fucking noise you can't tell if they're not in time. A black guy, trying to play with the average white, will stop several times in the middle of the song and say "WHAT" and the white guy will say "tempo is just a suggestion man, who made you the fuckin metro-jerome"
Black people process empathy with zero delay and have some serious groove. But, on average, they lack the intelligence to follow classical traditions. And even if they have the intelligence, you need white autism to be dedicated enough to be good at it. A black guy will rarely not say "fuck dat, life too short dawg" and go have sex instead while a white guy in the background murmurs something about not having more kids than you can afford and practices his piano while his three palespawn are busy at their violin lessons.
Jack Foster
Most rappers will be forgotten. People question them and then discard them. Less than a dozen, today, are considered good enough to be relevant to mankind as a whole. In decades you will be able to count "good rappers" on one hand.
Most classical composers, too, were forgotten.
And most folk singers.
You're looking too hard into genres when they don't fucking matter probably because you're massively butthurt that bach was smarter and richer than you. Tyler the Creator is smarter and richer than you too, dumbass. Do you think successful rappers are dumb niggers who dropped out of third grade?
Jack Kelly
No. I just think both rap and classical music are marketable commodites, but one is inherently more impressive from a music-as-artform standpoint, and the other is repetitive droning with beat poetry recited over it.
If a hack shits in the woods, why are we lumping it with "music"?
Thomas Ward
All rap fans are racist. Liking, listening to and defending rap are the most racist things you can do.
Asher Wright
Anthony Lee
> Music is primarily a form of expression, like giving oral sex