he is deleting all traces of this from the internet, it won't work though, we won't forget he enabled these people
He is deleting all traces of this from the internet, it won't work though, we won't forget he enabled these people
Other urls found in this thread:
Anthony's a fucking retard and his career is ending with all the other Kidtubers. Literally everything he does has been obviously toxic and he's used the facade of memery and points and other faggot shit to smokescreen it
Fandango, the vegan socialist punk-rock race-mixer, getting lumped in with Dicky Spencer and Sam Hyde is pretty fucking funny. Especially given his Twitter kvetching.
Ben Shapiro is a faggot though.
kind of antisemitic but ok
There's nothing antisemitic about calling Ben Shapiro a faggot you fucking faggot
So obvious
All this whole foods PC left wing shit is just California fascists, of which Fandipshit is one
It was all well and good back in the 2010's when they were new and had some good tunes but times are changing and people are getting sick of Anfernee's gay yellow clothes and lack of connection with reality
go to another website if you take bait this easily newfag
I'm still so shocked that he's the pandering type. He truly does not seem like the pandering type. Now I feel like a drone idiot whose demographic has been accurately headshot by literally just an average dude. Am I really so dumb and lame?
It wasn't just Anthony, this whole YouTuber thing was manufactured just like TV to make it appear organic. The issues with Anthony only came out because he stuck around for so long, maintained a public persona inconsistent with what he claimed his content was about, and honestly just sucked donkey balls at reviewing music. He even tried to get into the competitive smash 4 scene, anyone member that shit? He fucked burned out because it turns out he has no skills but lying to people and looking like hitler's refrigerator
He's lowkey sexist, transphobic, anti semitic, and has been doing damage control, fuck him. Textbook brocialist.
All I'm feeling is a profound sense of schadenfreude.
The only rating that really isn’t in line with his older taste is the Billie album. Lizzo and Beyoncé fall perfectly in line with his taste since he did give people like Beyoncé an incredibly positive score back in 2016 before this entire debacle.
I guess he does make his liberal views more known, but I’m a lib myself so I don’t give a fuck.
I still enjoy his videos as background noise
he brought it on himself interviewing sam hyde and sargon and doing videos where he imitated hyde's comedy style
Don't write such stupid shit and pass it off as bait, defectivebrainfag
>it turns out he has no skills but lying to people and looking like hitler's refrigerator
you need to be a socialist before you can be a brocialist :-)
As expected of a poseur
reminder that his fanbase find his shows good and not a scam at all
>I went to one of his shows because my friend REALLY wanted to go
>He starts off with a song from Cal Chuchesta and then just has three meme filled bits, does a QnA for about 5 minutes, and then just fucks off without any meet and greets.
> He starts off with his weakest meme which is adding Vanessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles" into the middle of songs as his take on the 4D and 9D audio craze, calling it 420.69XD audio. Then his second bit is I guess more akin to what I was expecting, he just goes on a mini ted talk about how Drake is the most innovative rapper of the era while constantly shitting on Logic (just Logic). Then he jumps to a full breakdown of All Star, which in itself is the meme.
>If you wanted something more akin to an in-person TheNeedleDrop, you aren't getting it. If you wanted something a bit more unhinged like ThatIsThePlan, you still aren't getting it. It's some weird mix of both that appeals only to the most normie of his media consumers which aren't the people buying tickets to his shows. I don't know if it was the same last year or whenever he held his last talk, but I could tell some of the older folks were definitely dissapointed. It's such a weird demographic to target, like none of the people who bought tickets want to see this. Maybe the Cal bit at the start if you REALLY like Cal for some reason.
>made anti-Hillary shitpost videos
>did videos with sargon (fucking retard btw)
>self-professed liberal
what the fuck is he actually about
that literally wasn't me though. I just think you are such a newfag if bait that low quality gets you
>that wasn't me
holy shit lmao you need to log off for today
Nevermind forget he took down this interview.
He rides on the aesthetic coattails of people with actual convictions
He was (is?) a Berniebro
from his twitter and his following of all the people from cth im guessing he's just like in between liberal "all sides" shit and DSA cretin
literal Nazi.
You mean a Nazi?
it must be his girlfriend making him do all this. that black pussy must be good.
He's a sociopath who uses YouTube to mask the emptiness of his personality, just like the rest of the famous Tubers these days. Liberals are really easy to fool, so the Hitleries have adopted uber PC language to conceal their crimes and intentions by simply not discussing it. Fantano is paid to project specific messages and hype specific artists
Bernie didn't make it to the election under questionable circumstances so that's a non issue really
Sam Hyde wasn't a known white supremacist at the time, he was just some youtube comedian ripping off tim and eric or making iphone vines in his mirror. The offensive stuff was brushed off as Andy Kaufmann/Andrew Dice Clay esque irony. That's why he got a TV show before he revealed his politics.
Helicopter Ridetano is going to run out of channels to delete at this rate
Fantano shows are less about actually seeing fantano but instead just essentially having a Yea Forums or rym meet up. There's always a few cute art hoes.
This video is such bullshit, and you can tell. He seems like he's acting, and there are so many cuts, and he says so much dumb shit about it, like talking about Billie life and shit wtf this is terrible
How sexist of you
>calling Sargon a literal Nazi
Fucking kill yourself please you absolutely oblivious fucking zoomer discord tranny
Wow. So this is how simpletons look at it.
>dark prog
ok boomer
Tyler the Creator and h3h3 referenced MDE, they weren't a nazi thing until the election
They were always Nazis, just subtle about it at first.
fantano is an alt-lite anti-muslim atheist like sargon and sam harris.
he poo-pooed the anti-islam shit because his woke audience couldnt have that.
the only diff between anthony and the mde boys is that he is only anti-islam and they are anti-islam plus anti-jew.
not defending Fantano, but if you don’t like it don’t watch it. nothing on the internet should make you this angry
yes they were, kickstart tv, world peace, his standup, the ted talk all had alt right shit
Fantano is such a disingenuous flip flopper, what he's doing is slimy. He's been in bed with the reactionary right but is acting like he's high and mighty and trying to brush it all under the rug. I lean left but this shit irks me, feels like he'd do a total 180 again if being right wing were more "in".
i give fagtano a light to decent 0
things YOU consider alt-right, arent alt-right. mocking islam, sjws/feminists, and trannies is alt-lite.
mocking islam, sjws/feminists, trannies, blacks, and jews, is alt-right.
There is literally nothing sexist about the term art hoe it's a name they gave themselves for fucks sake you pussy ass liberal
Sam Hyde isn't a nazi you retards. he literally said it was ironic. are you from reddit?
ironic nazi is still nazi
THIS. everyone isnt a NAZI
only nazis bait
He donated $5k to stormfront
All these post-ironic people are nazis and sex predators trying to dummy people into ignoring their natural "this guy is a fucking faggot" instincts by saying they're always being ironic or joking whenever its convenient
only nazis claim bait to hide their fuckups
Regardless if that's true, their fanbase mostly wittled away to the point where /pol/ paypigs are the only ones left
Stormfront is also an ironic website. they literally supported Corbyn. holy fuck you people are lost
their is a pretty clear line though if you aren't retarded. Charlottesville wasn't ironic, Habbo definitely was.
this articles old
the review he dropped today already has 100k lol
I mean, white societies are pretty good. Historically and even now, there are a lot of non-Europeans who would rather live as second class citizens in white countries than be first-class citizens in their own.
There is no line. I was there for all that shit dummy
That's pretty low considering this is his full time gig. He was getting numbers way higher than that back in 2013, which means his channel is contracting and not expanding
never understood christgau saying that females never crack fantanos top 10s though. its obviously not 50/50 between men and women (possibly just due to how the industry works these days), but there’s still definitely women ranking very highly on his lists year after year. Plus the “little interest in the pop end”? did he even do any research? there’s lot to criticize fantano for, but these few points aren’t strong at all
Is there a more thought-terminating term than "nazi"? Forget analyzing people's political stances, it's not mine so they're a nazi. And one of you faggots will call me a nazi for saying this this.
You're right, I prefer the term "baby raper" or "chomo" or "child molester"
white societies are good because they feel no remorse ransacking and exploiting other countries, even today.
White nationalism and anti semitism = nazi
Not that difficult
>There is no line. I was there for all that shit dummy
what difference does that make? only shows you are more bilnd.
explain how having an edgy sense of humor on the topic of nazism makes you a nazi
sam hyde has never been genuine about either of those
his second youtube channel almost has 1 million and his main is close to 2 million you're honestly not that retarded are you?
1. Because antisocials and psychopaths act in plain view this way
2. Having an 'edgy sense of humor on nazism' means you're a Nazi. Laughter is literally the human upvote system. Maybe that's why you hate redditors so much
you can't communicate with people and resort to making retarded poorly thought out defenses of the concept of nazism on Yea Forums. you should swallow a bottle of xanax and sit in a jacuzzi
But that's wrong you retard. European countries that didn't play the colonization game are just as well off as the ones that did.
Uh, that's really not that much with Youtube money dwindling and advertisers cracking down aggressively
All that shits faked anyway dumbass
Yes bulgaria and serbia are just paradise
only the ones that didn't get any sanctions from the allied powers.
the Chinese actually happened to start doing the same thing as the west recently, and look how much better they're doing.
Yes, communism is almost as bad as being African for your hypothetical country.
But Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Austria, Ireland, and Germany all point to colonization being a mixed bag at best for the relative wealth of European countries.
You need to pay more attention to people's actions rather than the jokes or inflammatory remarks they make.
Lol shut the fuck up commies
If you're right of Marxist, you're a fucking Nazi.
Lighten the fuck up you no-fun-allowed kike.
>user DESTROYS Ben Shapiro with FACTS and LOGIC (Full)
(i feel it too brother)
>Laughter is literally the human upvote system
that's not how it works autist. reddit really did a number on you
stop false flagging
Bend over son
No. Seriously. This is what leftists believe.
i dont care at all about his political view because he has good taste and i enjoy his insight on albums
He doesnt have any real political views or any real taste in music because he is nothing more than an opportunist who wants money
>le alt right boogeyman
Shillthony Shilltano
>Stormfront is also an ironic website
now there's a hot take
>he has good taste
he can't even dress himself
my mistake. meant Daily Stormer, that's what Sam Hyde donated to anyway, not Stormfront
Anthony Fantano goes to Africa once a year and rapes all the starving black kids
its called going on safari
Thats pretty based, hopefully he dies from AIDS
lmfao i knew it
guy's a real jerk!
Reddit strikes back
There's literally nothing wrong with being alt right. Leftists belong in concentration camps. (not being ironic)
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
Daily Stormer isn't ironic either, they're white nationalists
The aliens will abduct you and study your parts
this pasta is stale send it back
reminder there's nothing wrong with being a white nationalist
have you even seen the website? it's a caricature
Holy shit, I can't believe I swallowed the propaganda, reading their articles this site is hilarious
>quick scanned:
Yeah I'm gonna read this one now
Oy that's antisemitic goyim!
There, more obvious for you bud?
Look I fucking hate fantano and he is the worst kind of hack but I don't doubt he fully believes whatever it is he's going on about. His problem is not unlike what caused JonTron's conflict though, Fantano just keeps thinking it's not out of place for him to be making commentary on fucking 'controversial topics' or social justice shit or political shit and every time he does he just is trying so fucking hard to say the exact 'right' thing and to make like some kind of point, because like points from Anthony Fantano are a big fucking deal, right. He's forgetting he's just a music review man, who the fuck should care about his views on things like this. It's making his craft, which is music critique, so much less about the perspective and just so much more about him and his persona (which he does in more ways than just this but that's beside the point). And especially since the fader stuff this has only increased to where he's trying to go out of his way to appeal to people by showing that he has opinions that are supposedly not alt right and stuff, and I'm not doubting that the things he's picking to virtue signal with are things he believes in, but this is such a disgenuine thing that is muddying both his own voice and really just internet music culture altogether given his audience and influence.
>The "Fantano doesn't understand because he's a sweet boy" argument
He knows whats up. They all know whats up. You're either in the loop or a sucker.
You probably won't understand this, but posting these images of Shapiro with the jew shit makes him even less likeable than before. Literally playing devil's advocate here and throwing you a bone
I don't think it's a problem for him to post non-music related stuff on another channel.
If you don't care about his non-music related opinions, you can just ignore the other channel.
I mean, his music opinions don't really mean anything either, it's not like he's some sort of savant reviewer, he's just stating his opinion of the music he listens to.
literally who the fuck are any of these people
why the fuck does /wsg/ have more actual music than this place
Christgau's points are weak but he admits to not even watching the video in his entire critiques, I think he knows he's not the best person to comment on Fantano, he's just doing so because he was asked to.
Hirohito needs to ban e-celeb bullshit from every board, but instead lets it fester.
shills are using broken and outdated technology and its fucking funny like shoping in wal mart
no sound webms here
Nah, it just needs to be contained in its own board
You know, thats a real fucking disgrace now that I think of it
seriously why are the sound webms on the porn board but not the music board
dunno but apparently posting music you like makes you a 'shill'? As someone coming from Yea Forums after the GoT final, I'll say you seem to be less racist but it doesn't keep this place from having its own brand of annoying echo-chamber fartgas.
What does any of that faggot shit mean really
I also post on Yea Forums but GoT has really brought out a ridiculous amount of autism the board is fucked right now
Yeah agreed
GoT final season has been the most damaging thing for the internet since the 2016 election
Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, and Austria are though. Compare those to Portugal and Spain, which had huge empires and are relatively poor. What a fucking idiot.
Please do this
Do people still watch tv, what the fuck.
You're white, youre the idiot
Fucking nigger.
damn poor Adam
GoT is so fucking cringe. All these beta office job workers watching softcore porn and gore after sitting under flourescent light all day commenting about people's clothing. It's a weak society of losers and I for one am enjoying its collapse
is he....
/our guy/?
>The "Fantano doesn't understand because he's a sweet boy" argument
I don't even know what you're trying to say but that sentence is not at all something I'd agree with
Maybe in theory something like this is fine, but the other channel is a place where he is extremely vocal, and that kind of still detracts from anything else he does because that still builds to his image whether directly or indirectly
wouldn't really work, would need to be different for each individual board's e-celebs, too complex of a problem
A music reviewer discussion on Yea Forums should be fine, but when it comes to characters like Fantano it''s a bit out of control, and I don't think e-celeb things should be outright banned, but there's too much personality identity-based music threads, and that extends to the meme rapper spam threads from last year (6ix9ine, xxx, peep, etc) and spammed billie eilish threads and anyone else I'm forgetting, these threads are comments on public images and popular personas and both these artists and any threads about them are not focused on music
I don't even bother checking Yea Forums anymore and I won't until June. I thought we were all above capeshit and garbage fantasy shows but apparently not.
>GoT is so fucking cringe
>All these beta office job workers
>watching softcore porn
>commenting about people's clothing
maybe /your guy/ but not /my guy/
Oh Man facebook. How cool.
no that's gay adam
t. office worker
Mad I'm making mucho dinero and you live off neetbux, fatty?
have fun with the student debt and $50k a year
So is Anthony Fantano a Nazi?
I own several of you pathetic wagies
>office worker
>"mucho dinero"
worse he's a vegan
don't remind me that I'm not
I see him damage controlling on twitter and bashing the right at every chance. In reality he's just trying to distance himself from his past when he made Yea Forums inside jokes and catered to us.
it a vamp weekend review. who gives a fuck about them in 2019???
>worse he's a vegan
Studies have shown vegans exhibit strong fascist tendencies.
makes sense. hitler was a vegan too
>He was getting numbers way higher than that back in 2013
he literally wasn't retard
vegan is synonymous with fascist, have you seen what those crazy niggers are doing to their kids
Guess that's why he's considered an embarrassment now huh
And of those 100k views, how many are watching him purely out of mockery for his accelerating F-list celebrity burnout and inane psychobabble?
jesus christ christgau is obsessed with prog
Nah he’s a politically active outstanding citizen
He's a socdem
How are you supposed to know you don't like it unless you watch it? Moreover, if you read any opinions you don't like, how about you don't read them??
Hate this faggot
Is this the fresh new meme after gaslighting?
Christgau is such an unbearable faggot.
dude i fucking hate fantano but who gives a shit what christgau has to say
This thread sucks ass.
it’s because people have been sort of sick of fantano more and more, but he’s a much better alternative to a lot of other critics and is basically the only famous music reviewer that’s a millenial
How does Anthony liking those four albums indicate anything? He's given positive, glowing reviews to stuff like Solange in the past, so it's not like him liking that type of music is anything new. Four cherry-picked yellows out of dozens and dozens of reviews is not sound evidence for anything.
For all of Anthony's failings, I find him much more personable and articulate than Christgau. Anthony is at least somewhat open-minded to different types of music and is honest that he wouldn't have much to say if he discussed jazz. Christgau is just completely pretentious though.
kinda homophobic but ok
that's quite some cherry picking. he shat on right-wingers before the fader thing (the paul joseph watson), he reviewed pop albums positively before the christgau thing (carly rae jepsen, lorde, frank ocean, beyonce lemonade, paramore). creating an image like that is quite easy.
what i will say though is that he started having a political transformation already 10 years ago. i remember around 10 years ago he tweeted quite economic-conservative views, such as articles by the mises website.
Imagine thinking that derivative commercialized pop garbage is the same as Solange's Neo Soul
Maybe she's not special or rare but that's just a sad equivalence
You might as well like k-pop
Top kek
Everyday psychopath Anthony Fantano
>>subvert hiphop
>>breed well educated black heifer to show racial dominance
>>Act pro Hillary but really be pro trump
>>must be center of attention
>>freak out at negative press
>>basically Hitler lvl socialist.
Did I forget anything?
These leftist are all the same, pure psychopaths.
"Alt-rght" is a made up term
Nobody was "alt-right" in 2005.
Then suddenly the world turned into far left marxists and the normal people were now deemed the "other".
fantano is such a spineless c uck lmfao
bet he's salty that pewdiepie nabbed up his meme review series and got elon musk as a guest
honestly never heard a good review or recommendation from this guy but his videos seem well done
>Then suddenly the world turned into far left marxists
>Then suddenly the world turned into far left marxists
You retards should really stop using words without knowing their meaning, make you look like total mouthbreathers
>nobody was alt-right before the emergence of the alt-right
well fuck, well noticed
Shouldn't you be busy dilating your front holes?
Lmao you are just proving my point stupid /pol/tard
Ayy lmao
You are a mentally ill NPC who's political opinions are formed by trannies on tumblr.
>You are a mentally ill NPC
i havent watched fantano since 2015 but deleting this interview just proves that he's insecure. Was he even losing viewers from that fader interview or hes that much of a loser that he cares what uninsightful people think of him? Cause none of his viewers thought he was racist in any way
Yeah I never got the appeal of it, it looked boring as fuck.
LMAO at your life.
>implying I like zognald trump or the jewnited states
a liberal getting a taste of his own medicine just by being more open to joking about everything than the rest of liberals
Digits of absolute truth
Dialate your axe wound
Moonlighting is a relatively old term for working a second job.
Based Fantano sticking it to alt-right edgelords
No one knew what Sam was doing back then. Everyone thought he was just some super ironic "make fun of both sides" dude.
this is embarrassing lmao
Fantano is barely related to music, giving a shit about internet personalities at all is cringe.
its made up word tho
fucking beetroot head.
what's with the goddam fucked moustache?
all words are made up. it's the label that was applied to a successful new right-wing movement (although their ideas are old) all over the western countries: identitarians, right-wing xenophobic parties all over europe, trump in the US, milo yanopoopsomething, richard spencer, ...
This board needs a commie cleansing.
so in a nutshell, i hate zoomers.
theyre the ones who watch his junk channel anyways
you can not erase a historical necessity from existance. the US tried pretty hard yet the idea still exists and is manifested in multiple states.
forgot to
i never go on /tv but lurked yesterday because of the almighty spasm casm that was going on there
too funny
Well this got fucking derailed quick, holy fuck
imagine being 300 replies angry at a youtuber.
No shit retard.
Bro this is a two year old article
That channel was fucking dope and the nu media cabal just needed a scapegoat.
at least they still have sneed
christgau is so based
when did Yea Forums become /pol/ ?
>Stormfront is also an ironic website
Why does this board love to talk about Fantano so much?
'cause he's one of us
It's not. A bunch of /pol/ immigrants regularly try to come in, only to find they can't survive here among our modern western values. They mainly confine themselves to sucking each other off in e-cleb threads so it is no biggy.
People like you don't actually exist
it seemed like pretty much everybody who followed him took his side and realised that hit piece made no sense.
he's just a huge pussy who cares way too much that some extreme minority thinks he's a racist for making slightly edgy jokes.
wtf I love Sam Hyde now
Actually the truth of the matter is the majority of oldfags have always been what you little tumblrina queers would describe as "poltards".
t. 2016 electionfag reddit migrant
its fantano himself most of the time. he lurks here and pumps up his own importance.
just like inflating condoms, but he only seems to get semen on his own mouth
frankly its tiresome
t. 15 year old tourist
there's a huge difference between not being a generic liberal faggot and an obnoxious polack who turns everything into "muh jews", "muh feminism" or "muh niggers"
Wow summer already?
trips confirm
Two sides of the same coin as far as I care
I've been coming here for 14 years.
Shut the fuck up you nigger jew faggot.
Go chew on some foreskins.
Calm down sweetie, no one said you weren't a loser.
You flannel wearing cocksucking LGBTQPSJW fucks are the cancer ruining Yea Forums.
Fantano is a huge faggot but I hope at the very least he can turn some of the flannel wearing zoomers over to the light side.
I hope you all perish in a heap of dilators and tampons.
245 posts... Why?
Okay bud
literally no one since sonic youth btfo of him decades ago
I've been coming in your lunch for 14 years too! What a coincidence!