What are Yea Forums's thoughts on The United States of America and their one and only album?

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on The United States of America and their one and only album?

Attached: 220px-Unitedstatesamericaalbum.jpg (220x220, 15K)

good, but overrated because of broadcast fans and scaruffi drones
its nothing that the worlds most popular band weren't doning really

It's a mess and there are only like 2 good tracks on it.

they're filthy COMMIES

I prefer The Nation of Ulysses

love song for the dead che is unspeakably beautiful. cloud song too.

Fifty Foot Hose is better imo.

the social satire of "I won't leave my wooden wife for you, sugar" has aged like milk
mildly interesting on first listen but nothing special, and no deep secrets to reward repeated listening. it deserves its obscurity

I like the slide whistle

Haven't listened to that record in a long time but I remember it being decent. Bands like Silver Apples and White Noise were much better at mixing rock/pop electronic though imo, this band just sounds like Jefferson Airplane but a little more experimental.

Goodtime Music or whatever the fuck it’s called is pretty good

what psych pop from the 60s is better? to me its that white noise and silver apples. for essentials 60s psych pop. (and smile but it was never really released in the 60s)

>white noise
>silver apples
terrible bands. being innovative (which they weren't, but whatever) doesn't make something good.

i like them. its good pop imo. interesting creative and early use of electronics. and id argue being innovative in fact does make something at least interesting (assuming you are interested in musical history and how it has developed and changed through time). im just wondering if you have any 60s psych pop or pop rcok you do like. not really trying to argue just want recs.

unironically the Beatles
John Lennon was so much cleverer than any of these dorks it's not even a contest.
The Who also had much better songs (Pictures of Lily?)
also: Os Mutantes, The Red Krayola, The Fugs are all much more interesting. I've never listened to SF Sorrow but I can't imagine it's worse.

strawberry alarm clock

I prefer The Presidents of the United States of America.

beatles and the who are way more boring imo.maybe just cause their sound i associate with capitalism and corporatism and tons of shitty pop rock to follow.

and oh yea os mutantes are fantastic. forgot them. id rank them actually as the best 60s psych pop maybe. and some other tropicalia and mbp from the 60s is excellent. fugs and red krayola are cool too. but in terms of american or british pop rock i still think white noise, silver apples, and the usa are excellect. maybe there are smaller private press records and stuff ive never heard? idk i dont see why you need to dismiss them when theres not a ton i see them competing with

How sweet to be a clooouudd. :)

>it's good because it's obscure
>it's bad because it's popular
>it's good because it sounds vaguely out of the norm
>it's good because the songwriting is at the level of a 5 year old but it has some poorly integrated electronic elements

>i associate with capitalism and corporatism

The Monks is another group that wipes the floor with these guys
the first captain beefheart album Safe as Milk
Silver Apples is OK but like USA their stuff doesn't really hold up that well. I don't know White Noise
>i associate them with capitalism and corporatism
Yeah it's hard to evaluate them in a neutral way because of their success. I think this success is well-deserved and if you examine their songs you will find craftsmanship that is nowhere to be found on these kinds of records.

There is no guitar played on the fucking album. All electric violin as a substitute. That’s already something popular bands weren’t doing in a rock setup

(Before muh John Cale. There’s still guitar in those songs though)