What absolute faggot thinks that Souvlaki is better than Loveless?
I see this wholeheartedly wrong opinion on here often.
What absolute faggot thinks that Souvlaki is better than Loveless?
A virgin
loveless is one of the most overrated albums of all time so
just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s overrated
if anything lovelessnis underrated in the annals of music
ive seen this opinion posted so many times that im almost immune to it. but every now and then it manages to trigger me
Souvlaki: 8.5/10
Loveless: 7/10
Souvlaki is better. Loveless is just a bunch of kitchen appliances malfunctioning at once.
both are pretty shit
They are both fantastic in their own way, there are usually days I prefer one over the other, so I don't think comparing them is that fair
God Fodder is better than both
Loveless is the most overrated album of all time
This is fault of the "shoegaze" tag that makes two differents bands being compare as they had something else similar than some mood.
Are you that one guy who keeps spamming that Loveless is noise pop? If so, may I ask you have much real shoegaze like Ride and Slowdive do I need to listen to to become such a texturally deaf cunt?
always knew Souvlaki was better, but seeing them perform it live proved it even harder
God Souvlaki is so boring
Loveless may be overrated but it's still better than Souvlaki
Souvlaki isn't inherently better than Loveless.
It's When the Sun Hits that's better than anything any other shoegaze band has ever put out.
Kinda true. But Only Shallow is about as good
more like souvlaki cringe station
Rachel > Bilinda tho
Go beg for more autographs Ricky
You dumb botch
Literally retarded
Only half the songs on Souvlaki are great/God tier
When The Sun Hits, Alison, Dagger, Souvlaki Space Station, Machine gun
The rest is really not up to that quality level excepting maybe 40 dayz
Loveless is God tier front to back excepting touched debatably
Nowhere is infinitely better than either of these.
>pic related
its not lmao kill yourself
maybe I would have agreed if you didn’t fuck that up