Daily reminder rap is not music

Daily reminder rap is not music

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You mad boomer?
Meanwhile you probably get mad when Spotify bans Skrewdriver

>using spotify
nah, I'm good

fucking based
fuck white people

>rap is not music
How so?

Yes yes yes!!!!!! KILL THE WHITES!!!!! EUROPE WILL FALL!!!!!!



thanks for the content farm headline dude
i totally care
must really suck being bottom rung at your precinct and having to do faggy shit like this all day

Daily reminder that the word "music" doesn't imply merit and that there can, in fact, be music that you do not like

Isn't France one of the most racially tolerant European countries?

Yes. And as well all know, inviting many diverse strangers into your home has zero negative repercussions

what no thats crazy talk

Just like hate speech is just, in fact, literature you don't like, right?

no not really

nah it's only literature when it's done well
HP Lovecraft

based and fuck you

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Europe never got up in the first place. Fucking degenerates ruined the world for everyone else. All that shitty post-modern cultural marxism all the right wingers hate? Western philosophy. Kiddy diddling? Enshrined and praised in Western canon. Faggotry? Used to be not tolerated until Alexander the Gay spread "Western enlightenment" everywhere.

Name ONE (1) good thing that western culture has EVER done and ONE (1) good reason that the far more morally upstanding Asian and Middle Eastern cultures shouldn't take over. While they do have their faults, most of those stem directly from Western corruption, and they still are far less degenerate than anything in the West.



Who cares about that trash?

rap is audible noise
all audible noise has 'musical' quality

this is the most retarded post of the day

>t. 7 iq
no shit its music the point is that it has transcended the realm of entertainment and entered the realm of unveiled propaganda and hostile intent. its not a concerted effort by muh jooz or something, this is their subconscious drive that they all share. they all must fight and rape and pillage. its a war cry, stupid

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why is this mayoid woman taking a shit in the snow?

White people, goddamn...

They have been truly enriched. Look at the wonderful marseille rap scene

>its not a concerted effort by muh jooz or something, this is their subconscious drive that they all share. they all must fight and rape and pillage. its a war cry, stupid

You are correct that this kind of thing is a expression of a primal drive but who do you think is responsible for giving it a platform? People have all kinds depraved desires but why do you think this particular theme of black domination of whites is readily accessible in mainstream media? Who could be behind this?

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>paul joseph watson
you know, for some reason I think that headline might be sensationalized