>Yea Forums thinks /pol/ is their ally
Yea Forums thinks /pol/ is their ally
lmao why would anyone want those retarded edgy teenagers as allies?
Who ever said this faggot? Yea Forums is in top five most liberal boards
fuck niggers and kikes
you're not? ok good leave
I would much MUCH rather have /pol/ than redditors
>/pol/ thinks anyone is their ally
They are right up our alleys, trying to tongue our shitters and make us their friends.
me too, but I would much rather have cancer than /pol/
Yea Forums allies:
Yea Forums, /fa/, /ck/
/pol/ allies:
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums
no one here thinks that
everyone on Yea Forums knows poltards and conservatives in general are subhuman and cant make good art, especially music
same thing now. /r/T_D is the biggest political subreddit next to /r/politics
fuck that glownigger astroturf hellhole and fuh-huh-huck wigger nationalism
fuck social democrats too suck my dick bitch
yallz's some stooges real talk real talk real talk
fuck the government
fuck o9a
fuck dengism
i'm your dad
those are the exact same group though
/pol/ REKT
>Yea Forums is /pol/ ally
Lmao ok bud
fitlit + mu with outlaw sp characteristics let's fucking go
nazi music is shit but im still a white supremacist uwu
outside of r/the_donald, reddit is insanely liberal. More liberal than most sites on the internet. The reason the donald is so big is because it is the ONLY spot on reddit that conservatives and right wingers who don’t know about Yea Forums can post comfortably Seriously, try discussing trump or politics anywhere else on reddit and see what happens
shouldn’t you be playing fortnite right now Bryce
racism is bad
listen to their industrial music it's alright
Even the far left industrial bands like ministry and kmfdm are way better
saying racial slurs online is funny and cute
what no ew, can’t we just have neither?
Even then at least redditors actually talk about music, /pol/ just walks in with pants full of shit and thinks they owned you cause you had to smell it.
Yikes kys faggot
>Fuck o9a
Can I join your cult
What are the other five?
we're loners
Yea Forums
it is tho
literally nobody thinks that retard
okay? the common denominator is that both are retards
Wow great argument rageposter
>I would much MUCH rather have redditors obsessed with politics than redditors
oof. yikes
>far left anarchist/marxist-leninist
thats better
ok libby libberson
oh noooooo oh NO NO NO Yea Forums btfo
>/pol/ and Yea Forums
no. maybe American spee
mfw g is my only ally
/pol/ are redditors
Does it? Jeeeez
Reminder 4channel has always been a right wing politics website