>I'm sorry I can't just be a normal person. I tried i really tries as hard as i could but in the end this is all i could achieve, being a worthlwss fucking hikkikomori shitposter. Don't worry. I am too scared to kill myself but I'll be sure to remain isolated and when the time finally does come for whatever reason I'll just die quietly and silently in a hole somewhere like a dog does when the time comes.
Music for this feel
I'm sorry I can't just be a normal person...
Other urls found in this thread:
why not embrace being a nolifer but substitute learning for masturbation and self-loathing?
I barely listened to a couple of his tracks but I guess Crywank
When I learn things it just makes me more depressed. Any time you delve into philosophy or history the same thing just plays out. Someone asks a question and develops an answer that just leads to more questions. Someone tries to build a decent society and it implodes and is replaced with something shittier. Nobody has any answers and the only real point to life is the boring acceptance of contentment or the ruthless pursuit of power or wealth. None of that interests me anymore and to be perfectly honest I don't have the energy or the mental abilities anymore. I barely can sit through movies I used to enjoy or albums I used to love I can't even begin to try and ponder anything beyond just existing and trying to not think about anything so I don't constantly feel like I'm having a fucking heart attack
Chill and have a beer. You are wound up way too tight.
Go to r9k you worthless fuck we don’t care about your problems here we are just trying to shitpost
kill yourself retarded wojakposter
your self-deprecating bullshit isn't cute, you're just a worthless nuisance
>whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine abloo bloo bloo whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine my feelings are important pay attention to my feelings whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine
I fucking hate blogposters. WE DON’T CARE
Lol gay nerd just do heroin and jerk off in front of cops then faggot
Based lower middle class/ upper working class late-teen or twentysomething
I need a doctor...
Call me a doctor... (for real)
Isn't music just a more sophisticated way to blogpost, though?
Musicians are good at it (ideally)
Even people on the internet care ab u, you have meaning. Don't listen to music that will make it worse
I suppose, but they make it entertaining and interesting though. I wouldn’t buy an album of some guy reading his personal problems to me in a monotone voice
fuck off OP, kill yourself
go practice.
I'm sorry
Yeah you probably should go talk to a doctor. Normal functioning humans aren't supposed to feel that way, and anyone who calls you a "pussy" for it is a sadist who enjoys your pain. Most of the people on Yea Forums will provide that kind of a response, and society is fucked right now
What's a doctor going to do other than show pills down his throat to make him a "normal functioning human".
nobody cares, apologies rejected, just kill yourself, no forgiveness until you rot
he's a whiny bitch, he doesn't deserve any better
predatory humans sadly can't use this route because they're incapable of personal development, they can only be ordered
omnivorous humans have the ability to meditate and self-improve, that is more or less what a doctor will help you get to the point of...
I don't want to I just want to be a hikki for as long as I can and then be homeless after that then just die after that whenever it happens
I spent 3 years trying to get better last time and I'm back at square 1. It's useless
Even after all that you’re still whining for pity (you)s, you are pathetic, just delete the thread senpai
my god what will it take for you to get the fucking message?
Well, sounds like you will either join us or die then.
this but unironically
fuck these guys
if it's proof enough even people who don't know you care for your well being. the best i can say is get professional help and life is what you make of it.
also def listen to crywank