lets make vocaloid chart
/Vocaloid General/
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no xD
good idea, make sure to put this one on it
it's a good idea since the general on /jp/ just consists of fanart and never discussions of the actual music
is that the girl from dominos pizza?
Kikuo, Siinamota and Pinochio-P are a must
eutopia boiz rise up
this or kikuo miku 2/3
best classic song
UtsuP and KanimosoP please
Making the chart
That compilation is the only vocaloid-related music I have listened to that I haven’t outright disliked
Where should I go from there?
You can try this
lowbell did a pretty solid album for the re;mo circle called nanairo
All three in pic
> Ikiru - siinamota
> Yume no Manimani - siinamota
> Alterour Setsuna Pop - siinamota
Three of the greatest albums ever made. The latter two are in my all-time favorite albums. Made by an artist who's been hall of famed multiple times, yet they don't have half the recognition of other vocaloid albums.
Definitely check out Alterour Setsuna Pop.
if cover albums are allowed
rolling girl makes me cry
not vocaloid, but high pitched, heavily processed jpop w amazing production
what kind of albums you want from siinamota and pinochio-p?
Should I pick Moksha,Warufuzake, or Algorithm? Does kanimiso p worth listening to?
What do you guys think so far? do you guys have anymore suggestions?
kanimiso's album is disposable pop, nothing else like bacterial contamination
add this instead
I really like uzP's Piano Heart but I don't know if it deserves to be on a chart or not.
any muryoku p?
first track on mikgazer always hits me like a train
This what I have so far.
sorry about that
Wow! I was listening to this album when I was washing the dishes. This album is pretty crazy; like machine girl crazy.
any more suggestions?
I don't have anything to add, but I saved the chart, they look like nice recc's. Thanks for the thread OP!
Eh, no problem. I'm glad someone is enjoying the thread so far. It's so hard to find good albums to put on the chart, maybe I shouldn't limit it to one album per artist.
You're a fucking moron, KanimosoP transcends genre.
Check out from Sasakure . UK
thanks OP btw for the thread, I'll save the chart and try to expand on it later, you got a good selection there