i love this thing so much
can anybody suggest me albums with same vibe?
I love this thing so much
Other urls found in this thread:
The Cure - Faith
You can tell interpol took allot of influence from the cure
There’s nothing quite like this album that I’ve heard at least.
Second worst track on the album desu, don't be like that OP
Shit, not even their own other material sounds like this album. It has something really special about it. Don’t have the words right now.
Afghan Whigs gentlemen
There are other albums with a similar vibe. Look at the albums posted in this thread.
I agree senpai. The word you're looking for is atmosphere.
Certain The Cure, kinda. Afghan Wigs not so much. I’m not so convinced.
They were influenced by the Afghan Whigs and i can hear it on quite a few songs on the album.
That’s the word
Is there any point in seeing them live? Do they even play TONTBL tracks frequently enough compared to their later output?
I listened to shitton of albums that was called "man they are like Interpol debut" and here is nothing like that. From Joy Division, The Chameleons and Nick Cave to Editors, Soror Dolorosa and The National. N O T H I N G
I saw them live late 2018 and they were amazing. The TOTBL songs I remember them playing were Untitled, NYC, Roland, and Leif Erickson.
Also played a few from each album (besides self titled). Their show really balanced their whole discography.
Banks' voice sounds stale on the latest album but he really sounds great live. Even makes some of the Marauder songs moving.
Also their light shows are gorgeous
Im sorry you couldnt find anything that sounded 100% exactly like your bog-standard """atmospheric""" post-punk featuring garbage word-salad lyrics sang in the most melodramatic pitch the singer could squeeze through his poorly tied necktied throat
The new Fews album takes some inspiration from Interpol. Good album too
>half of post is about lyrics and vocals whereas most people actually like Interpol for the instrumentation
Not him but I'll admit I love the really unprofessional lyrics ("my best friends' a butcher and umm he has a beard") coupled with their clearly professional attire and mannerisms.
Just saw them last week. Like the other poster said, they do a good job balancing all of their discography live, but they played four or five songs off totbl. The other songs they played weren’t too bad, but stuff like roland was definitely the best part of the show. I’d say it was worth it.