I can’t take it anymore, bros... What should a 22 yo loser listen to to get a girlfriend? I spent 4 years of my life sitting at home and playing vidya, I have no friends and my social skills are extremely low. How am I supposed to make a girl interested in me or even make her laugh when I’m fucking autistic???
I can’t take it anymore, bros... What should a 22 yo loser listen to to get a girlfriend...
Other urls found in this thread:
>attempting to change your music taste in order to obtain gf
You're beyond saving OP
real advice.
go out to a bar in your city every night, drink yourself stupid, listen to music and hit onto anything you want to stick your dick in with a heartbeat
youre welcome
It’s not working
perfect album
Shit yourself with vodka and hit on bitches. Thats the easiest way
Go to a bar/club, drink alcohol and hit on people. It's that simple. I'm a pretty average looking, overweight guy and I have bagged a few 7-8/10s just by being confident (drunk) and making them laugh.
Why do you care so much? The more you want something to happen the less it does. Just be laid back and be yourself. It works.
Pay a prostitute and stop torturing yourself.
But std
You're not immortal are you?
>only four years at home
>wants a girlfriend
You should just kill yourself
What’s wrong?
hit the gym
eat healthy
approach women in public fucking constantly
dont tell them your views on black people
Learn to play an instrument. Play fucking wonderwall or some shit
>approach women in public fucking constantly
easy on the being from a non autismo culture
>approach women in public fucking constantly
I’ll just creep them away, I tried man
>All these posts pretending it isn't too late
How great it must be to be a normie who thinks depression is having a bad couple of days and that feeling better after doing some leg exercises means they actually overcame something
It's funny that you fags can't just admit that everything boils down to there being good humans and shit ones and the shit ones are doomed. You know deep down inside you achieved whatever you have because you were always meant to but you still try to put a square into a circle by saving faggots like me and OP cuz you can't accept you didn't work for shit particularly if you're a semi attractive woman
Fuck all of you
It's much too late at 22
find a therapist bro.
Starting lifting
But also develop a personality.
Only truthful post in this thread
>be me
>22 year old virgin
>started therapy about a year ago
>finally not repressing shit
>social anxiety is getting a lot better
>mfw I'm learning to value myself
>mfw the future is bright
forgot pic
1) you're going to fall back into the pit eventually
2) you aren't and thus you will prove that people are destined to do what they do
There's literally no such thing as "temporary" mental illness. Do you see a bunch of schizophrenic or blackpilled billionaires and politicians walking around? Are suicide rates insanely high among bodybuilders or trannies? Do more women or more men commit suicide? Etc etc. You might not fall back into the pit and good for you but it's not because you intentionally changed anything from within it's because that's the trajectory of your life. Free will is a myth invented to give the shit on the bottom of society a reason not to blow their brains out because "maybe one day if you just keep working hard and making people who are enjoying their lives money while you stare into the mirror and try not to smash your face into it every night when you go home" etc and people are really doubling down on it now that civilization has developed to where it needs filth less than ever.
I spent 3 years of my life climbing out of the pit only to get kicked in the face and tumble even further down then where I started. I don't have the energy to delude myself into doing that allover again. Meanwhile all of the people I used to call friends or family are going off succeeding or have died due to their own problems, Many of them also trying very hard to change.
I guess we all just chose it tho lol. People choose to want to sit around asking why they don't just deepthroat a gun or start shooting up heroin all day everyday because it's fun haha that's how it works
Fuck you
>social anxiety
Try having actual mental problems
this, grow up and being a man, dude.
I can make girls laugh easily but can't get them to fuck. Shit sucks desu
I feel for you user. I'm sorry. I hope that things aren't as bad as you claim and that it's your mental illness that is making it all seem so bleak. But who knows.
Fuck off cunt, I'm 25 severe chronic mdd and I'll always be depressed and self-medicating but I'm still gonna make it. Literally git gud scrub
If you tell yourself it’s hopeless then it is, if you tell yourself it’s not hopeless then it isn’t. It’s that simple. Now go fuck yourself
Someone's jealous.
I Believe in you bloomer OP! You got this!
rude. what metal problems do you have that make it so much harder for you?
>I'm still gonna make it.
if that's really how you felt you would kys, you fucks just wanna hang around being epic sadboi doomers
>it's that simple
Yeah dude driving s nail through your hand is something people do on purpose cuz it feels good haha
That last one is impossible
>You can't be genuinely depressed unless you kill yourself
Therapy and cardiovascular excercise will do wonders for your confidence and mental state.
Dont tailor your hobbies and interests to what you think will impress other people.
>says the guy that thinks you can't be depressed unless you're a total piece of shit with literally nothing going for you
pussy really ain't that a big of a deal m8
It is hopeless but you should push on anyway
If you're blackpilled and suicidal, take a banker, ceo, or politician with you
based as fuck post
This. Neets think they’re safe but these rich fucks and politicians won’t stop till anybody outside of their circle is required by law to be void of any individuality or comfort whatsoever.
>What should a 22 yo loser listen to to get a girlfriend?
He's just some zoomer faggot.
dude, think about it. if you were on the receiving side, would you let just anyone inside you?
no. standards and being choosy can save your life by protecting your literal innards.
keep making girls laugh. that's awesome and genuine (hopefully). build up trust with someone and you might just get intimate in ideally a state of mutual arousal.
I didn't say that faggot. I said that people are destined they don't make themselves into shit and that usually people who say "just stop being sad" when conflicted with someone who is probably doomed usually have never actually experienced true hopelessness
It's cute that you can't accept that your life isn't your own creation tho and have to throw a little temper tantrum because the cultural zeitgeist tells everyone they're just autonomous individuals with no sort of the to anyone and everything good or bad that happens to them is literally just because they didn't "try" hard enough and only reserves the truth of determinism for cases where it can't be denied such as cancer patients or whatever (and even then they usually still pretend there's a chance cuz u can milk them for an extra 200k on the way down)
I'm glad you got to be one of the good people user it really is better that way you lucked out tho you didn't do shit
I'm a diagnosed schizoid
how can I reach these kids?
get over it pussy
Ahh sorry to hear that man, I hear it’s a pretty rough deal even on medication. Some people are doomed but you’re not gonna know for sure unless you try to get better. I didn’t have a single friend from 5th grade to my second year at college, I couldn’t even look people in the eye and was diagnosed with aspergers in 10th grade. I know what it’s like to feel like gutter sludge and to hate myself and truly believe that’s the objectively correct way to look at it. I still ended up having a few meaningful relationships and good friends eventually. On top of some fulfilling hobbies.