Anyone else in their early 20s feel really out of place with their taste in music?
Anyone else in their early 20s feel really out of place with their taste in music?
>entry level krautrock
would you say that you were born in the wrong generation?
Of course you can even feel left out with generic mucore taste. Music is the only type of art normalfags care so their taste doesnt exceed top40 + 5-6 classic rock/metal bands at most
i feel you OP. i used to keep up with music trends but i fell off a while ago. im not saying music being released now is all bad, i just find more reward in sifting through popular music history. probably not a healthy mindset if youre trying to make new friends but i understand where youre coming from
>le wrong generation post
lose your youtube login or what?
That's the most early 20's thing to say as well. You'll learn that everybody has out of place taste in music. The reason you only hear people play pop music or whatever is because that's the only music people feel comfortable playing in front of others. I guarantee most people have more eclectic tastes when alone.
i guess, but i don't really care too much
also anyone else ever notice how kids these days are always on their damn smartphones? what's the deal with that?
this is the most onions post I've ever read.
>entry level
Post good krautrock fagcunt. Better than NEU. I’d love to hear it.
i can't stand being in the metro and just looking at my feet or awkwardly staring at the person in the front so i lurk Yea Forums instead
op here pretty much the same
>neu is entry level krautrock but can isnt
not trying to say can is bad but they are literally the first band mentioned when someone asks what krautrock is
>he doesn't think that everybody is beautiful and unique
how u gonna give OP shit for being entry level and then recc Can?
>inb4 >>xkcd
i think it's easier to gain an appreciation for artists when there's context and a lack of hype surrounding them. Being able to track a lineage of records and scenes from beginning to end is much more satisfying than listening to random things just because they are new and often discussed
I love ~2010 dubstep, could listen to it all day
what a retard. neck yourself
23 here. I don't feel out of place so much as I feel like I haven't met the right people. I go to concerts and I see people my age, and I knew one or two people in school who I could go to shows with sometimes, but once I got really into /shugazi/ stuff I felt pretty isolated.
i try to read more now that I'm commuting on the NYC subway every day
Imagine thinking listen shoegaze makes you isolated in NY. You must be a real autist because every damn girl I know who lives there pretends to love shoe gaze.
Should have specified in my circle of friends.
I hang out with actors, mostly. Didn't get in good with the art heaux when I was in art school.
there's people of all ages listening to all kinds of music, you just have to look for them
and there's nothing wrong with that
Can(not that band) anybody suggest me a band/bands like Amon Duul(1/2) and pärson sound
Parson Sound related, but have you checked out International Harvester yet?
it's a good meta-ironic comic.